
shēn jī chǔ
  • deep foundation
深基础[shēn jī chǔ]
  1. 基于FEM的深基础工程数值模拟及其实现

    Numerical Simulation of the Deep Foundation Engineering Based on FEM and Its Implementation

  2. 长度小于6m的大直径人工挖孔深基础试验研究

    Experimental analysis of artificial deep foundation with large diameter and length shorter than 6 metres

  3. 1000t真三轴试验机深基础沉箱法施工技术

    The deep - basement sinkbox construction technique of 1000-ton real 3-axis experiment fitment

  4. 首先分析了埋深基础的5个效应:Gibson效应、壕沟效应、边墙摩擦效应、挡土墙效应以及浮基效应;

    The effect of embedment depth was first analyzed including Gibson effect , trench effect , side-wall contact effect , retaining wall effect and floating foundation effect .

  5. 82m直径环形支护体系在深基础施工中的应用

    Application of Major Diameter Ring Beam Soil Support System for Deep Foundation Pit Engineering

  6. 冬季深基础及锚杆的施工和管理

    The winter construction and management of deep foundation and anchor rod

  7. 沉井技术是深基础施工中常用的一种方法。

    Open caisson is often applied in construction of deep foundation .

  8. 桩基础是应用广泛的深基础,在基础工程中具有极为重要的地位。

    The piles are applied if the ground is very deep .

  9. 特殊地形条件下深基础工程施工技术的探讨

    An Technology Inquire on Deep Foundation Project of Special Building Condition

  10. 非圆形大断面的地下连续墙深基础工程综述

    The summarization of noncircular large divisional plane diaphragm wall deep foundation project

  11. 高层建筑深基础沉降计算的黏弹性分析

    Viscoelastic analysis for the settlement calculation of deep foundation of high-rise buildings

  12. 钻孔灌注桩是软弱地基处理常用的一种深基础型式。

    Bored piles are usually used for improvement of soft deep foundation .

  13. 深基础渗透结晶型防挡水施工技术及应用

    Cement based capillary crystalline waterproofing construction technology and its application

  14. 地下连续墙在桥梁深基础施工中的应用

    Application of underground continuous wall on bridge deep foundation construction

  15. 埋深基础地基极限承载力的数值求解方法

    Numerical analysis of ultimate bearing capacity of ground with deep buried foundation

  16. 桩基础是应用最为广泛的深基础类型。

    Pile foundation is the most widely used type of deep foundations .

  17. 膨胀性软岩深基础承载力研究

    Study on Bearing Capacity of Deep Foundation Embedded into Expansive Soft Rock

  18. 深基础施工平面监测与放样的基准研究

    On Datum of Plane Monitoring and Position Setting of Deep Foundation Construction

  19. 我国深基础工程的理论研究和应用进展

    The developments of theoretical researches and applications on deep foundations in China

  20. 超高层建筑深基础沉降研究进展和问题

    The Progress and Problems of Settlement of Deep Foundation on Ultra-high-rise Buildings

  21. 对基础变形和承载力要求较高的发电机、烟囱等,采用钢管桩&混凝土深基础方案。

    Which require higher foundation bearing capacity and more strict foundation deformation .

  22. 水中深基础钢板桩围堰施工技术

    Construction of deep foundation steel sheet pile cofferdam in water

  23. 面向二十一世纪的中国深基础工程

    Deep foundation engineering in China facing with the 21st century

  24. 上海环球金融中心主楼深基础施工技术

    Construction Technology for Main Tower Deep Foundation of Shanghai World Financial Center

  25. 浅析深基础施工中大底板换撑方案

    The Change Plan of Large Supporting Plate in Construction of Deep Foundation

  26. 塔式起重机在深基础工程中的定位及施工

    Position fixing and construction of tower crane in deep foundation engineering project

  27. 深基础沉降计算的等效压缩变形系数

    The Coefficient of Equivalent Compressive Deformation for the Settlement Calculation of Deep Foundation

  28. 桩间止水帷幕在深基础围护结构中的运用

    The Application of plie-spanning Water-proof Heavy Curtain in the Deep Foundation Extensor-protected Construction

  29. 基于地表地震输入的深基础结构地震反应分析

    Seismic Response Analysis of Deep Foundation Structure Based on Ground Surface Seism Input

  30. 深基础工程在20世纪后半叶获得空前大发展。常见的深基础类型有:桩基础,墩基础,沉井基础,沉箱基础和地下连续墙等。

    Deep foundation engineering acquires unprecedented big development in latter half 20 centuries .