- 网络extensional basin

The volcanic rock REE inversion technology used in the study of extensional basin dynamics
Yitong graben is a strike-slip and extensional basin in Meso-Cenozoic , the eastern China .
Controlled by the roll-back subduction belt of Pacific Plate during Oligocene , the NW-SE direction intracontinental spreading happened and a series of large intracontinental extensional basins and basalts derived from asthenosphere mantle were developed in this area .
In the early stage of the extension basin , the " Luchun type " VHMS deposits showing the association feature of el-ements ( Zn-Cu-Pb-Ag ) formed in the high-K rhyolite of the bimodal rocks and developed in the deep-water fa-cies .
In the late stage of the extension basin , the " Zhaokalong-type " VHMS deposits showing the association feature of elements ( Ag-Fe-Pb-Zn ) formed in the contract strip between the intermediate-acidic volcanic rocks and the overlying carbonate rocks and developed in the shallow-water facies .
Sequence IX is characterized by the late Cretaceous and Tertiary rift basin deposits .
Yinggehai Basin is a faultdepressed basin developed on the basement of PreTertiary System .
Structure , evolution and origin of Late Mesozoic extensional basins in the China-Mongolia border region
Evolution of transform - extension Yinggehai Basin
Discussion on foreland - extension Basin
These basins can be classified into two main types : ( 1 ) ex-tensional basins ;
The Early-Middle Jurassic strata were probably deposited in an extensional basin above the Lapeiquan fault .
Hemorheological Parameters Study of Leucocyte Continental lithospheric rheology is one of the most important aspects in basin geodynamic analysis .
The foreland-extension basin is a new prototype , with structure characteristics of both the foreland basin and the extensional fault-down basin .
An Inversion Method of the Surface Thermal Flux Distribution in Extensional Basins : A Case Study of Jiyang Depression , Bohai Bay Basin
Quantative analysis model of subsidence and simulation technique for extensional basins and foreland basins , not only have been rapidly developed and widely applied .
Types , Textures and Series of the Continental Sequences and Model of Sedimentary Basin-Fill in Rift Basin : A Case Study from Jizhong Basin , China
A broad extensional basin system developed in the China-Mongolia border region in Late Juras-sic-Early Cretaceous times , and was internally built up by a number of subbasins of various scales .
The reverse drag anticline traps and the nose shaped high trap in the hanging wall of growth fault in extensional basin are the major targets in oil and gas exploration .
The study of processing and controlling in the stratigraphic development of extensional basins are documented by the precious studies in review of fault growth , erosion , catchment and sediment flux .
The extensional basin formed along the combination belt of two landmasses in the Caledonian movement from south to north , and the Jiang Shao fault played an important role in the formation process .
From Late Devonian to Triassic , the period of paleo-Tethyan ocean ocean , the southwestern margin of Tarim experienced the developmental cycle of intracontinental rift / passive epicontinental basin-back-arc extensional basin-back-arc foreland basin .
Here we synthesize the recent advances in researches about thermal state and rheology of lithosphere in the northern South China Sea and its formation mechanism , along with numerical modeling of extensional basin formation .
A great deal of research shows that distribution and up-growth of sedimentary system in fracture extend basins is not only related to change of lake level and climate , but mainly controlled by tectonism .
In an extensional basin , the surface thermal flux could be controlled by several factors such as the thermal flux derived from mantle , radioactive heat generation of the upper crust and sediments , and the thermal conductivities of lithosphere and sedimentary strata .
There are many faults with different trends in complicated fault blocks in an extensional basin , and the fault assemblages are very complex . Such complicated fault assemblages are usually thought to be the result of superposition tectonic events of multiple stages in the past .
There are 3 type of basin formation model ( strike slip basins , stretch basins and foreland like basins ) for Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous basins which can be further classified into western stretch basin region , eastern strike slip basin region and southern compressive basin region .
Experimental study on influence of inhomogeneous extension in basement on structure formation in extensional basins
Based on the characteristics of the basins , there are three types of basins in the area : graben , listric faults and transform extension .
The Yinggehai basin is a young but high geo-temperature basin that was developed in the Cenozoic at the continental margin area of northern South China Sea .