
  • 网络interacting galaxy
  1. 这张钱德拉拍摄的拼接图展示的是一对互扰星系,名为触角星系。

    This montage of Chandra images shows a pair of interacting galaxies known as The Antennae .

  2. 它们是:1.盘状星系大尺度棒状不稳定性,2.死晕与活晕和盘状成份的相互作用,3.旋涡星系中球状成分的分布对旋涡结构的影响,4.互扰星系。

    Four subjects are dealt with : 1 . the large-scale bar instability in disk galaxies , 2 . the interaction between the disk component and dead or live halo , 3 . the influence of spherical component in spiral galaxies upon spiral structure , 4 . interacting galaxies .