
fēi lǜ bīn rén
  • Filipino
  1. Lisa说这里有一部分是夏威夷原住民,有些是日本人、菲律宾人、中国人、斐济人和汤加人。

    Lisa : Some of those are native Hawaiians . Some are Japanese , Filipino , Chinese , Fijian , Tongan .

  2. 杜特尔特的发言人哈里?罗克(HarryRoque)拒绝接受这一批评,称当前的问题是遵守宪法中有关“大众媒体须百分之百由菲律宾人持有和管理”的规定。

    Harry Roque , Mr Duterte 's spokesman , rejected the criticism , saying the issue at hand was compliance with the constitution 's requirement of " 100 per cent Filipino ownership and management of mass media . "

  3. 很多菲律宾人视这些基地为美国殖民统治的延续。

    Many Filipinos see the bases as an extension of American colonial rule

  4. 菲律宾人民统称为菲律宾人。

    The people of the Philippines are collectively known as Filipinos .

  5. 许多菲律宾人急需食物和用品。

    Many Filipinos are in desperate need of food and supplies .

  6. 没人会认为所有菲律宾人都是不良的。

    Nobody will consider all of the Philippine people are evil .

  7. 我是一个菲律宾人,家族流淌着中国人的血液。

    I'am a Filipino and have Chinese blood in the family .

  8. 为什么许多菲律宾人害怕英文?

    Why is it that many Filipinos fear the English language ?

  9. 有些是日本人、菲律宾人、中国人、斐济人、东加人。

    Some are Japanese , Filipino , Chinese , Fijian , Tongan .

  10. 超过十二万菲律宾人居住和工作在那。

    Over one hundred and twenty thousand Filipinos live and work there .

  11. 这就是许多菲律宾人遭受台风海燕承受的痛苦。

    That 's what Typhoon Haiyan brought to many Filipinos .

  12. 我们有很大的可能失去菲律宾人的支持。

    There 's a good chance we lose the philippines .

  13. 这使得菲律宾人和美国人的联盟更加牢固。

    This made the bond between the Filipinos and the Americans even stronger .

  14. 稻米是菲律宾人的主要食物。

    Rice is the staple food of the Philippines .

  15. 我们把来自菲律宾的人叫菲律宾人。

    We call people from the Philippines , Filipinos .

  16. 菲律宾人挤在他们色彩鲜艳的吉普尼里。

    Filipinos crowd together in their brightly coloured jeepneys .

  17. 他的工作同伴是菲律宾人与印尼人。

    His fellow workers were Filipinos and Indonesians .

  18. 你们都在抱怨中国人概念化菲律宾人。

    You complain that Chinese are generalizing Filipinos .

  19. 菲律宾总统下令撤出在伊拉克的菲律宾人

    Philippine President ordered evacuation of Filipinos from Iraq

  20. 他们想用菲律宾人担任警察。

    They wanted to Filipinize the police force .

  21. 我认为“螃蟹心态”这个说法是我们菲律宾人独有的。

    I think the term " crab mentality " is unique to us Filipinos .

  22. 托勒蒂罗是大至三分之一生活在贫困线下的菲律宾人中的一个。

    The Tolentinos are among the roughly one-third of Filipinos who live in poverty .

  23. 同一个麦克阿瑟用木头枪来装备菲律宾人,真是天才啊。

    The same McArthur that outfitted Filipino soldiers with wooden guns * what a genius !

  24. 对许多菲律宾人来说,跳出依赖的循环几乎是不可能的。

    Getting out of the cycle of dependency is next to impossible for many Filipinos .

  25. 我是个有着浓厚中国血统的菲律宾人。

    I am a Filipino with rich and strong Chinese blood running through my veins .

  26. 湖蜜:现在我湖拥有俄罗斯人、克罗地亚人、巴西人、西班牙人、菲律宾人,又要追一个中国人。

    We have Russia , Croatia , Brazil , Spain , Philippines and now China .

  27. 菲律宾人迎新年时有燃放烟花爆竹的传统。

    Filipino New Year when fireworks tradition .

  28. 她是菲律宾人,但在这里出生,长大,完全能说两种语言。

    She is a Filipina but was born and brought up here and is completely bilingual .

  29. 并且要教育菲律宾人,让他们文明化,让他们变成基督徒。

    And to educate the Filipinos , to civilize them , and make Christians of them .

  30. “做菲律宾人”的具体意思视用户而定。

    What it means to " be Philippines " is up to the user to decide .