  • sorrow;grief;mourning;pity
  • mourn;lament;grieve over;be in sorrow
  • bewailing;doleful;sad;sorrowful
  • sorrowfully;pitifully
  • 悲痛:悲~。~求。~叹。~鸣。~思。~鸿遍野(“哀鸿”,哀鸣的大雁;喻到处都是呻吟呼号,流离失所的灾民)。~艳(诗文凄测动人而华丽)。

  • 悼念:~悼。默~。

  • 旧时称死去母亲:~子(a.母丧而父存;b.古称居父母丧的人)。


(悲伤; 悲痛) sorrow; grief; mourning:

  • 喜怒哀乐

    joy, anger, grief and happiness -- the gamut of human feeling


(哀悼) mourning:

  • 志哀

    express one's mourning for the deceased;

  • 默哀

    stand in silent tribute;

  • 举哀三天

    go into mourning for three days


(怜悯) pity:

  • 乞哀告怜

    piteously beg for help


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 哀章

    Ai Zhang


[书] (悼念; 悲伤) mourn; lament; grieve over; be in sorrow:

  • 哀英雄之故去

    lament the death of a her


(悲伤的) bewailing; doleful; sad; sorrowful:

  • 悲哀

    grieved; sorrowful


(悲伤地) sorrowfully; pitifully:

  • 哀叹

    sigh sorrowfully

  1. 这让全家人喜也不是,哀也不是。

    The family couldn 't tell whether it brought about joy or sorrow .

  2. 只有深哀和极乐才能显露你的真实。

    Only great sorrow or great joy can reveal your truth .

  3. 怒吼的风如同堕入地狱的灵魂在哀声恸哭。

    The howling wind sounded like the wailing of lost souls .

  4. 无限的哀情愁思向他悄悄袭来。

    Feelings of infinite melancholy stole over him .

  5. 鸟之将死,其鸣也哀;人之将死,其言也善。

    Birds cry plaintively before they die , men speak kindly in the presence of death .

  6. 哀莫大于心死。(《庄子》)

    There is no grief greater than when the heart dies .

  7. 她总是一幅哀苦的样子,让人怜惜。

    She always looks sad , which makes people feel sorry for her .

  8. 我们在烈士灵前哀吊。

    We lament for the martyrs before their tombs .

  9. 他不停地哀恳,让人没办法拒绝。

    It is so hard to say no to him because he keeps pleading .

  10. 哀莫大于心死。

    Cold heart is a dead heart .

  11. 挽歌是一种行为,又是一种哀祭文体。

    The elegy can be described as a behavior and a sort of mourning and wield style .

  12. 哀我生之须臾,羡长江之无穷。

    I repine at the shortness of life , and envy the great river its eternal course .

  13. 丧失包括悲伤,这属于个体的心理反应,还包括哀掉,这是悲伤的社会表现。

    Bereavement includes grief , the psychological reaction of the individual , and mourning , the social expression of grief .

  14. 九州生气恃风雷,万马齐喑究可哀。(龚自珍《己亥杂诗》)

    Only in wind and thunder can the country show its vitality , | alas , the ten thousand horses all muted !

  15. 哀公立即召见他,并用国家大事考问他。

    Ai Gong immediately summoned him and inquired of him about state affairs .

  16. 在雨的哀曲中,

    In the mournful melody of the rain ,

  17. 哀公真的颁布了这样一道命令。

    Ai Gong did issue such an order .

  18. 哀公说:“我们鲁国有很多儒生,但是学习你道家学说的人却很少。”

    Ai Gong said : " There are many Confucian scholars in our country , but very few study your Taoist doctrines1 . "

  19. 田饶虽然服侍鲁哀公多年,但是仍然没有受到重用。

    Tian Rao had served Ai Gong , King of the State of Lu , for many years , but he was never appointed to any important position .

  20. 有真实技艺和本领却穿着儒士服装的,处以死刑!’看看是否还有人穿儒服装”。鲁哀公同意了。

    ilities will be executed ! ' and see if there will still be some people wearing scholar 's costume . " Duke Aigong of the state of Lu adopted his suggestion .

  21. 有一天,田饶对鲁哀公说:“我要离开大王,像鸿雁那样远走高飞。”

    One day , Tian Rao said to Ai Gong of Lu : " I am going to leave Your Majesty1 , and fly high and far to distant places like the swan goose . "

  22. 哀公听了,反问说:“鲁国上上下下,都穿着儒生的衣服,怎么能说儒生少呢?”

    Hearing this , Ai Gong replied by asking a question : " How can you say there are very few Confucian scholars in the State of Lu , when all the people in the state wear the clothes of Confucian scholars ? "

  23. 一天,有个人拿着一张破席子,登门兜售,对秦士说:“当年,兽哀公设席,赐孔子坐,询问政事。这张正是当年孔子坐过的席子。”

    One day , a man came to his door to peddle3 a worn-out straw mat . He said to the Qin scholar : " In those years , Ai Gong of the State of Lu gave a seat to Confucius to inquire about political affairs . This was the very straw mat on which Confucius had sat. "

  24. 哀牢山东、西两侧植被NDVI指数和植被类型与主要环境因子的相关性分析

    Correlation analysis of vegetation NDVI and type of vegetation with main environmental factors on eastern and western sides of Ailao Mountain

  25. 结果充血性心力哀竭(CHF)组BNP浓度为(1050.3±75.5)pg/ml,明显高于非心源性呼吸困难组的BNP水平;

    Results the levels of serum BNP in CHF group were ( 1050.3 ± 75.5 ) pg / ml , which were much higher than non-cardiac group ;

  26. 改进了这种MC-CDMA系统的结构,通过在频域引入交织器,使交织后频率分集各分量经历独立的哀落,从而提高了抗哀落能力。

    The structure of such kind of MC-CDMA system is improved by introducing interleaver in frequency domain , ensure that fades among frequency diversity components are independent , so the anti-fade ability has been improved .

  27. 介绍了用NICOS操作系统的FTIR指令的宏指令编写的批处理程序TRF.应用该程序,可进行原位三维动态时间或温度分辨的傅里哀变换红外光谱表征。

    A batch processing program TRF , written in FTIR commands and macrocommands of NICOS system . is presented in this paper . We can carry the in-situ dynamic three-dimension time or temperature resolved FT-IR characterization into practice using TRF .

  28. 在我开始讲话前,请允许我用片刻的时间对今天因大陆航空公司3407航班不幸遇难而丧失亲人的家庭、出事地点克拉伦斯中心(ClarenceCenter)的居民及整个布法罗(Buffalo)社区的人民表达我的哀思并与他们一起祈祷。

    Before I begin , let me just take a moment to say that my thoughts and prayers today are with the families who lost loved ones in the tragic crash of Continental Flight 3407 , with those who live in Clarence Center where this tragedy occurred , and with the entire Buffalo community .

  29. 介绍了X-CT辐射X线强度、吸收剂量、当量剂量、X线与人体的相互作用、X线哀减剂量测量的理论依据及有关公式推导计算测量。

    This paper introduces X-ray intensity , absorbed dose , equivalent dose of X - CT radiation and the interaction between X-ray and human body . The theory and formulas related to the measurement of X-CT radiation dose are also involved in .

  30. 唐恭陵哀皇后墓部分出土文物

    Some Artifacts Unearthed from Empress Ai 's Tomb of Tang Dynasty