
  • 网络television address;a televised address;televised speech
  1. 在周一晚上于克利夫兰举行的共和党全国大会(RepublicanNationalConvention)上,她将对数以百万的美国人发表电视讲话。

    She is to address millions of Americans on Monday night in a televised speech at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland .

  2. 跨国军事干扰开始不久,利比亚领导人G在一次电视讲话中激励利比亚人们抵抗如此的侵略。

    Shortly after the start of the multinational military intervention , Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi , in a televised speech , urged the Libyans to fight against such aggression .

  3. 总统在电视讲话中阐述了自己的观点。

    The President set forth his views in a television broadcast .

  4. 他在一次电视讲话中发表了这一声明。

    He made the announcement in a speech on television .

  5. 总统昨天作了电视讲话。

    The President gave a television address yesterday .

  6. 总统向全国作了电视讲话。

    The President spoke to the whole nation on television .

  7. 几位政府官员发表电视讲话,试探公众对工资管制的意见。

    Some members of the government flew a kite about wage control on television .

  8. 另外,财政部部长HenryPaulson周一也在CNBC的电视讲话中表示他将考虑采取干预措施,以阻止美元进一步下滑。

    Also Monday , Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said on CNBC television that he would consider intervention to keep the dollar from sliding further .

  9. HassanNasrallah在电视讲话中对法庭的逮捕令作出了回应。

    Hassan Nasrallah gave his reaction to the tribunal 's arrest warrants in a televised address .

  10. 昨日早些时候,韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)在电视讲话中表示,在目前情况下,韩朝间任何贸易或合作往来都失去了意义。

    Earlier yesterday , Lee Myung-bak , the South Korean president , said in a televised address that under the circumstances any inter-Korean trade or co-operative activity is meaningless .

  11. 三星医疗中心未能阻止MERS的感染和扩散,给大家造成了太大的痛苦和担忧,,三星高管李在镕(LeeJae-yong)本周二在发表全国电视讲话时深深鞠躬。

    Our Samsung Medical Center has caused too big a pain and worry for the people by failing to prevent the infection and spread of MERS , the Samsung executive , Lee Jae-yong , said Tuesday in a nationally televised speech before bowing deeply .

  12. 首相在电视讲话中否认传说的

    The Prime Minister , speaking on television , denied reports that

  13. 总统明晚将发表重要的电视讲话。

    The president will broadcast an important message tomorrow evening .

  14. 我为您拟了一份电视讲话的草稿。

    I 've done a draft of your television address .

  15. 首相在电视讲话中否认这些报道。

    The Prime Minister , speaking on television , denied the reports .

  16. 市长昨晚作了电视讲话。

    The mayor gave a television address yesterday evening .

  17. 摘播市长的电视讲话

    Broadcast excerpts of the mayor 's television address

  18. 在周二晚上的电视讲话中,奥巴马总统讲到了这种转变。

    President Obama talked about the transition during a televised speech on Tuesday night .

  19. 昨天总统发表了电视讲话。

    The president spoke on television yesterday .

  20. 为纪念阵亡将士,总统发表了电视讲话。

    The president made a speech on TV in honor of those killed in battle .

  21. 两个问题都不是总统星期五晚上电视讲话的主题。

    Neither issue was the subject of the president 's televised address on Friday night .

  22. 今晚总统将发表电视讲话。

    The president will broadcast this evening .

  23. 在他的电视讲话之前就有许多人。

    Many before his televised address nation .

  24. 智利总统米歇尔·巴切莱特于震后数小时发表电视讲话。

    President Michelle Bachelet addressed the country in a nationally televised speech hours after the disaster .

  25. 但是上月,雅罗斯瓦夫·卡钦斯基却向俄罗斯发表了意在安抚的电视讲话,使许多民众非常惊讶。

    But last month , Kaczynski surprised many people by delivering a televised speech to Russia .

  26. 在对利比亚采取军事行动一事上,他对美国人民发表的电视讲话措辞谨慎低调。

    His television address to the American people on the action in Libya was careful and low-key .

  27. 李光耀之子,新加坡总理李显龙发表电视讲话向他致敬。

    In a televised address , his son Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong paid tribute to him .

  28. 内贾德电视讲话另一个让人熟悉的特征,是屏幕角落的现场直播标识。

    Another familiar feature of the appearance was the live logo in the corner of the screen .

  29. 里根总统1982年11月22日对全国的电视讲话(摘要)

    President Reagan 's TV Address to the Nation on Nov. 22 , 1982 . ( Excerpts )

  30. 这是2月10日法国总统萨科齐在巴黎向全国发表电视讲话的电视截图。

    TV grab shows French President Nicolas Sarkozy during a national televised address , Feb. 10 , 2008 .