
  • 网络Dance props;property in dance
  1. 第三章,综合分析了秦安民间祭礼活动中,羊皮鼓及其它舞蹈道具的形制含义,综述了羊皮鼓祭礼舞蹈形态的文化内涵。

    Chapter Three , synthetical analyzing the meanings of sheep-skin drum and its dance properties in folk activities in Qin'an , summarizing sheep-skin drum dance and cultural implication .

  2. 听到以下物品你会忍不住想要跳舞,包括:长椅、门、床、沙发、桌子,因为它们都是《舞林争霸》里几出精彩舞蹈的道具。

    Your body starts reacting when you hear the words bench , door , bed , couch , or table used with the words dance routine .

  3. 传统戏剧服装、刀、枪、剑、戟、戏帽、盔甲,现代及民间舞蹈服装、演出道具。

    A costume drama : the traditional drama clothing , knives , guns , sword , halberd , opera hat , armor , modern and folk dance costumes , props and performances .

  4. 回族居住大致具有大分散、小聚居的特点。经田野调查,在我国不同的回族地区,其舞蹈形态、舞蹈文化,舞蹈服饰和舞蹈道具也不近相同。

    Hui living is roughly has the characteristics of " big scattered , small settlement ", different regions show a form of dance culture and dance dance costumes , dance props is not nearly the same .