
bǎng tuǐ
  • leggings;gaiters;puttee;leg wrappings
绑腿 [bǎng tuǐ]
  • [puttee] 用来缠裹小腿的布条

绑腿[bǎng tuǐ]
  1. 香奈儿(Chanel)的作品中包含了莱卡蕾丝制成的精致绑腿。

    Chanel sent out intricate leggings made from lace woven intricately with lycra .

  2. 一年前,他们推出了绑腿,但没有人买。

    A year ago , they proposed Leggings but nobody bought them .

  3. 送信人弯下腰来,挠着膝部被绑腿磨红的地方。

    The messenger bent and scratched at his knee where the strapping chafed .

  4. 这是与牛仔裤或在寒冷的日子绑腿完美的鞋。

    This is the perfect footwear with jeans or leggings on cold days .

  5. 士兵都绑着绑腿。

    The solider are all assembled with gaiters .

  6. 我穿了绑腿和毛衣,还有不怕淋湿的衣服。

    I have leggings , sweats , stuff I don 't mind getting drenched .

  7. 他的皮护手和绑腿紧紧地绑在四肢上,使他几乎动弹不得。

    His leathers bound so tightly around his legs and under his arms that he could scarcely move .

  8. 我们走在乌克兰的黑土地上,靴子和绑腿深深地陷了进去。

    You are walking along Ukranian black earth and it sticks to your boots and puttees by the ton .

  9. 脚踝的长度绑腿只可穿的衣服或裙子,或在膝盖以下。

    Ankle length leggings may only be worn with dresses or skirts that are at or below the knee .

  10. 不过我们还算幸运,有长外套,原棉内衣裤,长筒靴和绑腿。

    We were lucky to have long coats , wool and cotton underwear , and boots with warm puttees .

  11. 他在麻布围裙里面穿一件深色天鹅绒夹克衫,配一条灯芯绒裤子,扎着皮绑腿,里面穿一件浆洗过的白衬衫。

    Under his linen milking-pinner he wore a dark velveteen jacket , cord breeches and gaiters , and a starched white shirt .

  12. 白色的外观将可以与红色真皮内饰和独特的红色颜料赞扬的齿轮缝合杠杆绑腿。

    The white exterior will be matched with a red leather interior and complimented by unique red colouring for stitching on the gear lever gaiter .

  13. 鞋座可在支架和摆臂的带动下绕绑腿外壳转动,快速实现滑行与行走的转变。

    Each shoe base can be driven by each support bracket and each swinging arm to rotate in the mode of winding each legging outer shell to rapidly realize sliding and walking conversion .

  14. 他系一条普通的白色围裙,腿上打着奶牛场挤奶工人打的绑腿,靴子上沾满了院子里的烂草污泥;不过所有这些装束都是本地的装束。

    He wore the ordinary white pinner and leather leggings of a dairy-farmer when milking , and his boots were clogged with the mulch of the yard ; but this was all his local livery .

  15. 不久前的一个下午,照例带着黑色绑腿、带着他那标志性帽盔的杰米恩表示,他是“罗伯逊奇人”品牌的“推动者”,他希望该品牌能进军音乐和影视领域。

    On a recent afternoon , clad in his trademark black leggings and visor , Mr. Jermyn said he is ' a facilitator ' for the brand , and hopes it will expand into music or film .

  16. 不过当时他们没有多说别的话,他们弯着腰不停地搜寻着,苔丝的裙边正好碰到克莱尔的绑腿,克莱尔的胳膊肘有时也碰着了苔丝的胳膊。

    But they got no further in speech just then . They crept and crept , the hem of her petticoat just touching his gaiter , and his elbow sometimes brushing hers . At last the dairyman , who came next , could stand it no longer .