
xiǎo zì
  • small character
小字 [xiǎo zì]
  • [small character] 较小的字体,小楷

  • 小字报

小字[xiǎo zì]
  1. 笔记本上写满了密密麻麻的小字。

    The notebook was filled with small , closely-written characters .

  2. 正文用大字,注用小字。

    The text is in large type , the notes in small .

  3. 看小字累眼睛。

    Reading small print strains the eyes .

  4. 看小字会坏眼睛。

    Small type spoils the eyes .

  5. 照片中是一帮孩子背着书包,高高兴兴地走在路上。照片下面一排小字写着:“上学路上”。

    It showed a group of happy and cheering children carrying schoolbags with the caption1 at the bottom : " On Their Way To School ' ' .

  6. 乙接着说:“这有什么稀奇,我还能认出两旁的小字呢!你看,这不是‘某年某月’、‘某某人书’吗!”

    Mr. B added : " What is so strange about that ? I can even make out the small characters on both sides . Look , aren 't these the year , the month , and the name of the calligrapher2 ? "

  7. 附在这段文字下的是一幅小图,它包括Facebook和推特的标志以及其下的一行小字。

    he wrote . Attached to the post was a thumbnail image showing the Facebook and Twitter logos with a small line of text underneath .

  8. 他用一手潦草的蝇头小字,赞赏瓦格纳(Wagner),惋惜《汤姆叔叔的小屋》(UncleTom’sCabin)的乏味文字,哀悼自己的心理状态。

    In a tiny scrawl , he praises Wagner , bemoans the prose of " Uncle Tom 's Cabin " and laments his psychological state .

  9. 他使用放大镜,以便看清小字。

    He uses a magnifying glass to read the tiny print .

  10. 对特定人小字表汉语语音识别系统的研究

    Researching for particular man small table voice recognization in Chinese speaking

  11. 额匾落款的三个小字写着“莫言题”。

    Three smaller characters indicate that the inscription is by Mr. Mo.

  12. 将爱的小字条放在书桌的抽屉中。

    Leaving love messages into the drawers of the desk .

  13. 手上放大镜看小字挺管用的。

    The hand held magnifier is good for reading the fine print .

  14. 而小字注也有不少针对文本阅读而做的评论,以前多被人们忽视。

    The small-word-notes comment about the discourse reading that previously was overlooked .

  15. 给定一串小字的拉丁字母。

    You 're given a string of lower-case Latin letters .

  16. 完美中文支持。非常清晰漂亮的中文小字。

    Perfect Chinese support , beautiful small Chinese characters .

  17. 他写的小字十分难认。

    His small writing is very hard to read .

  18. 这些投行在发售说明书里披露了完整的情况,尽管是用小字印刷的。

    They disclosed it all in the prospectus , albeit in fine print .

  19. 用小字印出来的决不是好消息。

    Nothing in fine print is ever good news .

  20. 但他解释说,他一直都有一个用小字写的目标。

    But , he explains , he has always had a small font purpose .

  21. 也就是说在看药品说明上的小字的时候

    and though that means being able to read the fine print on a prescription

  22. 那字肯定非常小用夏皮笔写的那些小字哟

    Well , that 's must be tiny , little writting with sharpie on ...

  23. 我弯下腰拿起一小瓶药,费力地想认清瓶上的小字。

    I stooped to pick up a bottle and tried to decipher the small type .

  24. 或许是年纪的问题,我分辨小字有困难。

    Perhaps it 's a matter of age , but I have difficulty in discerning small print .

  25. 有一天,有人经过囚笼,发现小字眼不在了。

    One day , someone passed the cage and noticed that the word wasn 't there anymore .

  26. 一个语言称为稠密的如果每个字都是该语言中某个字的一个小字。

    A language is dense if every word is a subword of some word in the language .

  27. 你要永远记住去阅读广告正文下面的小字。

    You should always remember to read the small print below the main body of an advertisement .

  28. 科林:这么说屏幕底下的那些小字叫字幕?

    Colin : So the small words at the bottom of the screen are called the subtitles ?

  29. 该平台由通用契丹小字编辑排版与综合查询系统等两个部分组成。

    The digital platform is consist of editing , typesetting and synthetic searching system of khidan small script .

  30. 海报聪明地用小字强调,公司雇用的是“人”,而不是国籍。

    Cleverly , the poster highlighted in the small print that the company hires " individuals , " not nationalities .