
  1. 非晶软磁合金Fe(73.5)Cu1Nb3Si(13.5)B9的退火处理与性能研究

    Annealing treatment of amorphous soft magnetic alloy Fe_ ( 73.5 ) Cu_1Nb_3Si_ ( 13.5 ) B_9 and investigation of its properties

  2. 研究了FeBSi非晶软磁合金的铁芯损耗谱P(f),发现P(f)具有分形结构。

    The core loss spectrum P ( f ) of Fe-B-Si amorphous soft magnetic alloy has been studied . It is found that P ( f ) has the fractal structure .

  3. 球磨法制备Co-Zr非晶软磁合金粉末

    Co-Zr Amorphous Soft Magnetic Alloy Preparation by Mechanical Alloying

  4. 本论文介绍了非晶软磁材料的巨磁阻抗(GMI)效应发展的现状、GMI效应在传感器上的应用、GMI效应的理论研究、影响GMI效应的因素、提高材料GMI效应所进行的处理。

    In this thesis , we introduceed the status of GMI effect ; application in sensor of GMI , the theory of GMI effect , the factors to influenced on GMI effect , and the method about how to improve GMI effect .

  5. 非晶软磁合金在传感器中的应用

    The Application of Amorphous Soft Magnetic Alloy in Sensor 's Elements

  6. 离子束溅射非晶软磁薄膜

    Amorphous thin films with soft magnetic properties by ion beam sputtering

  7. 沸石基纳米非晶软磁材料的制备及其磁性

    Preparation and Magnetism of Nanometer Noncrystal Soft Magnetic Materials Based on Zeolites

  8. 非晶软磁合金的巨磁阻抗效应及应用

    Giant Magneto impedance Effects and its Applications of Amorphous Soft Magnetic Alloy

  9. 重复频率的两级无复位非晶软磁合金磁脉冲压缩器

    A two stage repetition-rate amorphous alloy magnetic pulse compressor without core reset

  10. 制备沸石基纳米非晶软磁材料的新方法及其磁性

    New Method for Preparing Zeolites Matrix Nanometer Noncrystal Soft Magnetic Materials and Their Magnetism

  11. 并对非晶软磁合金在传感器敏感材料中的应用进行了探索。

    The application of amorphous soft magnetic alloys to the sensor elements have been discussed .

  12. 另外,处于热力学亚稳态的非晶软磁合金在退火过程中发生结构重排,导致条带变脆,通过调整热处理工艺可以改善脆性,实现非晶合金延性与磁性较佳的配合。

    Especially , Amorphous soft magnetic alloys which were thermodynamical metastable state would take place atom recognition in the process of annealed treatment resulted in the brittleness .

  13. 本文基于对两种非晶软磁合金的低频损耗曲线的分析,探讨了低频损耗曲线非线性的来源。

    The behaviour of non-linear dependence of low frequency loss upon frequency has been approached on the basis of the analysis of low frequency loss curves for two types of amorphous alloy .

  14. 本文介绍了钴基金属-金属型非晶软磁薄膜材料在磁性能、稳定性能及耐腐蚀性等方面的主要特点以及制备工艺条件对膜性能的影响。

    This paper deals with it characteristics including magnetic performance , stabilization , corrosion resistance . etc. as well as the effect of technological conditions of preparation on the performance of the film .

  15. 为此,本文概述了冶金部钢铁研究总院近年来所研究的用于开关电源、脉冲变压器、传感器、电流互感器和电感器等方面的非晶软磁合金的性能及其应用概况。

    This paper summarized the characteristics and application of soft magnetic amorphous materials developed by our institute which are used for switched - mode power , pulse transfomer , sensor , circuit mutual inductor and inductance in recent years .

  16. 非晶软磁合金以及新近发展起来的纳米晶软磁合金是一种性能非常优异的功能材料,很多研究者对非晶材料的结构弛豫和晶化行为进行了研究。

    The amorphous soft magnetic alloy and nanometer soft magnetic alloy developed recently are a kind of new good function material , and a lot of research works have been carried on structure relaxation and crystallization of the amorphous material .

  17. 非晶Fe-Si软磁箔的组织结构及磁性能研究

    Research on Microstructure and Magnetic Property of Amorphous Fe-Si

  18. 冷轧DDQ级深冲板再结晶动力学和组织性能研究非晶Fe-Si软磁箔的组织结构及磁性能研究

    Study on Recrystallization Dynamic and Microstructure-Properties for DDQ ( Deep Drawable Quality ) Cold Rolled Sheets ; Research on Microstructure and Magnetic Property of Amorphous Fe-Si

  19. 非晶纳米晶软磁材料的制备与应用

    Preparations and Applications of Nanocrystalline Soft Magnetic Materials

  20. 非晶及纳米晶软磁材料耐腐蚀性能的研究现状

    An Overview on the Corrosion Resistance of Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Soft Magnetic Material

  21. 非晶和纳米晶软磁合金从研究到产业化(一)

    From Research to Industrialization for Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Soft Magnetic Alloys ( 1 )

  22. 综述了软磁材料的分类及其性能对比,重点介绍了高性能非晶/纳米晶软磁材料的性能及应用。

    In this paper , the classification and property contrast of soft magnetic materials are summarized . The emphases are placed on the property and application of high property amorphous / nanocrystalline soft magnetic materials .

  23. 非晶和纳米晶软磁材料被广泛应用于电力、电子领域,对实现电子产品高频化、小型化、低损耗有着很大的推动作用,有代替目前广泛使用铁芯材料之趋势。

    Amorphous and nanocrystalline soft magnetic materials are widely used in filed of electricity and electronics . It has greatly helped to implement high frequency 、 miniaturization and low loss of electronic products , and to replace the current widely used cores Materials .

  24. 文章综述了非晶态物理方面的一些基本问题,以及非晶软磁合金的发展历程和产业化现状.指出了我国安全生产面临的主要难点;

    We discuss some of the fundamental problems concerning amorphous state physics and review last developments as well as the current status of production of amorphous soft magnetic materials .

  25. 在对非晶丝进行热处理时加适当的偏置磁场,能进一步提高样品的GMI效应、线性度和磁场灵敏度,优化非晶丝的软磁性能。

    When playing heat treatment on the amorphous wires , adding proper biasing magnetic field can further improve the GMI effect , linearity and sensitivity of the specimens , furthermore the soft magnetic property was optimized .