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  1. 杨博士表示,现在很多女性向她抱怨,Facebook和只能在Facebook上玩的“FarmVille”游戏让她们非常上瘾。

    Dr Young says women complain to her now about addiction to Facebook - or even to " FarmVille , " a game playable only within Facebook .

  2. 就在这时,一位年轻的女性向里走。

    Just then a young woman walked in .

  3. 其中一名女性向第二次要驱离她的士兵表明:

    As one woman put it to a soldier who was trying to evacuate her for a second time ,

  4. 如果有一天有一个肌肉发达的女性向你走来那一定像是一场恶梦。

    And I think it will be absolutely a nightmare if one day you are approached by a masculine lady .

  5. 据英国《每日邮报》10月17日报道,一本新书指出,女性向同伴谈及对他人的关注,是生理进化的基本需要。

    Women have a basic evolutionary need to voice concerns about others to their peers , a new book has shown .

  6. 西班牙巴塞罗那市警方最近逮捕了一个奇怪的劫匪,他每次作案后都会要求受害的女性向他吐口水。

    Police in Barcelona say they 've arrested a serial mugger who would target women , express remorse and then ask them to spit at him .

  7. 印度德发南巴蒂南——在这个印度教的年度节日中,从跨性别女性向女神的转变,是在虔诚而凝重的气氛中进行的。

    DEVANAMPATTINAM , India - The transformation of transgender women into goddesses for an annual Hindu festival takes place in an atmosphere of reverent , somber concentration .

  8. 一名20岁女性向圣地亚哥法院提起诉讼,要求传唤人气小天王贾斯汀比伯进行亲子鉴定。该女子声称贾斯汀是她三个月大的儿子的生父。

    A 20-year-old woman has filed a paternity lawsuit against Justin Bieber in San Diego , Calif. , claiming he is the father of her three-month old son .

  9. 因为当这本书出版时,很多人会想。嗯,这确实是一本重要的指南使年轻女性向上爬。

    Because I think when the book first came out , many people thought , well , this is a really important handbook for young women on their way up .

  10. 研究人员让每名女性向两个穿着实验室白大褂的面试官陈述自己如何有资格胜任一份工作。这两个考官听取陈述时都是面无表情。

    Each woman was asked to give a speech about her candidacy for a job to two interviewers in white laboratory coats , who listened with ' stone-faced ' expressions .

  11. 大力发展新兴服务业,鼓励更多的女性向高层次的第三产业流动,不断完善社会保障体系,为女性解除后顾之忧;

    Promote the newly emerging service trades , encourage women to shift to high-level trades in the tertiary industry , and continuously improve the social security system to free women of their worries ;

  12. 一个找我进行心理治疗的女性向我讲述,她的同事兼朋友否认其与老板有染,但有可信证据指向相反的事实。

    A woman who came to me for psychotherapy related how a colleague who was also a friend denied she was having an affair with the boss despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary .

  13. 如今在各种场所,从董事会议到教会中,女性开始向男性发起挑战。

    They challenge men in every realm , from the board room to the church .

  14. 在欧洲传统中,女性会向皇室成员行屈膝礼。

    In European cultures it is traditional for women to curtsey in front of royalty .

  15. 一些成熟而强势的女性们向我们介绍了她们自己树立信心的方法——尽管这些方法常常出人意料。

    A handful of powerful and accomplished women let us in on their often surprising confidence boosters .

  16. 绝大多数导联女性负向T波发生率高于男性;

    The prevalence of negative T waves was higher in women than in men in the most leads .

  17. 因此,育龄女性应该向他们的医疗保健专业人员咨询是否可以采用其它的治疗方法。

    For this reason , women of childbearing age should talk to their healthcare professionals about other treatment options .

  18. 女性需要向医疗保健专业人员咨询使用托吡酯期间应当采用的最佳避孕方法。

    Women should talk to their healthcare professionals about the best kind of birth control to use while taking topiramate .

  19. 目的研究判断重庆地区女性垂直向不同面部生长型常用指标参考值。

    Objective To study the reference value of index commonly used in classifying different vertical facial growth pattern of females in Chongqing .

  20. 女性会向所有的人倾诉,怀特说,但是大多数男性喜欢向妻子倾诉,把妻子当做主要的知己。

    Women will talk to everyone , says Waite , But most men tend to rely on their wives as their main confidant .

  21. 最后它所涵盖的性别、阶级、种族这三大因素为中国女性主义向性别批评阶段迈进提供了理论与实际的双方面的支持。

    Finally , the three factors of gender , class and race support Chinese feminism to step forward into the gender criticism stage in both theory and practice .

  22. 报告说,职场女性会向理财顾问征求不墨守成规的意见:从个人健康问题、家庭纠纷,到人生指导和其他个人问题。

    The study said working women reach out to their advisers for some out-of-the-box advice : from support on personal-health issues to family disputes , life coaching and other personal matters , the study said .

  23. 报告说,职场女性会向理财顾问征求不“墨守成规”的意见:从个人健康问题、家庭纠纷,到人生指导和其他个人问题。

    The study said working women reach out to their advisers for some " out-of-the-box " advice : from support on personal-health issues to family disputes , life coaching and other personal matters , the study said .

  24. 超过一半(52%)的女性会向通过一个对象侧面来告知分手,而余下的43%女性则会亲自将消息告诉他人。

    Just over half of women ( 52 per cent ) would meet a partner to say the relationship is over , while fewer than half of men ( 43 per cent ) would break the news in person 。

  25. 这些女性在向画师萨莫拉描述自己时,总会说我有点胖,是个圆脸。或者我前额特别大。诸如此类的话。

    When asked to describe themselves to Zamora , viewers can hear the women saying things like ' I kind of have a fat , rounder face ' and ' I would say I have a pretty big forehead . '

  26. 今年露背装风靡还有一个原因:穿露背装的女性是想向人们秀一下她们完美的标志性V型背部,这是她们一直坚持练习普拉提的成果。

    There is another reason backless dresses have been ubiquitous this year : the women wearing them want you to know they have been doing Pilates , and have developed that perfect , signature V-shape .

  27. 媒介塑造和呈现的女性形象铺天盖地向我们袭来。

    Female images that are shaped and presented by media have flooded into us .

  28. 该调查进一步说道,然而男性相较于女性更少会向自己的私人医生或顾问寻求帮助。

    Yet men are less likely than women to seek help from their GP or a counsellor , the results suggested .

  29. 本文探讨了促使女性被害人恶向逆变的原因,提出措施防止被害女性恶向逆变。

    This paper discusses the reason why the female victims change to the inverters , and proposes measures to prevent the female victims change to the inverters .

  30. 在女性主义思潮向社会学科领域全面渗透的背景下,产生了一门新的跨学科研究&女性主义媒介研究,或称女性与传播研究。

    A new trans-discipline research referred to as Women and Mass communication or Feminist Media Studies came into being with feminism permeating through all the social studies .