
  • 网络how i met your mother;HIMYM
  1. 《老爸老妈的浪漫史》回归日期:1月13日

    How I Met Your Mother | Return Date : Jan.13

  2. 《老爸老妈的浪漫史》的剧迷们即将要跟电视史上最受欢迎情景喜剧说再见了,不过CBS电视台打算将这种欢乐延续。

    As fans are preparing to say goodbye to one of TVs most popular comedies , How I Met Your Mother , CBS is looking to extend the franchise .

  3. 《老爸老妈的浪漫史》(HowIMetYourMother)中备受期待的一集可以引来近1100万观众。考虑到这样的收视规模,互联网似乎真的没办法承载电视。

    A highly anticipated episode of How I Met Your Mother could pull in close to 11 million viewers.Given such viewership , it seems the Internet literally cannot handle television .

  4. 那时候还没有传出米歇尔跟《老爸老妈的浪漫史》“马修叔叔”杰森·西格尔(JasonSegel)正式交往的消息,但贝茜早在2007年就嫁给了编剧马克·西尔弗斯坦因(MarcSilverstein),并且即将当妈妈。

    That was before Michelle started getting serious with boyfriend Jason Segel , but Busy was already married to Marc Silverstein , her hubby since 2007 and father to her one and one-on-the-way kids .

  5. 这位26岁的流行乐坛小天后接下来还将在美剧“老爸老妈的浪漫史”中客串角色。该剧将于本季晚些时候上映。

    The26-year-old pop phenom will guest star on an episode of How I Met Your Mother , which will air later this season .

  6. 电视台喜欢放这种一集20分钟的热播剧,如现在的《老爸老妈的浪漫史》,但他们严重依赖演员间的默契和编剧的才华。

    Networks long for this kind of20-something demographic hit , like the current How I Met Your Mother , but they 're fatally dependent on the chemistry between the cast and the talent of the writers .