
  • 网络forensic entomology
  1. 法医昆虫学(Forensicentomology)指的是应用昆虫学知识解决法律上问题的法医学分支学科,在死后间隔时间判断,特别是腐败尸体的死后间隔时间判断等方面有著无可比拟的优越性。

    Forensic entomology is a branch of forensic medicine , which applies studies of insects and arthropods to getting legal evidence . Forensic entomology has peerless advantage in determining postmortem intervals of the death , especially of decayed corpses .

  2. 近十年来我国现代法医昆虫学研究进展

    Progress of Modern Forensic Entomology in China in the Past Ten Years

  3. 本文结果为法医昆虫学中嗜尸性昆虫DNA鉴定数据库的建立提供了数据资料。

    The results provided basis for further research , especially for the setup of mtDNA database of insects of forensic importance .

  4. 目的本课题旨在探索新的法医昆虫学种属鉴定方法。

    Objective . The purposes of our work are to establish new methods of species identification in forensic entomology .

  5. 北京地区法医昆虫学研究&Ⅱ.尸体分解过程中的昆虫种类演替与死亡时间推断

    A study on the forensic entomology ⅱ . the succession of insects in corpse at the postmortem decomposing period and timing of death

  6. 法医昆虫学很容易使人联想到蛆和谋杀案,但实际上昆虫还可以以各种不同的方式为我们提供帮助。

    Forensic entomology tends to be thought of just as maggots and murders , but there are many diverse ways in which insects can help .

  7. 本文讨论了法医昆虫学的研究领域,从理论研究与实践应用两方面概述了近十年来法医昆虫学在我国的进展。

    The paper discusses the research field of forensic entomology and reviews its progress in China both in theoretical study and practical application for the past ten years .

  8. 二十世纪八十年代以来,运用法医昆虫学理论推断死后间隔时间得到了迅速发展。研究表明,建立在尸食性蝇类基础上的死后间隔时间推断方法是目前较为有效的方法。

    Forensic entomology has rapidly developed in every country since the 1980s . So many researches indicated that the methods of estimation of postmortem interval based on the necrophagous flies are relatively efficient and accurate .

  9. 目的:探讨郑州地区初秋季节嗜尸性麻蝇的生长发育规律,为该地区该季节人体死亡时间推断提供法医昆虫学较确切数据。

    Objective : To study the growing law of Sarcophaga carnaria in early autumn in Zheng zhou City in order to find out the more exact data for the estimation of the postmortem interval for this region .

  10. 本文介绍了法医昆虫学的概念,研究内容,昆虫学资料在死亡调查中的价值以及影响使用昆虫资料的因素等。

    This paper presents the situation in the study of Forensic Entomology , including the concept , content , value of Forensic Entomology in the investigation of death , and influencing factors on application of Forensic Entomology in death investigation .