
shēn lán sè
  • dark blue;blue-black;midnight blue;cobalt;Prussian blue
  1. 镇上的警察穿着深蓝色制服,戴着鸭舌帽。

    The town police wear dark blue uniforms and flat caps

  2. 两种鸟都长着深蓝色的羽冠。

    Both birds had a dark blue crest .

  3. 她穿着深蓝色的衣服。

    She was dressed in navy blue .

  4. 我大部分时间穿黑色或深蓝色裤子。

    I mostly wore black or navy trousers .

  5. 贝茜身穿华丽的深蓝色天鹅绒衣服,在桌旁徘徊。

    Bessie , resplendent in royal blue velvet , was hovering beside the table .

  6. 她穿着一件深蓝色的礼服。

    She was wearing a dark blue dress .

  7. 邮票是晦暗的深蓝色。

    The stamp was a dull blue colour .

  8. 海水呈深蓝色。

    The sea was a deep midnight blue .

  9. 天空一片深蓝色,其间星光闪烁。

    The sky was deep blue and starry

  10. 风水轮流转,时下最流行的又是深蓝色牛仔裤了。

    We 've come full circle and dark-blue jeans are once again the height of style .

  11. 尾羽的根部呈深蓝色,到了尾尖就渐变成淡蓝色。

    The tail feathers are dark blue at their bases , shading to pale blue at their tips .

  12. 月亮出来时,天空是深蓝色的,非常晴朗。

    The sky was dark blue and clear when the moon came up .

  13. 天空是深蓝色的。

    The sky is deep blue .

  14. 性状Properties:深蓝色溶液,溶液呈碱性,有氨味,溶于水。

    Dark blue with alkalescence and odor of ammonia , dissolving in water .

  15. TUNEL标记见部分细胞核染色呈深蓝色;

    Some nucleus were stained dark blue with TUNEL ;

  16. 因为天气更暖和了,我穿上了一件深蓝色V领短打衫——这是我在凤凰城冬天最冷的时候才会穿的衣服。

    I dressed for the warmer weather in a deep blue V-neck blouse - something I 'd worn in the dead of winter in Phoenix .

  17. HAY款运动衫以黑色、深蓝色、浅灰色、深灰色和粉红色售出。

    The HAY style sweatshirts were sold in black , navy , light grey , charcoal grey and pink .

  18. 我想让人们看到我的作品,昆斯说。他身穿深蓝色的HM西服,看起来神采奕奕。

    I want my work to be accessible to people , said Mr. Koons , dapper in his navy blue HM suit .

  19. 之前谣传称,仿版iPhone7是独一无二的深蓝色,有别于其它任何一款苹果手机。

    The iPhone 7 mockup comes in a deep blue color , unique to any other Apple iPhone offering , which has been rumored in the past .

  20. DukeEllington和他的乐队录制了一首非常著名的歌曲——MoodIndigo——是关于深蓝色的。

    Duke Ellington and his orchestra recorded a famous song - Mood Indigo - about the deep blue color , indigo .

  21. 这位30岁的模特穿着黑色紧身皮裤和一双与之搭配的黑色短靴完美展现了大长腿,V领的灰色针织上衣和长及膝部的深蓝色羊毛风衣。

    The 30-year-old showed off her endless pins in black leather skinny pants and matching ankle boots , which she teamed with a v-neck grey knit top and a knee-length midnight blue woollen trench coat .

  22. 由于LD抽运的全固体激光器输出的深蓝色激光颜色更加饱满、波长更短、能量更大等优点在诸多领域的应用中倍受青睐。

    Because of LD-pumped all-solid-state deep blue laser have advantages , such as color more full , wavelength shorter , more photonic energy big , it is popular in many fields application .

  23. 培养12h后吸取少量实验细胞,加入等体积的0.1%台盼蓝染液,5min后在血球计数板上计数,被染成深蓝色的细胞为死细胞;

    Twelve hours later , a few cells were extracted and 0.1 % trypan blue in the same volume was added .

  24. 当Ermakova喂食雄性大鼠转基因大豆,雄性大鼠睾丸从正常的粉红色转变为深蓝色!

    When Ermakova fed male rats GM soy , their testicles changed from the normal pink to dark blue !

  25. 在首尔市中心由意大利建筑师伦佐•皮亚诺(RenzoPiano)设计的未来主义风格的韩国电信新总部大楼,身穿深蓝色西装、白色衬衣,系着蓝色领带、带着银边眼镜的黄昌圭展现出一副整洁利落的形象。

    Clad in navy suit , white shirt , blue tie and silver-rimmed glasses , he cuts a neat figure at the company 's futuristic new HQ in downtown Seoul , designed by the Italian architect Renzo Piano .

  26. 有些较大的鼠尾草与灌木相映成趣:友谊鼠尾草(饱满的紫色花)和瓜拉尼鼠尾草(深蓝色花)映衬在松散的白色圆锥绣球(HydrangeaPaniculata)花丛中。

    Some of the larger salvias were complementing shrubs : Amistad , the lusty purple , and S. guaranitica , with deep blue flowers , set off the loose white trusses of a Hydrangea paniculata .

  27. 这里,一位妇女在马里的Diafarabe,持她的灿烂的黄色围巾面向一个深蓝色的非洲天空。

    Here , a woman in Diafarabe , Mali , holds her brilliant yellow scarf against a deep blue African sky .

  28. 我喜欢浅绿色,但是露茜喜欢深蓝色。

    I like light green , but Lucy prefers dark blue .

  29. 珊瑚礁之外的大海是一片深蓝色。

    Beyond the coral reef the open sea was dark blue .

  30. 审视山坡,能看到闪闪发光的深蓝色内层。

    Peering into the mountain , one sees sparkling blue-white depths .