
  • 网络vacation tour;vair-conine tour
  1. 苏州市环太湖地区休闲度假旅游发展探讨

    On the Development of Recreation Tourism around Taihu Lake in Suzhou

  2. 森林公园度假旅游产品开发研究

    Research on the Development of Vacation Tourism Product of Forest Parks

  3. 第四部分,大连市发展度假旅游的优势分析。

    Analysis the feasibility of Dalian to develop vacation tourism .

  4. 关于开发乡村休闲度假旅游的思考

    Thoughts about exploring holiday vocation and tourism in rural areas

  5. 大都市地区度假旅游开发研究

    Research on the Development of Vacation Tourism in Metropolitan Regions

  6. 我国滨海休闲度假旅游发展研究

    A Study on Coastal Leisure and Holiday - Making Tourism in China

  7. 文章对舟山市海洋休闲度假旅游形象设计作了初步探讨。

    The article discusses ocean leisure tourism image design of Zhoushan City .

  8. 在国际上,度假旅游已经是一种比较成熟的旅游活动。

    Vacation tourism is a kind of mature product in the world .

  9. 海南岛热带海滨度假旅游胜地

    Hainan Hlanct : - a tropical beach tourist holiday resort

  10. 上海市青浦区度假旅游产品开发研究

    A Study on the Vacation Tourist Products Development in Qingpu District , Shanghai

  11. 国外度假旅游的双轨现象及其对我国的启示

    On the Dual-track Phenomenon of Foreign Holiday-making Travel and Its Enlightenment to China

  12. 公司业务从发售火车票扩展到包价度假旅游。

    From selling train ticket , the company branch out into package holidays .

  13. 度假旅游在国外的发展已相对成熟,并且经久不衰。

    The development of vacation tourism has relatively mature and enduring in abroad .

  14. 我们已预订到了爱琴海的驾船度假旅游。

    We have booked to go on a sailing holiday in the Aegean .

  15. 论度假旅游资源的分类与评价

    On the Classification and Evaluation of Holiday Tourism Resources

  16. 肇庆市度假旅游优化发展研究

    A Study on the Optimized Development of Vacation Tourism in the City of Zhaoqing

  17. 中国海滨度假旅游的现状、趋势与创新对策

    The Status Quo , Tendency and Creative Countermeasures of Coastal Holiday Tourism in China

  18. 他们在包价度假旅游市场的激烈角逐中击败了对手。

    They have beat their rival into second place in the package holiday market .

  19. 山东省度假旅游发展研究

    Research on Vacation Tourism Development in Shandong Province

  20. 峨眉山休闲度假旅游目的地建设研究

    Research of Ermei Mount leisure tourism destination construction

  21. 论我国城市郊区休闲度假旅游的发展

    On Recreational Tourism Development of Suburbs in China

  22. 探索我国度假旅游的发展道路

    Way of Developing Vocational Tour in China

  23. 住在旅馆的大多数人要不是生意人就是度假旅游者。

    Most people who stay in hotel are either business people or tourists on vacation .

  24. 论桂林发展休闲度假旅游的战略选择

    On the Strategies of Guilin Leisure-tourism Development

  25. 选择一个度假旅游目的地可以是一个对许多人来说有一点困难的任务。

    Choosing a vacation travel destination can be a slightly difficult task for many people .

  26. 第二部分是青浦区开发度假旅游产品的必然性阐述。

    The second chapter considers the necessity of developing vacation tourist products in Qingpu District .

  27. 该旅游胜地位于海拔1000多英尺的山区。去阿尔卑斯山的度假旅游胜地。

    The resort is in the mountain , over 1 , 000 ft above sea level .

  28. 本文对度假旅游资源的分类、评价标准作了尝试性的研究。

    This paper makes a tentative discussion on the classification and evaluation of holiday tourism resources .

  29. 第二部分是山东省发展度假旅游的相关条件分析。

    The second chapter is about the analysis of feasibility for Shandong 's vacation tourism development .

  30. 观光旅游向休闲度假旅游的转变进程中,体育旅游开始凸现。

    In the process of sightseeing tour transforming into holiday tour , sporting tour starts to rise .