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  • 网络immorality crime
不道 [bù dào]
  • (1)

  • [unknown;unexpectedly;do not know;be contrary to one's expectation]∶不料

  • 不道国民党政府却在十二月十八日通电各地军政当局文里,又加上他们捣毁机关、阻断交通的罪名。--鲁迅《友邦惊诧论》

  • (2)

  • [outrage;immoral]∶无道

  • 大逆不道

  1. 梧桐树,三更雨,不道离情正苦。(温庭筠《更漏子》)

    Wutong trees , third watch rain , care not for the utter bitterness of separation 's sorrow .

  2. 患不治之症的垂危病人安乐死未必是人不道的。

    To put an incurable dying man away may not be inhuman .

  3. 黛安娜:劳动党?我,我不道你在说什么

    Diana : Labour ? I , I don 't know what you 're talking about

  4. 尽管发生电压骤降时,人们看不道任何的证据,设备却能精确的感知到。

    Even though people may not see any evidence of sags as they occur , the equipment can feel them acutely .

  5. 在交往教学研究之初,我感到在教学中,如果以情感为媒介和学生交往、交流,有时会收到了意想不道的教学效果。

    In the course of teaching , if I communicated with the students by means of emotion , 1 would get the unexpected effect .

  6. 血压不断病态性过高而且找不道具体原因。过重容易引致糖尿病、心脏病和高血压等疾病。

    Persistent and pathological high blood pressure for which no specific cause can be found . Obesity can increase the risk of heart disease .

  7. 道说作为存在之道说意味着不道说之道说,即语言自身在其言说中把存在之遮蔽的神秘带向语言,因此语言的语言性乃宁静的排钟。

    That is , language itself leads the mystery of evilled Being to language when it is saying . Therefore , essence of language is a silent chime .

  8. 在学习中,我常遇到一些困难,但这点困难与鲁滨逊独自生活在荒岛上遇到的艰难险阻相比,是微足不道的。

    During the study , I often encountered some difficulties , but this is difficult to live alone with Robinson in the face of difficulties and obstacles on a desert island , is not enough to micro-Road .

  9. 我记得,当我们回到美国的家中时,我不道为什么就把钥匙从楼梯上扔了下去,然后哭着喊爸妈给我取回来。京晶:那他们照做了吗?

    I remember , when we got back to our house in the States , I threw the key down the stairs for some reason and then cried for my parents to fetch it for me . Did they ?

  10. 有限耐烦期随机库存系统的最优控制柔嘉不耐烦道:没有结!

    Optimal Control on Stochastic Inventory Systems with Time-Limited Free Backorders ;

  11. 可能问不可能道:你住在什么地方呢?

    Asks the Possible to the Impossible , Where is your dwelling-place ?

  12. 你知不知道道普拉稀多有枪?

    Do you know that Placido has a gun ?

  13. 向一边或不挡道。

    To one side or out of the way .

  14. 闹市区不封道条件下已有高架桥的拆除技术

    Construction Technology for Dismantling Existing Viaduct Bridge without Blocking Traffic in Downtown Area

  15. 我哥哥的帮忙,我几乎解不那道好难的数学题。

    I could hardly solve the difficult math problem without help from my brother .

  16. 这样比较妥当些,因为我们不切道会发生些什么事呢。

    It 's prudent , because we have no idea what the future holds .

  17. 方鸿渐忍不住道:“别胡说!”

    Fang could n 't help from blurting out ," do n 't talk nonsense !"

  18. 凡事不背离道者,祂是神、是佛、是上帝。

    He , who conforms to Tao , is god , Buddha or the Holy One .

  19. 当对方已拒绝谈论某个话题时,只有不上道的人才会追着这个话题谈下去。

    When a subject has been turned down , only a tactless person would pursue it .

  20. 这是一个健康的产儿。《悲剧的诞生》是说不完道不尽的!

    This is a healthy baby . " The Birth of Tragedy " has lots to talk !

  21. 所谓的护肤强迫症,就是一看见高机能护肤品就走不动道。

    The so-called skincare obsessive-compulsive disorder , is a seen high functional skincare can 't walk without moving way .

  22. 为了避免麻烦,业主们把他们的餐车停在不挡道的空地上。

    To avoid trouble , the owners parked their businesses on empty lots that were out of the way .

  23. 航空发动机环形锻件成形制造过程有限元仿真制造成可以一边翘起、不挡道的形式。

    Finite Element Simulation on the Deforming Process of Aero-engine Annular Blanks constructed so as to tip up or out of the way .

  24. 无论客户的建议如何不上道,在完全否认之前,都必须先说:「这个意见很有趣。」

    Whenever a client makes a moronic suggestion , you always have to say ," That 's interesting ," before ignoring it completely .

  25. 通过拖动添加带有路段的三维高架立交桥。闹市区不封道条件下已有高架桥的拆除技术

    Drag to add a 3-D elevated flyover with road segment . Construction Technology for Dismantling Existing Viaduct Bridge without Blocking Traffic in Downtown Area

  26. 实际数据试验表明,叠前中值滤波在自动剔除野值和不正常道、提高叠前资料的信噪比以及消除面波干扰三个方面都有较好的效果。

    It is experimentally shown that prestack mid-value filtering can quite well eliminate wild value , abnormal traces as well as surface waves , and raise signal-noise ratio .

  27. 而且,如果因为情感价值,你保留了某样东西,它可以放在不挡道的地方,不是一个常用的抽屉或橱柜里。

    Also , if you 're keeping something for sentimental value , it can be stored someplace out of the way , rather than in an active closet or drawer .

  28. 2.45000004224003.567034.0.63%1.57'4024'10362.4'5704'2000'04233.2360'30454.78'04655.0.54%欧盟对中国的外商直接投资金额从2006年的60亿欧元(93亿美元)大幅下降到去年的18亿美元,与欧盟的投资总量相比微不足道。

    Foreign direct investment ( FDI ) from the EU into China dropped sharply from 6 billion Euros ( $ 9.3 billion ) in 2006 to 1.8 billion Euros last year .

  29. 我只记得,那个场景极其引人入胜,我们简直走不动道了,于是我们同意进去尝点简单的开胃菜,然后再继续去找比萨。

    All I can remember is that the display was so ravishing that we were unable to pass by , so we agreed to go in and taste a few simple appetisers before we continued our search for a pizzeria .

  30. 老子说:不敢为天下先,故能成器长,不违反道,保持谦虚的态度,依道而行,才成为天下的首领。

    Me said : " do not dare for the world first , so it can be long " does not violate the " Dao ", keep a modest attitude , according to Tao , to become the world leader .