
  • 网络young learners english;English
  1. 按照剑桥少儿英语的特点本内容分为三级,以满足不同年龄和英语水平的儿童学习需要。

    According to the Cambridge Young Learners English , our content is divided into three levels to meet the need of the young learners of different ages and english levels .

  2. 象剑桥少儿英语、英语入门考试(KET)和初级英语考试(PET)的内容都很紧密地反映了语言教学环境的现状以及许多出版发行的复习材料的内容与风格。

    The content of exams like Young Learners English , KET and PET reflects closely what happens in the language teaching environment and the content and style of many published materials .

  3. 开启世界,给孩子无限可能;做少儿英语教育的引领者。

    Let 's open a world of possibilities to your child !

  4. 少年儿童为什么需要《剑桥少儿英语丛书》?

    Why do the young learners need the CYLE Series ?

  5. 少儿英语活动教学法探究

    A Study on Activities Teaching Approach to Young Learners

  6. 《剑桥少儿英语丛书》的宗旨是什么?

    What are the principles of the CYLE Series ?

  7. 谈谈少儿英语教材的改进&一些基于调查的思考

    Some Investigation-Based Suggestions On The Improvement Of The English Course Books For Young Learners

  8. 少儿英语教学与语言习得

    English Teaching for Young Learners and Language Acquisition

  9. 少儿英语教学模式初探

    A Brief Talk on Children English Teaching Model

  10. 交际教学法与剑桥少儿英语教学模式

    Communication Theories and Cambridge Young Learners ' English

  11. 从语言学角度分析剑桥少儿英语教材之实用性

    Usefulness Evaluation of Cambridge Young Learners of English

  12. 南昌市少儿英语培训机构营销策略研究

    Pilot Study on Children 's English Language Training Institutions in Nanchang City Marketing Strategies

  13. 全身反应法在少儿英语教学中的运用

    Application of TPR in Young Learners English Teaching

  14. 《剑桥少儿英语丛书》是为谁编写的?

    Who are the CYLE Series for ?

  15. 剑桥少儿英语在江西边远县城的实施研究

    The Study of Teaching Cambridge Young Learners English in the Remote County Seats in Jiangxi

  16. 剑桥少儿英语教学刍议

    Teaching of Cambridge Young Learners ' English

  17. 少儿英语学习存在的误区及思考

    Misconceptions of primary English study and think

  18. 如果济宁日报社和美城英语联合举办全市少儿英语风采大赛,你觉得可行吗?

    If jining daily and city English jointly open English corner column , you feel feasible ?

  19. 谈高职英语专业学生少儿英语教学技能的培养

    Cultivating the Children 's English Teaching Skills of Students Majoring in English in Higher Vocational Colleges

  20. 新托福培生学术英语考试剑桥少儿英语考试

    Cambridge Young Learners ' English Tests

  21. 除了剑桥少儿英语考试以外其他考试没有年龄限制。

    There is no age limit , upper or lower , except for Young Learners English Tests .

  22. 有一年以上的少儿英语教学经验,在学校也曾获得了两次的二等奖学金。

    More than one year experience in teaching children English in schools has also won two second-class scholarship .

  23. 构建我国少儿英语远程计算机自适应测验题库的设想

    Development of the English Test for Chinese Young Learners as a Base for Implementing Online Computerized Adaptive Testing

  24. 但是,在教授少儿英语时,由于受学生英语水平的限制,教师必须使用最简单的英语语言,同时并伴以富以表情的身体语言以便学生能容易理解。

    Teachers should use simple English accompanied by highly-expressive body language so as to make them easily understood .

  25. 以我所在的迪斯尼英语学校每天的所见所闻,深入的探讨如今少儿英语的发展形式。

    Disney English School daily experience which is at by me , thorough discussion now children English development form .

  26. 主要负责“剑桥少儿英语”初、中、高级的教学和培训工作。

    Primarily responsible for the " Cambridge English for children " beginning , middle and senior teaching and training .

  27. 剑桥少儿英语学习系统,从设计思想、教材编写到检测评估将交际教学法贯穿始终。

    Cambridge Young Learners ' English is a good example of communication teaching method in principles , materials and assessment .

  28. 少儿英语课程全年招生,周一至周六接受报名和咨询。

    Enrollment for children English program runs all year around and course consultation and enquiries are from Monday to saturday .

  29. 在学完了剑桥少儿英语这一系列的教材之后,他们开始学习青少版新概念系列的书。

    After completing the Cambridge series of books , the students have moved onto the Young Learner New Concept series .

  30. 第六章通过实验和访谈验证了认知语言学理论运用于少儿英语词汇教学的效果。

    Chapter six is an experiment conducted to verify the effect of the application of the cognitive theories to children vocabulary teaching .