
  • 网络health;health condition;health status
  1. 我们不清楚他的健康情况如何,但起码知道他仍然活着。

    We 've no idea what his state of health is but at least we know he is still alive

  2. 他问起她的健康情况。

    He inquired after her health .

  3. (good的比较级)在健康情况上变得更好。

    ( comparative of ` good ' ) changed for the better in health or fitness .

  4. 目的探讨声振刺激试验(VAST)在产时估价胎儿宫内健康情况的作用。

    Objective To assess the value of vibratory acoustic stimulation test ( VAST ) in evaluating fetal well-being in labor .

  5. 本文对从事视屏显示终端(VDT)作业的361名女工和484名对照的生殖机能及其子代健康情况进行了调查分析。

    The reproductive function and health of the offspring were analysed for 361 women exposed to VDT and 484 controls .

  6. IT公司率先嗅到了进入医疗卫生市场的方法:谷歌的Health和微软的HealthVault都能让消费者跟踪自己的健康情况以及记录治疗情况。

    IT firms are nosing their way into the health-care market : Google Health and Microsoft HealthVault both allow consumers to track their health and record their treatments .

  7. Kuo教授称,大自然和绿色的环境可以让我们受益良多,并有助于提高认识能力,增强自我约束力和对冲动的控制力,对于整体的心理健康情况而言都是有好处的。

    Prof Kuo said that access to nature and green environments yields better cognitive functioning , more self-discipline and impulse control , and greater mental health overall .

  8. 方法对60例颈椎病患者进行一般情况调查,汉密顿焦虑量表(HAMA)、汉密顿抑郁量表(HAMD)、健康情况调查问卷(SF-36)评定。

    Methods 60 cervical syndrome patients were assessed by Hamilton Depression Rating Scale for Depression ( HAMD ), Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale for Anxiety ( HAMA ) and the Short-Form-36 Health Suruey ( SF-36 ) .

  9. 结果ICSI组受精率明显高于IVF组,IVF和ICSI两组早期胚胎发育情况、产科结局、围生情况及出生后婴儿的健康情况差异无显著性意义。

    Results There were no significant differences in early embryonic development , obstetric outcomes , perinatal situation and neonatal health condition between IVF and ICSI . The fertilization rate of ICSI was significantly higher than that of IVF .

  10. 采用Achenbach儿童行为量表,家庭社会情况及儿童健康情况问卷,部分病例并采用韦氏智力量表检查智商。

    The questionnaire was composed of Achenbach child behavior checklist , family social condition and children health condition . The intelligence quotient of some cases was examined with Wechsler intelligence scales .

  11. 该公司表示,目前一半的Glow用户都不是为了受孕,而是用它来了解自己的健康情况,比如是否有子宫内膜异位的迹象(该公司没有说明Glow的用户总数)。

    Today , Glow reports that half of its users aren 't even trying to get pregnant - they use the app to take advantage of the insights it can provide , such as warning signs for endometriosis . ( The company won 't say how many people in total are using it . )

  12. 不同程度烧伤患者的心理状态及综合健康情况

    Mental state and general health in burnt patients of different degrees

  13. 中学生心理健康情况的统计分析

    An Investigating Report on the Psychological Health of Middle School Students

  14. 由于健康情况不佳,他决定离职退休。

    His health failing , he decided to retire from office .

  15. 谢谢你问候我的健康情况。

    Thank you for your enquiry / enquiries about my health .

  16. 高校受处分学生心理健康情况研究&大学生弱势群体研究课题成果之四

    The research on the mental health of the punished college students

  17. 过去,需要在现场亲自对病人的健康情况进行监视。

    Traditionally , patient healthcare monitoring is performed live , in person .

  18. 这些化学物质的指纹图谱变化可提示人体的健康情况。

    These chemical fingerprints can provide clues to the body 's health .

  19. 固定矫治器治疗的儿童口腔健康情况调查

    Investigation report on oral health of children with orthodontic treatment

  20. 只有艾伦和我在争论你的健康情况。

    Only Ellen and I were disputing concerning your health .

  21. 您想您母亲的健康情况会怎么样呢?

    What do you think of your mother 's health ?

  22. 某作战部队军官亚健康情况初步调查

    Investigation into sub-health of some military officers from combat troops

  23. 他的医生说他的健康情况总的来说尚令人满意。

    His doctor described his general state of health as fairly satisfactory .

  24. 北京地区青少年生殖健康情况调查报告

    Report of Reproductive Health Situation among Adolescent in Beijing Area

  25. 教师心理健康情况不容乐观;

    The condition of the teachers ' mental health is not optimistic .

  26. 目的了解目前干部前列腺健康情况。

    Objective To understand the current cadre of prostate health .

  27. 1755名老干部口腔健康情况调查分析

    An Analysis of Oral Cavities Health of 1755 Old Cadres

  28. 家庭贫困大学生心理健康情况调查分析

    Study on mental health of college students from poor family

  29. 健康情况不佳就无法有效地工作。

    You can not work efficiently if you are in poor health .

  30. 近两年来,他的健康情况每况愈下。

    He has been failing in health for the last two years .