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  1. 刘歆是刘向的儿子。哀帝时,他接替了父亲的工作。

    During the reign of Emperor Aidi , his son Liu Xin took over his job .

  2. 佛教在西汉哀帝时传入中国,直至清代,佛教文化都对中国文学产生了深远的影响。

    Buddhism was introduced into China in the period of Ai Emperor of the Western Han Dynasty , and the Buddhist Culture had engendered far-reaching influence on the Chinese Literature .

  3. 天佑元年(904),朱温迁唐都于洛阳。至四年,朱温废哀帝,建立后梁,大唐灭亡。

    In 904 , Zhu Wen moved the capital to Luoyang , and three years later , he disthroned Emperor Tang Aidi , established Post-Liang Dynasty , thus the Tang Dynasty came to an end .

  4. 考察玄宗到唐末哀帝的皇位继承形式,可以总结出唐末皇位继承之争的特点:垄断性,分阶段性,斗争的复杂性。

    On investigating the form of inheritance during the period of Emperor Xuan Zong to the last Emperor Ai Di , the characteristics of the inheritance can be concluded : monopolization of eunuchs , phase nature and complexity of struggle .