
  • 网络electric bus;e-bus
  1. 本文的创新点在于所研究的控制策略提高了AMT传动系统的换挡品质,使得所开发的纯电动公交车换挡达到可靠、平顺及快速的效果。

    The innovation of this research is that these control strategies do effectively improve the quality of AMT transmission shift , thus facilitating the development of pure electric bus shift with a much smoother and rapid effect .

  2. 提高电动公交车经济性的营运方式与技术方案

    The Operation and Technology to Improve the Economy of Electric Bus

  3. 基于故障树的电动公交车故障诊断专家系统

    Fault diagnosis expert system of electric bus based on fault tree

  4. Proterra生产的电动公交车,就是一个技术创新的例子。

    Proterra 's electric bus is an example of a technological innovation .

  5. 混合动力电动公交车动力系统的研制

    Development of Hybrid System for Hybrid Electric City Bus

  6. 串联式混合电动公交车动力系统仿真研究

    Power train Simulation for a Series Hybrid Electric Bus

  7. 电动公交车有助于推进比亚迪进军美国。

    All-electric bus may help BYD drive into US .

  8. 电动公交车用超级电容器的研究

    Study of super capacitor in vehicles

  9. 仿真分析了纯电动公交车在减速和下长坡时的再生制动特性。

    Simulation analysis of pure electric bus during the deceleration and long downhill regenerative braking characteristics .

  10. 将在浓烟滚滚的高速公路旁种植树木,混合柴油电动公交车将投入使用。

    Trees will be planted around the muckiest highways and hybrid diesel-electric buses put onto the streets .

  11. 根据再生制动的原理,对纯电动公交车再生制动进行建模,研究其控制策略。

    According to the principle of regenerative braking , the pure electric bus regenerative braking model , study its control strategy .

  12. 仿真分析了在矢量控制策略下纯电动公交车的起动、加速、爬坡和惰行状况下的牵引特性。

    Simulation analysis on the vector control strategy of pure electric bus starting , accelerating , climbing and idle running condition of traction characteristics .

  13. 试验数据证明该动力总成控制器能够有效的对串联式混合动力电动公交车的动力总成进行控制,其控制策略被认为是有效的。

    All test data show that the hybrid power assembly controller can control the hybrid electric bus effectively and the control strategy is workable .

  14. 并模拟某一线路公交车的行驶情况,测试纯电动公交车在该线路的加速性能、爬坡能力、续驶里程和能力回收利用率。

    And the simulation of a bus line driving conditions , the test of pure electric bus in the line acceleration , climbing ability , mileage and capacity utilization rate .

  15. 两家企业将在10年时间里在福尔柯克为英国市场制造2000辆12米长的单层电动公交车,协议总计会创造6.6亿英镑的营收。

    The two companies will together build 2000 , 12-metre single-decker electric buses in Falkirk for the British market over 10 years , in a deal generating 660m in total revenues .

  16. 该公司生产的EcoRide电动公交车,车身和车辆系统与传统公交车截然不同,配备了突破传统的钛酸锂电池,走在了美国公交车制造业的前沿。

    With a completely new body and systems , and an innovative lithium titanate battery , the EcoRide has been out in front of the rest of the US bus industry .

  17. 文章研究了纯电动公交车的牵引控制系统和控制策略,以感应电机为牵引电机的纯电动公交车采用了以转子磁场定向的矢量控制技术。

    This paper studies the pure electric bus traction control system and control strategy for induction motor for traction motor , the pure electric bus uses a rotor field oriented vector control technology .

  18. 该分析方法有助于深入了解和分析电动公交车的能耗特性,并指导电动公交车的参数匹配性研究。

    The method put forward could be helpful to understand in more depth the energy consumption characteristics of the electric bus and serve as a guide to the matching of parameters for electric bus .

  19. 因为害怕这辆小车在我载着孩子们和狗开在路上的时候忽然没电了,我提前把它还给了租赁公司,跳上了一辆公交车回家(我恨恨地发现这居然是辆电动公交车)。

    Fearful of being stranded in a little car full of kids and dogs and no power I returned the car early , hopping on a bus , which I noted ruefully was an electric one .

  20. 循环符合纯电动公交车实际运行情况,对中等规模城市具有参考价值,同时也为工况的自识别和控制策略的制定奠定了基础。

    The circulation conform the pure electric bus actual operation situation and provide the reference for medium-sized city . At the same time , it also provides the basis for the foundation of driving cycle identification and control strategy . 2 .

  21. 然后以电动车续驶里程和充电时间约束为基础,建立了以车辆数目最小和空驶距离最小为目标的纯电动公交车调度模型。

    And then to electric car trip range mileage and charging time constraints as the foundation , according to the results of analysis set up the totally pure electric bus scheduling model with minimum vehicle number and distance of the target of minimizing .

  22. 根据电动公交车调度的特点,在基本遗传算法中引入模拟退火算法的思想,设置自适应适应度函数,并对遗传算子进行了改进,并运用改进的遗传算法来解决电动公交车调度问题。

    According to the characteristics of the electric bus scheduling , introduced simulated annealing algorithm into the basic genetic algorithm , set up the adaptive fitness function , and the improved genetic operator , and by using the improved genetic algorithm to solve the electric bus scheduling problem .

  23. 按照有关国家标准,进行电动公交车的加速爬坡和循环工况仿真,在提高电动公交车整车动力性能和延长续驶里程的前提下,以制动能量回收最大化和制动效能达到最佳为目标。

    Accordance with the relevant national standards , the models were carried on the power performance and urban cycle condition simulation in maximizing braking energy recovery and achieving the best braking performance , under the premise in order to improve vehicle dynamic performance and extend vehicle driving range .

  24. 在此基础上,本文完成的主要工作如下:(1)设计了电动公交车牵引系统的总体结构图,并对其中各主要组成部分在牵引系统中发挥的功能和相互之间的联系进行了简要论述。

    On the basis of this , the main works achieved in this paper are as follows : ( 1 ) The general block diagram of traction system used in electric bus is designed , then , the functions and their relationship of the main assembling parts are presented briefly .

  25. 在汽车使用量和保有量下滑之际,美国三大汽车制造商正考虑加大参与代替私家汽车的其他交通工具的业务,例如电动自行车和公交车。

    The big three US carmakers are eyeing increasing involvement in alternatives to private car ownership such as electric bikes and buses , amid a dip in car use and ownership .

  26. 电动汽车:电动客车、电动公交车、电动轿车、混合动力汽车、电动清洁车等;

    Electric automobile : electric passenger cars , electric buses , electric cars , hybrid electric vehicles , electric cleaning vehicles , etc.

  27. 混合动力电动系统最适合也最有潜力应用于公交车(混合动力电动公交车HEB,HybridElectricBus),尤其是城市公交车。

    It is most suitable and most potential that hybrid electric system is applied to public transport vehicle ( Hybrid Electric Bus ), particularly in the urban bus .

  28. 本论文首先简要介绍了电动汽车的研究和发展现状,明确了电动公交车牵引系统设计的总体目标。

    Firstly the status of EV investigation and development is introduced in this thesis , and the primary targets of research on traction system of electric bus are established .

  29. 本论文研制的电动汽车绝缘性能检测装置完成了实验室的调试实验,并在北京121路示范运营电动公交车上进行了安装实验,各项实验数据均达到了课题合同的要求,运行状况平稳可靠。

    Commissioning of electric vehicle insulation detecting equipment was finished in laboratory , and installed on Beijing electric bus No. 121 , relevant experiment data all meet with requirement stipulated in contract .