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  1. 《古代中国思想与当代中国力量》(ancientchinesethought,modernchinesepower)一书的很大一部分,是阎学通及同事撰写的、关于古代中国思想家之国际政治哲学的论文。

    Much of ancient Chinese thought , modern Chinese power is taken up with essays by Yan and his colleagues on the international political philosophy of ancient Chinese thinkers .

  2. 这本书最有趣的两章是对阎学通生活和工作的采访以及贝淡宁(DanielBell)所撰写的引论。贝淡宁是加拿大儒学学者、清华大学教授。

    Two of the most interesting chapters in the book are an interview with Yan about his life and work and an introductory essay by Daniel Bell , a Canadian scholar of Confucianism who is also a professor at Tsinghua .

  3. 在他的新书中(实际上是与几位同事合著),阎学通表现出更为柔和与深思的一面。

    In his new book ( in reality , a collaboration with several colleagues ), Yan presents a softer and more contemplative side .

  4. 阎学通在某些方面就像是阿龙弗里德伯格的“镜像”,是一位愿意公开主张采取更具对抗性外交政策的保守派学者。

    Yan Xuetong is in some ways the mirror image of Aaron Friedberg a conservative scholar who is willing openly to advocate a more confrontational foreign policy .

  5. 清华大学美国问题专家阎学通说,我们可以看到一个没有历史包袱的新开端。

    ' We could see a new start without the old burdens of the past , 'said Yan Xuetong , a professor of American studies at Tsinghua University .

  6. 十几岁的时候,阎学通被迫离开他在城里的知识分子家庭,到农村从事了12年的体力劳动。

    As a teenager , he was plucked from an academic family in the city and forced to work as a labourer in the countryside for 12 years .