
  1. 美国AMC电视台和英国电视4台合作的科幻剧《真实的人类》将在中国翻拍,此前EndemolShineChina(电视节目制作公司及发行商)与当地制片商克顿传媒在合作。

    AMC and Channel 4 sci-fi drama Humans is being remade in China after Endemol Shine China partnered with local producer Croton Media .

  2. 当她完成全部的升级,将Ash的数据转移到一个机器人身上后,她才终于意识到,这奇迹般的高科技永远无法重新点燃真实的人类情感。

    It is only after she gets the full upgrade , and Ash 's details are transferred into an android , that she realises that this miraculous technology will never be able to rekindle true human emotions .

  3. 我们可以去探索为什么这种真实的人类劳动

    that I think we can explore why this very real human effort ,

  4. 它们又高又瘦,腿很长,实际上和真实的人类相差甚远。

    They 're thin , tall , long-legged and virtually unlike any real human being .

  5. 刘易斯·芒福德说:城市是一部具体、真实的人类文化记录簿。

    Lewis Munford says : " the city is a concrete , true human culture minute book " .

  6. 我真的觉得你宁愿有个手机朋友也不愿有个真实的人类朋友呢!

    I kinda feel that you would rather be friends with your smartphone than have a real human friend .

  7. 尽管杰克逊有着超级巨星的身分,《飞逝》提醒着:在媒体构造的形象背后,是一个真实的人类。

    For all Jackson 's superstardom ," Much Too Soon " reminds that behind the media construct was a human being .

  8. 这项理论认为,人类复制品机器人或是计算机渲染出的角色在视觉上开始变得越来越写实却又不是纯正的人类,这会让真实的人类看到他们时感到反胃或憎恶。

    That concept suggests that when human replicas either robots or in computer renderings begin to look realistically but not perfectly human it can make real-life observers feel queasy or revolted .

  9. 档案是人类历史最重要的载体之一,它通过自己的记载,向后人揭示历史的真相,是社会信息资源的重要组成部分,是真实的人类活动的记录。

    Archives are the most important human history of one of the carrier , it through their own records , reveals the truth of history to later generations , and is the social information resources is an important part of the real human activities record .

  10. 培训期间,DeepMind团队让WaveNet学习了一些真实记录的人类语音波形。

    During training the DeepMind team gave WaveNet real waveforms recorded from human speakers to learn from .

  11. 马克思所理解的自由是具体的、历史的、真实的全人类的自由,不是西方资产阶级自由观所主张的抽象的、狭隘的、脱离社会经济政治关系的少数人的自由。

    Marx thought that freedom is concrete , historical , and real universe freedom , it is not small number of people 's freedom which is abstract , is narrow ; it is separated from social economy political relation which the west bourgeoisie free view advocated .

  12. 经典有效的抗乙肝药物对HBV转基因小鼠疗效反证了该动物模型可真实的模拟表现人类乙型肝炎疾病许多生物学特征。

    Classic anti-HBV drugs had effect on the model , which reflected that the model can truly simulate many characteristics of human B hepatitis .

  13. 另外在真实的环境中,人类还要判断机器是否足够可靠,能否委以重任。”

    hine decisions will be made ; and humans decide whether the machines are reliable enough to be delegated tasks in real-world situations . "

  14. “也许我的照片缺乏在工作室里完成细腻的化妆及华丽的衣服,但我觉得没有什么比得上在真实的生活场景的人类情感的美丽,”他说。

    " Maybe my photos lack the magnificence , delicate make-up and gorgeous dresses of studios , but I think nothing is comparable to the beauty of human emotions in a real life scenario ," he said .