
  • 网络living resources conservation
  1. 广东山区经济建设与生物资源保护问题的探讨

    Discussion on protection of biological resources in mountain area in Guangdong Province

  2. 北京湿地生物资源保护与可持续利用对策初探

    Preliminary Study on Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Wetland Bio-resource in Beijing

  3. 探讨了水污染防治及有关水生生物资源保护问题。

    The problems of water pollution control are studied in this paper .

  4. 云南生物资源保护与开发初探

    A Primary Exploration of the Development and Protection of Yunnan 's Biological Resources

  5. 南极海洋生物资源保护公约

    Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources

  6. 论宋代的生物资源保护

    On Biological Resources Protection of the Song Dynasty

  7. 山区自然资源的环境学特征与系统开发山区经济建设应与生物资源保护协调发展

    The Coordinated Development Between the Economic Construction and the Protection of Biological Resources in Mountain Area

  8. 四川省农业生物资源保护与开发利用概况分析

    General Situation Analysis on Protection and Development and Utilization of Agricultural Biological Resources in Sichuan Province

  9. 无用之木与能鸣之雁所引发的思考&论西部开发中的生物资源保护

    Thinking for Non-Useful Wood and Honking Wild Goose : Discussing of the Questions about Bio-Resources Protection in West Regions

  10. 与生物资源保护与持续利用相关的传统知识,对于减缓和适应当前以及未来的气候变化有着重要的潜在作用和价值。

    TK associated with bio-resources conservation and sustainable use plays a significant role in mitigating and adapting to current and future climate change .

  11. 地方长官管理本州行政机构,包括那些关于环境保护、野生物资源保护、或自然资源管理的机构。

    A state governor oversees the state administrative agencies , including those agencies relating to environmental protection , wildlife conservation , or natural resource management .

  12. 指出,要实现江苏海洋经济的持续健康发展,必须实施海上苏东绿色发展战略。文章提出了大力发展海洋生物资源保护培育业等一系列实施海上苏东绿色发展战略的建议。

    " Marine Sudong " green development strategy should be carried out in order to realize the sustainable and healthy development of Jiangsu marine economy .

  13. 城市可持续发展的基础是生态环境的可持续,而生物资源保护是生态环境保护的重要内容。

    The basis of city sustainable development is ecological environmental sustainability , and biological resources protection is an important part of the ecological environment protection .

  14. 除了对观察及预测天气的传统气候和物候知识产生了影响之外,气候变化对传统知识最重要的影响体现在生物资源保护与持续利用相关的传统知识方面。

    Apart from having effect on TK about observing and predicting weather , the impact of climate change on TK associated with bio-resources conservation and sustainable use is the most important one worth attention .

  15. 摘要本文介绍了风险预防原则的起源,并对风险预防原则在国际大气环境保护、国际生物资源保护和国际环境污染防治领域的立法进行了梳理。

    This paper introduce the precautionary principle in the international environmental law , and introduce the precautionary principle 's legislation in the area of international atmosphere environmental protect international biology resource protect and the international pollution prevention and abatement .

  16. 本区面临生物资源保护和促进社会经济发展问题。应从人口土地环境互养共生角度出发,树立土地资源可持续利用观念;

    Confronting the issues on biological resources conservation and promotion of socio economic development , efforts should be made to develop concept of sustainable utilization of land resources from the view point of mutual survival and coexistence of population land environment ;

  17. 在生物学方面,唐代本草学和动植物生态学,对选种、祥瑞、杂交,对名实考证研究和昆虫研究,对园艺植物以及生物资源保护的思想,备加重视。

    In terms of biology , the plants science and ecology in Tang Dynasty laid much emphasis on the seed selection , auspicious sign , hybridizing , the labelling textual research and the insect research , the protection of gardening plants and biological resources .

  18. 中国生物种质资源保护现状与行动建议

    Status and Acting Proposals Concerning the Conservation of Chinese Bio-diversity Resources

  19. 贵州水生生物资源的保护与利用现状

    The Protection and Utilization Status of Aquatic Organisms Resources in Guizhou

  20. 西部生物遗传资源保护与开发的利益补偿

    Benefit Compensation of Protecting and Developing Western Biological Genetic Resources

  21. 云南生态文明建设中的生物遗传资源保护法律问题研究

    Yunnan Ecological Civilization Construction of Biological Genetic Resource Conservation Research Legal Issues

  22. 加强我国重要生物资源的保护和持续利用

    Conservation and sustainable utilization for important biological resources in China should be enhanced

  23. 各缔约国也积极遵循相关国际法律文件,结合本国实际情况,正在制定或已经制定了生物遗传资源保护的法律。

    Signatory states are all formulating or have formulated protective laws for genetic resources .

  24. 海洋无脊椎动物种群的动力系统为人们充分认识海洋无脊椎动物种群的发展变化规律,解释海洋无脊椎动物种群发展过程的一些现象提供了重要方法,对海洋生物资源的保护与开发具有重要价值。

    The dynamic system of the marine invertebrates is helpful to understand the law of the development , explain some phenomena , and provide an important scientific basis for the long-term exploitation of marine resources .

  25. 生物遗传资源的保护利用与惠益分享

    Protection 、 Utilization and Benefit Sharing of the Hereditary Biological Resources

  26. 安徽天马自然保护区生物资源特点与保护管理对策

    Characteristic and Protective Management Strategy of Biologic Resources at Tianma Nature Reserve in Anhui Province

  27. 福建平潭岛海域游泳生物生态和资源保护

    The resources protection and ecology of necton in the waters of Pingtan Island , Fujian Province

  28. 本文分析了我国在生物遗传资源的保护、利用及惠益分享法律法规方面的不足及问题,并提出了加强生物遗传资源保护和管理的完善办法。

    This article analyses the deficiencies and problems existing in the laws and regulations related to the protection ? utilization and benefit sharing of the hereditary biological resources and it also puts forward methods of perfecting in strengthening the protection and management of the hereditary resources of living beings .

  29. DNA标记技术在海洋生物种质资源开发和保护中的应用

    Application of DNA-marking on exploitation and conservation of germplasm resource of marine life

  30. 对海洋表层水温的研究,尤其是对包括所有中国海的西北太平洋SST的研究,将为发展我国海洋渔业生产和开发海洋生物资源以及海洋生态保护及其动态监测提供极为重要的辅助作用。

    Researching SST , especially that of north-west Pacific which includes all of sea of china , will provide help in fish culture of ocean , exploitation of resource of life-form in ocean , protecting entironment of ocean and dynamic monitoring and surveying .