
  • 网络Beijing International
  1. 北京国际游泳跳水友好邀请赛今天开幕了。

    Beijing international swimming and diving friendship invitational meet opened today .

  2. CCTV记者沈乐在北京国际展览中心发布这个报道。

    CCTV reporter Shen Le filed this story from Beijing International Exhibition Center .

  3. FRP在我国汽车制造业中的应用&调查1990年北京国际汽车展览会国产车FRP部件有感

    The applications of FRP in the automotive industry of China

  4. 在本周的北京国际汽车展览会(BeijingInternationalAutomotiveExpo)上向媒体展示最新车型时,汽车业高管们的额头上滚下了汗珠。

    Beads of sweat ran down the foreheads of car industry executives as they presented their latest vehicles to the media at the Beijing International Automotive Expo this week .

  5. 经历这一波折后,在周一开幕的两年一度的北京国际汽车展览会(BeijingInternationalAutomotiveExhibition)上,全球汽车制造商急于证明自己在迅速走向成熟的中国市场处于有利地位。

    After a bumpy run , global carmakers at the biennial Beijing International Automotive Exhibition , which opens on Monday , are keen to prove they are well positioned in China 's rapidly maturing market .

  6. 在本周的北京国际汽车展览会上,上汽的展厅装饰着塔桥、威廉莎士比亚(williamshakespeare)、一座红色电话亭、一个茶壶和一杯茶的照片。

    Its stand this week at the Auto China show in Beijing was adorned with images of tower bridge , William Shakespeare , a red telephone booth and a teapot with cup of tea .

  7. 美国中央情报局(CIA)也有基尼系数公布,中国在2009年的系数是0.48,远远高于北京国际城市发展研究院计算的2010年系数。

    The CIA also publishes a calculation of the Gini coefficient , which it puts at 0.48 in China in 2009 substantially higher than the institute 's calculation for 2010 .

  8. 在2005年北京国际航空博览会期间,中国北方工业总公司(NORINCO)展示了最新的PLZ05155毫米自行榴弹炮模型。

    During the2005 Beijing International Aviation Expo , NORINCO revealed a model of its latest PLZ05155mm self-propelled gun-howitzer .

  9. 第五,通过对2004-2005赛季CBA联赛和2005年北京国际马拉松赛组织的案例分析,提出了对我国市场型和混合型组织结构模式的启示。

    Fifth , from the sample analysis of the CBA league in the 2004-2005 seasons and the 2005 Beijing international Marathon Game , the author puts forward the detailed proposals on the sports events organization structure of the market-oriented type and the mixed-oriented type .

  10. 北京国际财源中心(西塔)混合结构设计

    Design on a Hybrid Structure of International Financial Center Beijing Project

  11. 北京国际梅园规划与建设特点的探讨

    Features of Planning and Construction of International Mei Garden in Beijing

  12. 教育联通世界&2005北京国际教育博览会

    Education Links the World & 2005 Beijing International Education Expo

  13. 气象条件与北京国际马拉松比赛成绩的关系

    Relationship between Weather Conditions and Athletes ' Performance in Beijing International Marathon

  14. 第二届北京国际美术双年展(中国美术馆北京);

    The Second Beijing International Art Biennial China Art Museum .

  15. 我飞往巴黎的飞机将从北京国际机场起飞。

    My flight to France will take off from Beijing International Airport .

  16. 北京国际金融论坛:十大关注点

    BIFF : Beijing International Financial Forum : ten significant focuses

  17. 此活动将作为北京国际设计周的一部分。

    This event is part of Beijing International Design Week .

  18. 塑造北中轴路新的空间序列&北京国际展览体育中心规划设计应征方案2

    Scheme 2 of Planning Design of Beijing International Exhibition and Sports Centre

  19. 北京国际运动医学学术会议综述

    A Round-up of the Beijing International Conference on Sports Medicine

  20. 北京国际金融大厦风荷载风洞实验研究

    Research on the wind Loading on Beijing international financial building

  21. 2005年北京国际马拉松比赛猝死事件给我们的思考

    Consideration on the Sudden Death in the 2005 Beijing International Marathon Race

  22. 高校教学与技术应用:第四届北京国际研讨会邀请函与征稿启事

    4th International Conference on Technology in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

  23. 大力士的较量&2004北京国际车展商用汽车秀

    The competition among giants-commercial vehicle showcase in 2004 Beijing International Automobile Exhibition

  24. 该公司从没错过一届中国北京国际科技产业博览会。

    The company hasn 't missed a single Chitec Expo .

  25. 暑假期间在北京国际旅行社当导游。

    Tourist guide during the summer vacation for Beijing International Travel Service .

  26. 北京国际汽车展览中心,北京,中国

    Beijing International Automotive Expo Center , beijing , China

  27. 北京国际广播电影电视设备展览会松下公司展台结构的力量

    Beijing International Radio , TV & Film Equipment Exhibition

  28. 祝愿第二届北京国际电影节圆满成功!

    So my very best wishes for the 2nd Beijing International Film Festival .

  29. 来自大众的思路&北京国际旅游发展战略研讨会论点选萃

    Thoughts on the New Development of Beijing 's Tourism Industry from the Masses

  30. 北京国际电影节的构想与展望

    Beijing Conceives and Outlooks of the International Film Festival