
  1. 人口增长对经济增长的影响分析&与胡鞍钢博士商榷

    Effect Analysis of Population Increase on Economic Development

  2. 清华大学一名叫胡鞍钢的经济学家估计1元钱中,有6分钱是腐败掉了。

    Professor Hu Angang , an economist at Tsinghua university , estimates that one yuan in six is , in effect , corrupt .

  3. 全球减排路线图的正义性&对胡鞍钢教授的全球减排路线图的评价与修正

    On the Justice of Global GHG Emissions Reduction Roadmap & An Evaluation and Revision to Professor Hu Angang 's Global GHG Emissions Reduction Roadmap

  4. 北京中国科学院研究员胡鞍钢表示:被解雇的工人数量势必激增。

    Says Hu Angang , a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing : The number of laid-off workers is bound to surge .

  5. “我们将同各国人民一道,共同推动建设一个持久和平,共同繁荣的和谐世界的建设,”胡鞍钢说。

    " We will work with people of all countries to jointly promote the construction of a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity ," said Hu .

  6. 当增长率下滑时,你应该会看到能源使用量大幅降低,效率提高,北京清华大学经济学家胡鞍钢表示。

    When the growth rate slows , then you should see a big slowdown in energy usage and improved efficiency , says Hu Angang , an economist at Tsinghua University in Beijing .

  7. 清华大学研究员、著名学者胡鞍钢教授表示,他非常欢迎这份报告。他指出报告中提出的中国和欧盟都应该避免“高碳发展锁定”的观点,特别让人眼前一亮。

    Hu Angang , a leading researcher at Tsinghua University , welcomes the report , saying its recommendation to avoid " high-carbon development lock-in " both for China and EU is especially refreshing .