
  • 网络domiphen;Domiphen Bromide
  1. 在度米芬合成研究时,采用了化学动力学方法。

    In the studies of synthesis of domiphen bromide , the chemical kinetic method was used .

  2. 浦江洗衣粉与来苏儿及度米芬消毒效果的比较

    The comparisons of Bacteriocidal Effect of washing powder with Lysol and Domiphen

  3. 目的制备度米芬渗透泵片,以控制体外释药维持零级释放达80%以上。

    Objective To prepare Domiphen osmotic tablets of zero release above 80 % in vitro .

  4. 方法:将度米芬渗透泵片在光照、高温、高湿条件下露置,定时取样,观察样品形态、含量及溶出度。

    Methods : ODT was exposed to strong light , high temperature , high moisture of air respectively , and accelerating test was performed .