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bù chǐ
  • despise;hold in contempt;be unwilling to mention
不齿 [bù chǐ]
  • [despise;hold in contempt] 不愿意提到,表示极端鄙视

  • 巫臣乐师百工之人,君子不齿。--唐.韩愈《师说》

不齿[bù chǐ]
  1. 哈里斯先生素来不怕使用为许多党内人士所不齿的言辞。

    Mr Harris has not been afraid to use language that many in his party despise .

  2. 加塞是一种令人不齿的行为。

    The gasser is one kind the behavior which makes one despise .

  3. 他对待自己子女的那种行径为人所不齿。

    His treatment of his children is beneath contempt .

  4. 他称外交部的决议令人不齿、见利忘义。

    He described the Foreign Office 's decision as sickening and cynical .

  5. 这种销售手段为人所不齿。

    The way the sales were handled was a complete disgrace

  6. 昆斯投身于商界,那是一个大部分现代艺术家所不齿的圈子。

    Koons has engrossed himself in a world of commercialism that most modern artists disdain .

  7. 叛徒为人所不齿。

    Traitors are held in infamy .

  8. Williams先生有一个房间专门存放…让人不齿的物品。

    Mr. Williams had a room filled with , um , unsavory items .

  9. scriptlet会导致最低形式的技术重用复制与粘贴以及其他一些在技术方面为人所不齿的恶行(因为你能和因为你应该之间有巨大区别)。

    They lead to the lowest form of technology reuse copy-and-paste and other crimes of technological moral turpitude . ( There 's a huge disparity between because you can and because you should . )

  10. 一夜暴富的人是被人们所不齿的。

    To be rich over night was despised at that time .

  11. 一帆看到了,对新月的行为很是不齿。

    See to crescent , capable of behavior very is contempt .

  12. 我们都干过自己不齿的事情。

    We 've all done stuff we 're not proud of .

  13. 一蹴而就为长期投资资产所不齿。

    Overnight success is anathema to a long-term asset class .

  14. 有可能我会成为一个人所不齿的东西吗?

    Could it be possible I was one of those subhuman things ?

  15. 说我内藏奸诈、人所不齿,

    Of faults conceal 'd , wherein I am attainted ,

  16. 商鞅最令人不齿的行为应当是诈败魏国。

    Shang Yang 's most contemptible acts of fraud should be defeated Wei .

  17. 他这样议论女王真是为人所不齿!

    It was contemptible of him to speak like that about the queen !

  18. 破坏罢工的人常为同事所不齿。

    Eg. Strike-breakers are often despised by their workmates .

  19. 其间的恣情纵欲甚至让法国人不齿

    And enough sex to scandalised even the French .

  20. 预演开始-布兰妮的舞步能让她不齿

    Starting with the audition . - Britney 's routine will make her immoral .

  21. 他这样议论一位受人尊敬的教师真是为人所不齿!

    It was contemptible of him to speak like that about a respectable teacher !

  22. 万分不齿这个“老师”的师德!

    This pathetic excuse for a " teacher " seemed to have no morals .

  23. 行大善而为小恶,历来被圣人们不齿。

    Greater good and evil is small , has traditionally been the saints have despised .

  24. 这家公司与那些保证其产品功效的科学家们被公众所不齿。

    The company and the scientists who vouched for its products earned widespread public opprobrium .

  25. 史坦利野心还不小哩,他感到不齿。

    Stanley 's ambition made him contemptuous .

  26. 这种行为令人不齿。

    Such behaviour is beneath contempt .

  27. 十年前,抑郁症非常为人所不齿,但慢慢地,情况已有所好转。

    Ten years ago there was a terrible stigma attached but slowly it is getting better .

  28. 对于巨大成功有什么不对劲的说法,他们表示不齿。

    They take umbrage at the suggestion there is something wrong with success on a grand scale .

  29. 父母的想法为孩子们所不齿;孩子们指责他们过于看重金钱。

    Parents'ideas were scorned by their children , who accused them of being too concerned with money .

  30. 表演也并非容易,对于死亡的不齿使许多人看不起哭丧人。

    Performing wasn 't much easier . Stigmas around death make many people look down on mourners .