
  • 网络Modern Physics
  1. 近代物理学中普朗克常量h和光速c是两个最基本、最重要的普适恒量。

    In modern physics the two most basically important and applicable constants are Plank constant h and light-speed c which brought about the development of physics .

  2. 本文利用近代物理学中提出的分析方法,对ENSO事件在相空间中的轨迹特征进行了描述。

    In this paper , by using the method provided in modern physics , the time series data of ENSO evidence are expanded in phase space .

  3. Maxwell电磁场理论是迄今为止最成功的物理理论之一,是近代物理学的基础。

    Maxwell electromagnetic theory is one of the most successful field theories up to now .

  4. 同样,光学也推动着物理学,尤其是近代物理学的发展。

    Moreover , light is putting the development of modern physics .

  5. 近代物理学在中国的本土化探索

    To probe into the process of naturalization of modern Physics in China

  6. 近代物理学“混沌理论”浅解

    A Brief Study on the " Chaos Theory " of Modern Physics

  7. 试论物理研究方法对近代物理学兴起的影响

    Expound the Physical Ways ' Great Effect on the Rise of Modern Physics

  8. 近代物理学的特点与教学方法

    Characteristics of Modern Physics and the Methods of Teaching

  9. 这是近代物理学的两个巨头:,爱因斯坦和波尔。

    This is the two giants of modern physics : Einstein and Bohr .

  10. 自然哲学与近代物理学之辨

    The Debate over Philosophy of Nature and Modern Physics

  11. 第六章结合近代物理学的学科材料,给出5个渗透的实例作为范例。

    The sixth chapter gave 5 examples using the material of modern physics .

  12. 中国近代物理学的四位开拓者

    The four pioneers of modern physics in China

  13. 近代物理学与核技术

    Modern physics spearheaded the development of nuclear technology

  14. 给出近代物理学教材的内容和教学方法及教学手段。

    And modern physics teaching content , teaching method and teaching means was provided .

  15. 中学物理教学中渗透近代物理学思想的研究

    Research on Taking the Basic Thought of Modern Physics in Middle School Physics Teaching

  16. 近代物理学中力的概念

    The Concept of Force of Modern Physics

  17. 简论近代物理学中的悖论

    Reflection on paradoxes in modern physics

  18. 近代物理学与经典物理学

    Modern Physics and Classical Physics

  19. 声学与近代物理学

    Acoustics and modern physics

  20. 近代物理学实验技术的发展,使脂质体的质量研究进入分子水平。

    The study of quality control of liposomes achieves molecular level with the development of modern physical techniques .

  21. 本文指出了大量的众所周知的近代物理学、原子物理学及量子力学教材中的一个错误。

    This article points out an error in a large number of wellknown textbooks of modern physics , atomic physics and quantum mechanics .

  22. 主题包括:近代物理学的起源,物质的基本结构,太阳系、星体及星系,宇宙的过去、现在与未来。

    Topics include : origins of modern physics , fundamental structure of matter , solar system , stars and galaxies , and history and fate of the universe .

  23. 将场协同原理扩展到经典物理学与近代物理学中,并以实例说明场协同原理是强化能量传递与转换过程的一般原理。

    A extension of field synergy principle to classical and modern physics by examples shows that field synergy is a generalized principle for enhancing processes of energy transfer and conversion .

  24. 摘要近代物理学教学应该紧密联系实际,使得学生在理论与实际的结合中理解和应用相关知识。

    The teaching of modem physics should be closely connected to current practice , which enables students to understand and apply their knowledge in the combination of theory and practice .

  25. 生物医学工程是在电子学、微电子学、现代计算机技术,化学、高分子化学、力学、近代物理学、光学、射线技术、和精密机械发展的基础上,在与医学结合的条件下发展起来的。

    Biomedical Engineering is developed by combining electronics , microelectronics , computer technology , chemistry , polymer chemistry , mechanics , modern physics , optics , X-ray technology and precision machinery , with medicine .

  26. 文中述及近代物理学起源于17世纪,经过一百多年(1666~1800)的发展,在欧洲近代的科学观念开始萌芽,并逐渐开花、结果。

    Modern physics , he says , originated from the seventeenth century . Having undergone the development for more than one hundred years ( 1666-1800 ), modern scientific idea began to spring up , blossom , and outcome gradually .

  27. 谭嗣同为了给自己的变法活动寻找理论根据,他接受了西方近代物理学的以太概念,并把它和传统儒家的仁相结合,构建了他的哲学体系。

    In order to seek the theoretical foundation for his own political reform activity , he accepted the concept of " ether " of modern times physics , and unified it with " Kindheartedness " of Chinese traditional Confucianism .

  28. Ising模型是近代统计物理学中研究相变问题的具有代表性的简单模型,对于Ising模型扩展形式的解以及它的应用范围,一直是人们关注的课题。

    Ising model is a representative model for the studies of phase transition . Great emphasis has been given to the solution of extended Ising model and its application .

  29. 近代天体物理学中的毕达哥拉斯主义倾向

    In Modern Times Astrophysics Pythagoras Principle Tendency

  30. 回顾近代历史上物理学与材料科学交叉的一些典型例子;

    Selected highlights in recent history of the interaction between physics and materials science are reviewed .