
jǐng pēn
  • blowout;well gush;kick off
井喷 [jǐng pēn]
  • [well gush] 钻石油井时地下的高压油、天然气、地下水等受地层压力突然夹带着泥沙从井口喷出的现象

井喷[jǐng pēn]
  1. 井喷事故H2S扩散环境三维建模与仿真济南泉域三维地质模型的构建及可视化

    Three Dimensional Modeling and Simulation on the H_2S Dispersion Environment of Well Blowout

  2. 基于Fluent的开县井喷事故后果模拟与分析

    Kaixian Blowout Accident Simulation and Analysis using Fluent Code

  3. 油价最终呈现出了井喷式的上涨。

    The price of oil is finally showing up at the pump .

  4. 伴随Web服务的井喷式发展,互联网上可用的Web服务越来越多。

    With rapidly developing of Web services , a growing number of Web services are available on the Internet .

  5. 基于CFD的井喷失控爆燃模拟仿真

    Simulative emulation of deflagration in well blow-out based on CFD

  6. 基于CFD的井喷失控喷射火温度场和辐射场模拟仿真

    Simulation of the blowout jet fire temperature field and radiation field based on CFD

  7. 在去年墨西哥湾发生井喷后购买bp股票的投资者现在坐享70%的增值。

    Those who bought BP shares after the blowout in the Gulf of Mexico last year are sitting on gains of 70 per cent .

  8. 在国内2004年手机增值服务用户数迎来了井喷式增长,以WAP为技术平台的手机增值业务呈现出巨大的市场潜力。

    Mobile game that takes WAP as the technology platform shows big potential market .

  9. 非常像2003年的全国范围的SARS,国际游客对到中国很恐慌,而其反弹表现出井喷式的增长。

    Very much like the2003 SARS pandemic that panicked international travelers to China , the rebound showed blowout growth .

  10. 随着液晶显示以井喷之势迅速发展和普及,研究液晶显示器的关键模块&驱动IC具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。

    With the explosive development and popularization of TFT-LCD , it is of great significance to research its key block - the driver IC circuits .

  11. 其他人则认为,世界已步入机器驱动的增长井喷时代,无人驾驶汽车和机器人将取代人类,BlueRiver之类的公司就是明证。

    But others say the world is on the cusp of a machine-driven growth spurt , where driverless cars and robots will replace people , and cite companies such as Blue River as evidence .

  12. 移动支付在过去几年里出现了井喷式的成长,据英国朱尼普研究公司(JuniperResearch)预测,移动支付市场将从今年的2400亿美元增长到2015年的6700亿美元。

    Mobile payments have taken off in the last few years , so much so that juniper research anticipates the space to grow from $ 240 billion this year to $ 670 billion worldwide in 2015 .

  13. 当前国内对AGV的需求呈井喷之势,除了传统AGV使用量最多的汽车、烟草等行业,在其他行业中的应用也明显增加。

    Currently domestic demands for AGV are booming , in addition to the traditional AGV usage in tobacco and other industries , the usage in other industries is also increasing .

  14. iphone销量的井喷,反应了自从11月8日开始废除500卢比和1000卢比面值钞票后的几天里,人们对黄金和奢侈品需求的激增。

    The spurt in iPhone sales mirrored the demand for gold and high-value luxury items that shot up in the first few days following the scrapping of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes on the evening of November 8 .

  15. 据NPR新闻的黛比·埃利奥特报道,不少报道都指出墨西哥湾的油膜问题,而英国石油公司2010年发生重大井喷事故的地方就在墨西哥湾附近,因此该地将采取一些行动。

    NPR 's Debbie Elliott reports the action comes after repeated reports of oil sheen in the Gulf of Mexico near the site of BP 's disastrous 2010 well blowout .

  16. 并且通过对国内外一些类似的井喷事故原因研究后,提出了有效的防喷措施,为高含量CO2和H2S的油气井钻井作业提供一定参考。

    By investigating the reasons of some similar blowout accidents at home and abroad , the effective blowout prevention measures are proposed , which provide reference for the drilling operation of oil / gas wells with high CO_2 and H_2S contents .

  17. Uber在印度的举措标志着类似的井喷式发展的开始,该公司计划在今年下半年将目光转向规模较大的城市以外,开始拓展更多所谓的二线城市。

    Uber 's push in India marks the start of a similar growth spurt , as it moves beyond larger urban centres and begins to tap more so-called tier-two cities during the second half of this year .

  18. 如需了解更多关于游戏头以上,以我们最近gta4井喷,并期待为

    For more on the game head over to our recent GTA4 blowout and look out for

  19. 移动互联网的产生、App的普及,促使人机界面优于过去的网页的形式,给用户带来超越以往形式的体验,推动了App进一步的井喷式发展。

    The generation of the mobile Internet , the popularity of the App , prompted in the form of man-machine interface in being superior to your previous page , give users beyond the past experience , in the form of promoting the development of the App further blowout .

  20. 由于2010年灾难性的墨西哥湾井喷事件,钻井运营商Transocean公司于本周同意支付美国政府14亿美元罚金。

    Consider drilling rig operator Transocean , which agreed to pay the U.S. government $ 1.4 billion this week for its part in the disastrous three-month long blowout in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 .

  21. 粮农组织贸易及市场司主管戴维哈拉姆(davidhallam)表示,在一些主要种植区正要开始播种农作物的时候,油价出现井喷式上涨的可能性“给价格前景增添了更多变数”。

    David Hallam , director of trade and markets , said the possibility of an oil prices spike " adds even more uncertainty concerning the price outlook just as plantings for crops in some of the major growing regions are about to start " .

  22. 井喷失控预警的远距离自动调焦控制研究

    Study on long-distance automatic-focusing control of Prewarning for the uncontrolled blowout

  23. 在收获井喷式盈利之后,谷歌的股票本月上涨了20%。

    The stock jumped 20 % this month after blowout earnings .

  24. 石油平台井喷原油登滩后的遥感探测

    Remote Sensing Detection of Well-erupted Crude Oil from Platform after Landing

  25. 台南地区溢流井喷及处理分析

    Analysis of Overflow , Blowout and the Treatment in Tainan Area

  26. 井喷点火过程天然气爆炸后果分析

    Analysis on natural gas explosion aftereffect in the ignition procedure after blowout

  27. 这只会导致私人借贷的再次井喷。

    That could only happen with a renewed surge in private borrowing .

  28. 最大的隐患是新供给的井喷。

    The biggest worry of all is the rush of new supply .

  29. 至此,我国保险代理机构出现了井喷式的增长。

    From then , the insurance agency appeared rapid growth .

  30. 我国汽车产业在2003年的销售中呈现了井喷态势。

    The automobile industry boomed in sale of 2003 year .