
fánɡ hài ɡōnɡ wù zuì
  • crime of disrupting public service
  1. 妨害公务罪的犯罪停止形态问题探讨

    Study on the criminal cessation pattern about the crime of disrupting public service

  2. 现卢勇因涉嫌妨害公务罪被拘留。

    Lu is currently in custody for disrupting public services .

  3. 妨害公务罪的犯罪对象研究

    Research on the Object of the Crime of Interference with Public Function

  4. 妨害公务罪的侵害对象问题探讨

    On the Objective of Infringement of Interference with the Exercise of Public Functions

  5. 本文在厘清妨害公务罪的概念和基本犯罪构成的基础上,对我国司法实务中刑法规制妨害公务行为的现状进行了分析。

    This based on the concept of crimes of crimes of obstruction of official business and the basic form of crime .

  6. 论妨害公务罪的行为客体通过碰撞检测实现了沿楼梯而上的功能。

    On the Action Object of the Offence on Interference with Public Functions And the action up stairs is implemented by collision detection .

  7. 诉讼欺诈与诈骗罪、妨害公务罪、敲诈勒索罪等相关罪名有着本质的区别。

    Litigation fraud and crime of fraud , breach of official crime and racketeering sin and other related charges the distinction that having essence .

  8. 依据司法解释:国有事业单位人员和国家机关中事业编制人员可以作为妨害公务罪的侵害对象;

    According to judicial interpretation , state-owned institution staff and institutional person in government organizations can be the objective of infringement of interference with the exercise of public functions .

  9. 笔者进行上述研究期望用立法或解释的方式对妨害公务罪法条及内涵予以完善以确保刑法的社会功能。

    The author carries on the above research expectation to consummate the hinders official business crime law and the connotation with legislative or the explanation way , in order to guarantee the social function of the criminal law .