
shī lì
  • Lose;suffer a setback
失利 [shī lì]
  • [suffer a setback] 被打败;输给对方

  • 军事失利

  • 以○比一失利

失利[shī lì]
  1. 球队首轮失利,十分意外。

    The team suffered a shock defeat in the first round .

  2. 首轮失利让人大为震惊。

    Losing in the first round was a shock to the system .

  3. 联队以2:5失利,只靠后来两次进球挽回了一点面子。

    United lost 5 – 2 , salvaging a little pride with two late goals .

  4. 在选举中保守党大大失利于自由民主党。

    The Conservatives lost a lot of ground to the Liberal Democrats at the election .

  5. 政府在投票表决中失利,下一次也会是同样的结果。

    The Government lost the vote then and it can expect a Groundhog Day next time .

  6. 第二轮的失利表明去年的冠军得主已卫冕无望。

    A defeat in the second round marked the end of the line for last year 's champion .

  7. 遭遇1比3的失利后,他们的冠军梦就此破灭。

    They had their championship hopes dashed by a 3-1 defeat .

  8. 国防问题导致了民主党候选人的失利。

    Issues of national defense have been the undoing of Democratic candidates .

  9. 该党刚刚竞选失利,同时还失去了许多席位。

    The party has just lost office and with it a substantial number of seats

  10. 他似乎对最近的失利并不在乎。

    He seems unabashed by his recent defeat

  11. 拿破仑计划击溃那两支列队待战的部队,却最终失利。

    Napoleon ultimately failed in his plan to defeat the two armies arrayed against him .

  12. 在世界杯比赛开始时我们有两三场比赛失利,但后来我们又恢复了状态。

    We lost two or three early games in the World Cup , but we bounced back

  13. 失利者仍有可能在争夺半决赛权时被西德队击败。

    It 's still possible for the losers to be pipped by West Germany for a semi-final place

  14. 这些较年轻的球员的优势就是他们并不背负以往失利的包袱。

    The good thing about these younger players is that they are not carrying any excess baggage from less successful times .

  15. 把每次失利看成对进一步努力的激励。

    Regard each failure as a stimulus to further efforts .

  16. 在这场乒乓球比赛中我方第二盘失利。

    Our side lost the second game of the table tennis match .

  17. 辽宁队本场失利后,仍然深陷保级区

    Liaoning team lost this game , is still deeply avoid relegation zone .

  18. 尽管扎扎希望能有更好的表现,但这场失利给她短暂的奥运之旅画上了句号。

    Although Zaza had hoped for a better showing , the loss capped a whirlwind trip .

  19. 技术问题是CORBA失利的核心原因。

    Technical problems are at the heart of CORBA 's decline .

  20. 这也是我们所发现的CORBA失利的主要原因。

    This is where we can find the main reasons for CORBA 's failure .

  21. 整体上,OMG的技术采纳过程应被视作CORBA失利的核心原因。

    Overall , the OMG 's technology adoption process must be seen as the core reason for CORBA 's decline .

  22. CCM的失利并未增加CORBA客户的信心,这些客户正陷于CORBA复杂技术的泥潭。

    The failure of CCM did little to boost the confidence of CORBA customers , who were still stuck with their complex technology .

  23. 自巴西队淘汰出局以来,内马尔只在Instagram上谈到了在俄罗斯的失利。

    Since Brazil 's elimination , Neymar only spoke about the loss in Russia via Instagram .

  24. 在早期的比赛中,Paul成功的预测了小组赛当中德国取胜加纳和澳大利亚,以及对阵塞尔维亚的失利。

    Earlier in the tournament , the mollusc medium correctly predicted Germany would beat Ghana and Australia in their group D matches and was also right to predict they would lose to Serbia .

  25. 在2000年2月的共和党初选中,当乔治w布什(georgew.bush)在白雪皑皑的新罕布什尔州以19个百分点失利时,我们毫不怀疑,我们的竞选结束了。

    After George W. Bush , was hammered by 19 points in the snows of New Hampshire in the first Republican primary of February 2000 , we had no doubt our campaign was over .

  26. Nick提议对Harper-Tolland的销售人员进行再培训来提高销售量,以便在新产品的销售失利后有新的起色。

    Nick has proposed to retrain key sales staff at Harper-Tolland in order to boost sales after a disappointing new product launch .

  27. 从伊拉克巴士拉(Basra)和阿富汗赫尔曼德(Helmand)的战场失利中返回的军队,又遭遇军费预算被全面削减的前景。

    The armed forces have returned from defeats in Basra and Helmand to the prospect of sweeping reductions in military budgets .

  28. 穆雷在过去的26场比赛中取得了25次胜利:唯一一次失利是败给世界排名第二的西班牙人拉斐尔纳达尔。穆雷的上佳表现使得费天王8年来首次被挤出了ATP排名榜三甲。

    Murray 's 25th victory from 26 matches - his only loss coming to world No. 2 Rafael Nadal of Spain - sends Federer out of the top three for the first time in eight years .

  29. 方法回顾SARS在中国的出现和流行,国内外SARS科研工作情况,分析中国SARS科研工作失利的原因和科研体制存在的问题。

    METHODS The incidence and epidemic of SARS and the research work on SARS in China and the world were analyzed and the causes of setbacks in SARS research and problems in the scientific research system in China were analyzed .

  30. 《黑色孤儿》的明星TatianaMaslany坚持说她并没有因艾美奖失利而困扰。

    Orphan Black star Tatiana Maslany has insisted that she is not bothered about the show 's lack of Emmy recognition .