
huò bì liú tōnɡ sù dù
  • Velocity of currency circulation;velocity of money in circulation
  1. 虽然美联储(Fed)已开始缩减量化宽松计划,但如果货币流通速度意外上升,美联储或许无法足够快地收缩债券购买,以防止美国的货币供给提速。

    Even though the Federal Reserve has started to taper its quantitative easing programme , should velocity unexpectedly rise it may not be able to taper fast enough to keep growth in the US money supply from accelerating .

  2. 利用我国居民边际消费倾向的估计值和货币流通速度的平均值数据,我们度量了我国财政支出变化对GDP变化的影响程度,得出我国实行的扩张性财政政策有效的结论。

    Making use of the estimate of the marginal propensity to consume and the mean value of the velocity of money , we measure the effect of changes of fiscal expenditure on the change of GDP , and conclude that the expansionary fiscal policies in China are effective .

  3. 采用Johansen协整检验估计得到货币流通速度的回归方程,结果显示股票价格上涨对货币流通速度有负向的影响。

    Estimating the model of money circulation velocity by Johansen Cointegration , we find that the price increase of the stock impacts the currency circulation velocity in an negative way .

  4. 得出金融创新的基本源泉,就是对反复无常和不确定的宏观经济政策做出的市场反映;金融创新的一个政策结论就是,通过加强政策措施对货币流通速度,从而对名义GNP产生影响;

    One of the theories concluded from financial innovation is that , by strengthening policy measures to influence currency flow speed and thus influence nominal GNP , financial innovation can weaken the function of GNP and Ml as intermediate policy .

  5. 我国货币流通速度变化的原因探析

    Cause Anlysis on the Decrease of China 's Velocity of Money

  6. 引进外资对我国货币流通速度的影响

    Effects of Foreign Capital Introduction on the Money Velocity in China

  7. 货币流通速度时常变化加大货币需求测量难度;

    Currency circulation speed often change to increase currency demand measure difficulty ;

  8. 资产替代、金融市场交易和货币流通速度的稳定性

    Asset Substitution , Financial Market Trading and Money Velocity Stability

  9. 宏观经济学不能回避对货币流通速度的研究

    Macroeconomics Cannot Evade the Study of Velocity of Money Circulation

  10. 格塞尔表明,更快的货币流通速度有助于打败通货紧缩。

    Gesell argued that a higher velocity of money helps combat deflation .

  11. 货币流通速度的变化与经济波动的实证分析

    Empirical Study on Change of Monetary Velocity and Economic Fluctuation

  12. 我国货币流通速度变动对货币政策的影响

    How China 's Monetary Velocity Fluctuation Influences Monetary Policy

  13. 货币流通速度的统计表述及其决定因素

    Statistical statement and determinants of circulation velocity of money

  14. 支付系统的发展与货币流通速度变化分析

    The Development of Payment System and the Change of Velocity of Currency Circulation

  15. 1980-2000年中国货币流通速度分析

    Behavior of Velocity of Money in China : 1980-2000

  16. 货币流通速度,是货币经济学中重要且复杂的议题。

    Monetary velocity is an important and complex topic in the monetary economics .

  17. 我国货币流通速度研究货币中的防伪技术

    The Research on Monetary Velocity in China MONEY HISTORICAL

  18. 并检验了货币流通速度的稳定性。

    And test the stability of monetary liquidity .

  19. 我国货币流通速度计量分析

    A Quantitative Study on the Velocity of Money in China QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Quantitative trabeculectomy

  20. 货币流通速度的变化:中国的例证(1978&1997)

    The Changes in the Velocity of Money : Example from China ( 1978-1997 )

  21. 资产证券化具有提高货币流通速度和降低货币市场均衡利率水平的作用;

    Assets securitization may speed up money circulation and decrease equilibrium interest rates in money market ;

  22. 不稳定的货币流通速度必然导致货币量中介目标无效吗?

    Unstable money velocity must induce the inefficacy of money aggregate being used as intermediate target ?

  23. 货币流通速度的平稳变化似乎也说明了我国货币需求的稳定性。

    Moderate fluctuation of money velocity seems to indicate the stability of money demand in China .

  24. 这四个因素对中国货币流通速度的影响是不同的。

    Degree of financial modernization , interest rate and saving rate are the most significant factors .

  25. 货币流通速度与货币供应量之间究竟呈现多大的影响关系;

    What the exact relation in metrology between the monetary velocity and the money amount is .

  26. 根据收入型的费雪方程,货币流通速度决定货币流量,从而决定收入。

    According to Fisher equation of income type , monetary velocity determines money flow then income .

  27. 中国货币流通速度下降的影响因素:一个新的分析视角

    Determinants of the Decline in Income - Velocity of Money in China : A New Perspective

  28. 货币流通速度;

    Velocity of money circulation ;

  29. 货币流通速度下降削弱了货币扩张的效应;

    The rate of the circulation of money is decling , which weakens the effect of money supply ;

  30. 关注货币流通速度的变化&提高货币政策有效性的重要环节

    The Changes of China Currency Circulation Speed & The Important Factor to Improve the Efficiency of China Currency Policy