
  1. 这些静止在石壁上的舞蹈造型,既是古代舞蹈的信史资料,更是我们研究中国舞蹈历史和创作、表演中国民族舞蹈的重要参照和宝贵资源。

    These dancing images frozen on the stonewall are not only reliable source materials of ancient Chinese dancing , but more important references and valuable resources for the research of the history , creation and performance of authentic Chinese dancing .

  2. 第一类单调宇宙模型一种单独一个人的舞蹈或舞蹈造型。

    Monotonic model of the first kind a solo dance or dance figure .

  3. 一种单独一个人的舞蹈或舞蹈造型。

    A solo with or without accompaniment .

  4. 无论是揭示人物内心世界的独舞、双人舞和动人心魄的群舞,都很有光彩。一种单独一个人的舞蹈或舞蹈造型。

    A solo dance or dance figure .

  5. 舞蹈设计者不但熟悉集体民间舞蹈,对舞台造型和双人舞也非常自信。

    The choreographers are not only at home in group folk dances but are also confident when it comes to tableaux and pas de deux .

  6. 舞蹈教学的主要目的,就是造就一批批能够超越、创新的人才而不是简单轻松地重复前人的舞蹈造型。

    The main purpose of dancing teaching is to create a group of talents who can exceed and create , instead of dancing modeling of the former simply and easily .