
  • Dried fish;DRY FISH;stock fish
  1. 如果钓到的大鱼制成鱼干,浙江以东到苍梧山以北的人都能饱餐一顿。

    If the fish were made into dried fish , it would be enough for all the people east of Zhejiang province and north of Cangwu Mountain to have a good meal .

  2. 小心!鱼干对你的健康不利。

    Be careful ! Dried fish is bad for your health .

  3. 韩国拥有朝鲜缺乏的军事必需品,比如食物、燃料和F16战斗机。食草男和鱼干女引起人们的兴趣,正因为他们是新生的少数群体。

    South Korea has those little military necessities the North lacks , such as food , fuel and F-16s . Herbivores and dried-fish women are of interest precisely because they are newish minorities .

  4. 食物包括,鱼干,种子还有坚果。

    The food includes dried fish , seeds , and nuts .

  5. 斯堪的纳维亚人做鱼干,阿拉伯人做枣椰子。

    The Scandinavians make dried fish and the Arabs make dried dates .

  6. 几乎难以想象鱼干女与食草男会和对方约会。

    It is almost inconceivable that the two might mate with each other .

  7. 比利:干的不错,警长,鱼干,哈利.克利尔沃特家庭制造。

    Billy : Well done , Chief . Harry Clearwater 's fish fry .

  8. 食草男和鱼干女引起人们的兴趣,正因为他们是新生的少数群体。

    Herbivores and dried-fish women are of interest precisely because they are newish minorities .

  9. 食草男和鱼干女这两个生动的名字都来自日本&韩国众多文化传统的源泉。

    Both colourful names hail from Japan , source of so many Korean cultural trends .

  10. 在一个以集体主义者为荣的社会里,食草男和鱼干女是行迹可疑的孤独者。

    In a society that prides itself on being collectivist , they are suspicious loners .

  11. 方法有较高的灵敏度,适合于基质复杂、脂肪含量高的鱼和鱼干等样品分析。

    The method is sensitive and suitable for fish samples with complex matrix or high fat .

  12. 总结了国内外各种鱼干虫害及其影响因素和主要防治措施,并提出了目前鱼干防虫中存在的不足和需要进一步研究的问题。

    The pest infestation , its affecting factors and controlling method for dried fish are summarized in this review .

  13. 本文主要介绍了用新鲜或冻藏草鱼制作鱼肉松和五香鱼干的制作工艺。

    The paper mainly introduce the productive technology of the dried fish meat floss and the spiced dried fish meat .

  14. 本文以广东毒鱼干事件为例,引出我国食品召回制度所面临的问题。

    This paper takes Guangdong poison fish event as an example , then leads to the problem of food recall system .

  15. 韩国零售商正在商店的货架上和橱窗里放上迎合“鱼干女”和“食草男”口味的产品。

    South Korean retailers are stocking their shelves and shop windows to cater to the tastes of " dried-fish woman " and " herbivore man " .

  16. 鱼干虫害主要是一些在鱼干加工和储藏过程中对鱼干产生侵害的蛾类和甲虫类。鱼干虫害及防治研究进展

    Beetle and moth are main pests found during processing and storage of dried fish . Review on the insect pest infestation and pest control of dried fish

  17. 制鱼干的方法是先把鱼弄干净,用盐和胡椒搓,之后在火上熏干。

    The way to kipper is to clean it , rub it with salt and pepper , and then dry it in the smoke of a fire .

  18. 品尝着经熏制和腌制而成的美味特制鱼干,再叫上一杯冰白苏维翁,正与弹性的海鲜口感相得益彰。

    The smoking and salting produced a deliciously bespoke version of fish jerky , whose peppery marine tang married perfectly with a chilled glass of sauvignon blanc .

  19. 鱼干女和食草男背离了以家庭为导向的儒家价值观,对浪漫没有多少兴趣,这在一定程度上可以解释为何韩国的生育率低得可怜。

    Offending family-orientated Confucian values , neither dried-fish woman nor herbivore man is much interested in romance , part of the reason why Korea 's fertility rate is lamentably low .

  20. 鱼干女是衣着无可挑剔的模范员工,但下班后她们只想穿着运动服躺在沙发上,一边看电视一边嚼鱿鱼干。

    Dried-fish woman is an impeccably dressed model employee , but after work she just wants to lounge on the sofa in a track suit , watch television and munch on dried squid .

  21. 但这条路对于艺术家们来说并不容易:除了零下的温度和长达数月的黑暗,这个仅有60万人的小首都直到最近,享誉世界的都是出口的木材和泡在液中的鱼干,而不是先锋派当代艺术。

    But the route isn 't easy for those involved : Aside from subzero temperatures and months of darkness , the relatively small capital city of 600000 was , until very recently , better known for timber exports and dried fish aged in lye than cutting-edge contemporary art .