
  • 网络Tabby cat
  1. 首次实验中,他把一个HTC野火智能手机藏在宠物外套口袋里,然后给他的虎斑猫搭档Skitzy穿上。

    His first experiment involved hiding an HTC Wildfire smartphone inthe pocket of a dog jacket worn by his co-worker 's tabby , Skitzy .

  2. 这是人们近期记忆中最快的政治过渡事件之一。住在唐宁街的一家人中,唯一没有卷入尴尬的成员就是猫咪拉里(LarrytheCat)了。他是一只拥有内阁办公室首席捕鼠官头衔的虎斑猫。

    The only member of the household on Downing Street to be spared the indignity of one of the fastest political transitions in recent memory will be Larry the Cat , a tabby who holds the title of chief mouser to the cabinet office .

  3. 之后财政大臣的虎斑猫弗莱娅就被授予了捕鼠总管的职务。

    The Chancellors tabby Freya was then given the role of Chief Mouser .

  4. 当色素走到毛根部,在银虎斑猫中它被认为是图案形成失败。

    When the pigment goes to the roots , it is considered a pattern-fault in silver tabbies .

  5. 该研究总结出黑猫、灰猫、白猫和虎斑猫才是最理想的宠物猫。

    It concluded that the ideal pet is a black , grey , white or tabby cat .

  6. 他是3岁大的虎斑猫斯坦利(根据脸谱网的投票命名)的主人,也是另一只名叫吉普赛的猫的主人。

    He is the proud owner of three-year-old tabby Stanley ( named through a Facebook poll ) as well as another cat named Gypsy .

  7. 丑丑是一只身上带有条纹的深灰色虎斑猫,但他的头部、颈部,甚至肩膀上到处都是伤口。

    Ugly would have been a dark grey tabby , striped type , except for the sores covering his head , neck , and even his shoulders .

  8. 丑八怪应该属于一条深灰色的虎斑猫,条纹的那种,当然除了他头上、脖子上和肩膀上那些带着厚厚的黄色痂子的疮口。

    Ugly would have been a dark grey tabby , striped-type , except for the sores covering his head , neck , even his shoulders with thick , yellowing scabs .

  9. 我就不希望在火灾、一氧化碳中毒或其他灾难中失去我养的苏格兰牧羊犬麦奇和虎斑猫露西。

    I know I wouldn 't want to lose Maggie , my collie , or Lucy , my Tabby cat , to a fire , carbon monoxide poisoning or Lord knows what else .

  10. 绒毛团团:猫主人罗莎沃德尔十分溺爱猫,她展示了她的宠物蓝雪人(左),而右边理发师伊维特则带着她的爆竹虎斑猫来参加冠军猫展。

    Bundles of fluff : Doting cat owner Rosa Wardle shows off her pet Blue Snowman , left , while Yvette Barber holds up her Tabby Colourpoint Firecracker at the Supreme Championship Cat Show .

  11. 这只橙色虎斑猫的身影总能出现在好莱坞黄金时代的电影里,无论是严肃剧还是科幻题材,亦或是英雄剧,都少不了它。

    The most famous of them is Orangey , the orange tabby cat who was a permanent fixture in Hollywood 's golden age movies , ranging from serious dramas to science fiction to horror .

  12. 一只流浪虎斑猫在鸡舍里生下四只小猫后,竟然破天荒的帮母鸡孵鸡蛋,成了一个“代孵妈妈”。据英国《每日邮报》报道,猫咪里兹在鸡舍里一直过的很惬意。

    After giving birth to four kittens in a chicken pen , a stray tabby cat has become an unlikely surrogate mother - to a clutch of hen 's eggs , the Daily Mail reported .

  13. 前述政府发言人不无幽默地说,猫咪拉里将会留下来,梅可能会继承这只虎斑猫。拉里是2011年从动物收容所收养的,来官邸帮助应对老鼠问题。

    Larry the Cat will be staying , the government spokesman said wryly , adding that Ms. May would inherit the tabby , adopted from an animal shelter in 2011 to help address a rat problem .

  14. 艾芙与草丛中可爱的乌龟交上朋友,或者和黑猫或虎斑猫玩耍。张三说李四在期中考试中作弊,但李四回说〔他是〕龟笑鳖无尾。

    Eve made friends with her pet tortoise in the grass or romped with the black cat or with the tabby cat . Chang San said Li Szu had cheated at the mid-term examination , but Li Szu replied that the pot was calling the kettle black .

  15. 一开始他住在顶层(他一个人住单间,其他初级官员并无这种待遇),后来搬到了花园里的一间小屋,和罗宾·甘迪以及一只虎斑猫一起生活。

    At first he occupied a room on the top floor of the mansion ( he had one to himself , enjoying a rather more privileged status than the junior officers ) , and then later moved into a cottage in the walled kitchen garden , which he shared with Robin Gandy and a large tabby cat .