
  • 网络Hong Kong-Shenzhen Western Corridor
  1. 深港西部通道平面及高程控制网联合测量

    Hong Kong-Shenzhen Western Corridor Joint Control Survey for the Horizontal and Vertical Control Networks

  2. 港深西部通道后海湾高架引桥PC梁短线法预制模具设计兴建大桥用的平面及高程控制网的联合测量由香港路政署和深圳市深港西部通道工程筹建办公室联合策划和完成。

    Design of Formwork for PC Girders Precast by Short-Line Match Method of Hau Hoi Wan Elevated Approach Bridge , Hongkong-Shenzhen Western Corridor The joint control survey was conducted by the Highways Department in Hong Kong and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Western Corridor Project Office in Shenzhen .

  3. 选取深港西部通道填海区有代表性的软土,采用U8(85)均匀设计表建立试验方案;

    U ~ _8 ( 8 ~ 5 ) uniform design method was employed to set up the laboratorial test , by using the typical soft soil from reclaimed area in Shenzhen west corridor .

  4. 深港西部通道项目全寿命周期管理组织的研究

    Life Cycle Management Organization of Shenzhen-Hongkong Western Corridor ( SWC ) Project

  5. 深港西部通道填海区软土水泥土强度模型

    Cement-soil Compression Strength Model for Soft from Reclaimed Areas in Shenzhen West Corridor

  6. 深港西部通道爆炸挤淤施工中的震动问题及对策

    Blasting vibration problem and its solution in TOE-SHOOTING project in Shenzhen-Hongkong Western Corridor

  7. 深港西部通道填海区淤泥重金属化学形态分析

    Speciation of heavy metals in mud in coastal reclamation areas in the Shenzhen-Hongkong Western Corridor

  8. 多因素复杂系统最佳因素权重确定的一种新思路&以深港西部通道工程深圳湾公路大桥为例

    New method of determining optimum factor weight

  9. 深港西部通道过境交通量预测的比较研究

    Research on Cross-Boundary Traffic Volume Forecast Comparison of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Western Corridor ( SWC ) Project

  10. 此方法在深港西部通道填海及地基处理工程中得到很好的应用,具有较高的推广和应用价值。

    The method is successfully applied to the fill seafront treatment project of Shenzhen & Hong Kong West Passage .

  11. 深港西部通道侧接线工程处于深圳湾填海区段,是深圳市的重点工程。

    Shenzhen side-connection subway item of Shenzhen-Hong Kong west channel project is an important project of Shenzhen , which locates at reclamation land in Shenzhen Bay .

  12. 香港回归后,深港两地经贸关系得到加强,深港西部通道等三大基础设施衔接项目目前进展顺利。

    After Hong Kong 's return , the economic and trade relationship between Hong Kong and Shenzhen has been strengthened , and the project joining the three large infrastructures , such as Hong Kong 's western channel , etc. , are now progressing smoothly .