
  • 网络Height;Antenna height;HAAT;ANT.H
  1. 并且分析了如何选取AIS基站的天线高度。

    And we analyzed how to select the antenna ′ s height of AIS base station .

  2. 因此,它主要跟AIS台站的天线高度有关,一般情况下认为船舶AIS台站的监测范围为25海里,VTS的AIS台站的监测范围为45海里。

    So , it is mainly related to the height of AIS 's antenna . Generally , the ship AIS 's monitoring range is 25 nautical miles and the VTS AIS 's monitoring range is 45 nautical miles .

  3. 小麦田中天线高度对2.4GHz无线信道传播特性的影响

    Impact of antenna height on propagation characteristics of 2.4 GHz wireless channel in wheat fields

  4. 利用倾斜地面降低短波天线高度

    To lower altitude of short wave antennas by the slanting ground

  5. 讨论了利用特殊地形,降低天线高度的方法等问题。

    Methods of utilizing . special terrain for reducing antenna height are also discussed .

  6. 对于有效发射天线高度的选择算法进行相对简要的研究。

    To the algorithm of the effectively transmitting antenna height , we do a brief study .

  7. 水平面以上天线高度

    Height calculation above sea level

  8. 平均地表面上天线高度

    Antenna height above average terrain

  9. 通过介质加载,进一步降低了天线高度,同时起到天线罩的作用。

    Dielectric loaded antenna can reduce the height of antenna and the dielectric can also act as a radome simultaneously .

  10. 天线高度的改变导致传播环境不同于传统的基站与移动台链路。

    A change in antenna height makes the propagation environment different from the traditional link between base station and mobile station .

  11. 给出了这种浮标通信方面的设计方案,并重点探讨了如何确定其天线高度、功率大小等几个关键问题。

    This paper advanced many proposal how to design it , especially , how to select height of antenna , power .

  12. 首先对基站的天线高度、下倾角、接收电平进行仿真,得出基站导频覆盖范围。

    The coverage range of pilot channel is get by the simulation about the height of antenna , angle of depression , lever of reception .

  13. 最后结合绕射损耗的模型和有效发射天线高度算法,可以较为准确的预测在当前实际环境下的绕射损耗。

    Finally , using the diffraction loss model and effectively transmitting antenna height algorithm , we can predict the diffraction loss of the current environment accurately .

  14. 对具有不同辐射特性(单波瓣和多波瓣)的受试设备天线高度扫描问题进行了定性分析。

    Qualitatively analyze the existing problem of the antenna height scanning for the EUT with radiating characteristics ( single lobe and multi-lobes ) in the measurement method .

  15. 在微波视距通信中通常采用二径模型来描述信道,简要介绍了二径模型的频率响应、损伤参数以及多径时延与天线高度、通信距离的关系。

    This paper introduces briefly the frequency response , damage parameter of two-ray multipath model and the relationship between multipath time delay , antenna height and communication distance .

  16. 仿真结果证明,该方法在天线高度不变的情况下,不仅能够提高平均距离模糊度,也可以改善分布距离模糊度。

    Simulation results prove that this approach not only increases ARASR , but also improves DRASR under the condition that the antenna height is not needed to be changed .

  17. 同时,本文进一步提出了抑制平静海面镜反射效应的舰载天线高度设计技术。

    Meanwhile , a design technique of ship antenna height is pr ~ nted for the reduction of the effects of the specular reflection under the calm sea condition .

  18. 天线高度是宽带卫星移动通信系统推广应用的一个重要制约因素,采用多子阵技术可以降低平板天线的天线高度。

    As the application of SATCOM On-The-Move ( SOTM ) is restricted by the height of antenna , the planar antenna with multiple subarrays is adopted to reduce the height of antenna .

  19. 运用双射线模型揭示了天线高度及其与高架桥桥面中心轴距离的变化与桥下阴影区域的形成、范围大小及构成改变的关系。

    A 3-dimensional two-ray tracing model revealed the relations between the formation , range , and components of the shade on the road under viaduct and the varying level of antenna and the horizontal .

  20. 在微波通信工程设计中,需要获得障碍物的位置和高度、最合理的天线高度组合和障碍物绕射损耗等参数,为此论述了微波电路电测方法及技术要求。

    It is necessary for the design of a microwave communication project to know such parameters as location and height of obstacle , proper arrangement of antenna height , obstacle diffraction loss , ect .

  21. 通过仿真计算,分析了来波方向、收发天线高度和试验距离等试验参数对测向误差的影响。

    The computer simulation is carried out to analyze the influence of various test parameters ( such as arrival wave direction , height of receiving and transmitting antenna and test distance ) on direction-finding error .

  22. 数字微波通信部分是本文的另一个重点,通过对数字微波通信技术的研究,在物理层上设计了微波天线高度,保证了微波信号的强度;

    The part of digital microwave communications is another emphasis in this paper , so digital microwave technology is studied . Through designing the heights of the microwave antennas , the intensity of signals is ensured .

  23. 阐述了高度&损耗曲线的取得,及障碍点的位置、障碍点的有效高度、绕射地形因子、有效地反射系数、反射点的位置、推荐天线高度等数据的处理方法。

    It expounds how height loss diagram is acquired and how dates are processed that comprize position of obstruction point , effective height of obstruction point , diffraction terrain factor , effcctive reflection to earth coefficient , position of reflection point , recommended antenna height .

  24. 只要选择天线高度和导线直径即可实现与50Ω馈线匹配而不需要匹配网络;具有较大的辐射电阻和较高的效率。

    The result shows that this antenna is characterized by its small height easily mounted on the top of the car , 50 Ω feeder line without a matching network after the proper selection of the height and wire diameter , great radiation resistance and high efficiency .

  25. 重点分析了各类塔顶放大器的应用环境,并以CCIR推荐的海域无线电传播经验数据为基础,阐述海域覆盖中收发天线架设高度的作用。

    It focuses on the analysis to the various application environments of tower mounted booster . Based on the sea radio propagation empirical data recommended by CCIR , it explains the purpose of the Tx / Rx antenna mounted height in sea area coverage .

  26. 小功率电视发射天线最佳高度的探讨

    The Discussion of Best Height of the Low Power TV Transmission Antenna

  27. 舰载微波超视距雷达天线架设高度研究

    A Study on Antenna Height of Ship-borne Microwave OTH Radar

  28. 双基地多普勒天气雷达天线架设高度设计及旁瓣污染分析

    Antenna Setting Altitude Design and Analysis of Side-lobe Contamination for a Bistatic Doppler Weather Radar

  29. 当天线架设高度足够时,最远传输距离可达115公里。

    For a sufficient antenna height , the distance of transmission can reach about 115 kilometers .

  30. 结果表明,路径损耗指数随高架桥高度的增加而增大,随基站天线相对高度的增加而减小。

    The results show that path loss exponent increases with viaduct height and decreases with relative height of the base station antenna .