
  1. 陈涛访谈录

    Interview with Chen Tao

  2. 数名中国球员在打斗中受伤。这其中包括,陈涛和守门员汪大雷。

    A number of Chinese players were injured in the fight , including Chen Tao and goalie Wang Dalei .

  3. 上海虹桥机场的海关人员陈涛说:她们应要求拿掉帽子和眼镜之后,我发现她们和护照上完全不一样了,脸上缠着绷带或是充满针眼。

    After they took off their huge hats and big sunglasses following our request , we saw them looking different , with bandages and stiches here and there , said Chen Tao , a Shanghai Hongqiao Airport Officer .

  4. 陈涛的太极拳演练充分展现了陈氏太极拳松活弹抖、快慢相间的技术特点,将“神、气、意、力、稳、准、猛、快”表现的淋漓尽致。

    Chen Tao Tai Chi exercise fully demonstrated the live bombs shake of Chen 's Tai-Ji pine , speed and technical features ," God , gas , Italy , strength , stable , accurate , quick , fast " most vividly .