
diàn huà fèi
  • telephone charge;telephone bill;telephone rate
  1. 我不敢想象我们的电话费会有多少。

    I dread to think what our telephone bill is going to be

  2. 你今天可以去付电话费吗?

    Eg : Can you pay the telephone bill today ?

  3. 她已经欠下了一大笔电话费。

    She had run up a huge phone bill .

  4. 非高峰时间电话费每单位两角。

    Phone calls cost 20c per unit off-peak .

  5. 电话费包括线路租用费。

    Telephone charges include line rental .

  6. 萨拉也分摊燃气费、电费和电话费。

    Sara also pays a share of the gas , electricity and phone bills

  7. 您的电话费总共68元。

    A : 7123456.Your telephone charge is 68 yuan in total .

  8. 长途电话费数目相当可观。

    The long-distance call tolls amount to quite a sum .

  9. 基于Java的电话费查询系统的开发

    Development of an Inquire System for Telephone Fees Based on Java

  10. 但Didata公司称,这个系统仅针对那些电话费狂高及经常在上班时间打私人电话的员工,并称电话的内容不会受到监听。

    But Didata says the system focuses only on those who run up huge bills or spend hours of work time on personal calls , and says no one listens in to the calls themselves .

  11. 讲完之后我会把电话费告诉柜台服务员。

    I 'll tell the front desk clerk the charge afterwards .

  12. 我们每个月通过银行支付电话费。

    We pay our phone bill through the bank every month .

  13. 长途电话费的账单将会送到您的房间去。

    The trunk call bill will be brought to your room .

  14. 他被指控虚报开支和电话费。

    He was charged with padding expense claims and telephone bills .

  15. 服务消费税的征收对象包括电话费和机场离港费。

    Taxes on services apply to telephone charges and airport departures .

  16. 我来收长途电话费。

    I am collecting the fee of the long distance call .

  17. 不然你准备为警察局付电话费吗?

    Then are you going to pay the police phone bills ?

  18. 这个月我要缴200元的电话费。

    This month I had to pay200 yuan RMB toll call .

  19. 噢,这是国际长途电话费。

    Well , this is the rate of the international call .

  20. 上个月我们花了200美元的电话费。

    We racked up a $ 200 phone bill last month .

  21. 顾客:我来交电话费。

    Customer : I come for paying my telephone cost .

  22. 还有,他们让我付电话费。

    Anyway , they 're making me pay it off .

  23. 把电话费记下来,作为你一般业务开支的一部分。

    Put down telephone calls as part of your general business expenses .

  24. 责任我并不需要负责你的电话费帐单。

    responsibility ( n. ) Your phone bill is not my responsibility .

  25. 为您大幅节约了电话费。

    Economize a great deal of telephone expenses for you .

  26. 电话费把我全部的零用钱都吸光了。

    The phone bills are sucking up my entire allowance .

  27. 你可以在离开酒店结帐时再付电话费。

    You may pay the call when you check out .

  28. 乙:请放入一美元九十五美分,作为前三分钟的电话费。

    B : please deposit $ 1.95 for the first three minutes .

  29. 我看你得交电话费。

    I think you have to pay for the telephone .

  30. 我们应该在晚上电话费便宜的时候给他打电话。

    We should call him in the evening when it 's cheaper .