
  • 网络northern territory;northland;Nothern Territory
  1. 澳大利亚北部地方过去的无震区接连发生三次6级以上地震。

    Three earthquakes of magnitude 6 or over successively occur - red in the previous aseismic regions of Northern Territory , Australia .

  2. 北部地方军没有响应动员令。

    Northern District Battalion has not responded to mobilization request .

  3. 这项同意法令今天在美国俄亥俄州北部地方法院公示,将有30天的公共评论时间,最终由联邦法院批准。

    The consent decree , lodged today in the US District Court for the Northern District of Ohio , is subject to a30-day public comment period and approval by the federal court .

  4. 比赛激发着各大学和科研机构投入太阳能汽车的发明设计之中。参赛团队必须驾驶太阳能汽车,从澳大利亚北部地方首府达尔文市出发,一路向南,穿越澳大利亚大陆3000公里(2896英里)的沙漠地带,抵达终点阿德莱德市。

    The competition challenges universities and technical institutions to design and compete solar-powered vehicles in races across the Australian Outback all the way from Darwin to Adelaide , a distance of 3000 km ( 2896 miles ) .

  5. 在法国北部一些地方,农民犁地仍可犁出弹片,武器和装备。

    In parts of Northern France , farmers still plough up shell fragments , weapons and equipment .

  6. 开会之前,汤玛斯邀请我们到阿尔布奎克北部他的地方,参加一个称做汗的特殊祈祷仪式。

    Before attending the conference , Thomas invited us to come to a special prayer ceremony called a sweat at his land north of albuquerque .

  7. 比如,在靠近阿拉斯加州北部的地方出现了未曾预料到的冰融化,从而导致地下石油行业修改他们通往远处管道的策略。

    For example , unanticipated melting ice patterns in the northern reaches of Alaska has caused Metroil Industries to modify their strategy for accessing remote pipelines .

  8. 这份电子邮件是对一起集体诉讼案做出的回应。这起名为“西南航空公司优惠券诉讼”的案件是由伊利诺伊州北部行政区地方法院法官马修??肯内利(MatthewF.Kennelly)审理的,诉讼编号为No.11-cv-8176。法院通告称:

    It is a document arising from the class-action case , In re Southwest Airlines Voucher Litigation , No. 11-cv-8176 , which came before Judge Matthew F. Kennelly of the District Court for the Northern District of Illinois .

  9. DNO的合同是在相对和平的伊拉克北部与库尔德地方政府签订的,而非巴格达中央政府。

    DNO 's contract is with the local administration in the relatively peaceful north of Iraq , rather than with Baghdad .

  10. 北部的其他地方、中部和东部组成了肥沃的恒河平原。

    The rest of northern , central and eastern India consists of the fertile Indo-Gangetic plain .

  11. 那就是探索整个新世界的故事,这些故事可能发生在北极圈北部的某些地方。

    That was the story of the exploration of an entirely new world which was supposed to be situated somewhere north of the Arctic circle .

  12. 他常常同我提到他的老家,荷兰北部某个地方的一个寂静的城镇,他的父母至今仍然住在那里。

    He had often spoken to me of the silent town , somewhere up in the north of Holland , where his parents still lived .

  13. 那里的气候比西班牙北部的其他地方温和宜人,同时,那儿也有许多很棒的博物馆和别致的广场。

    The climate is normally milder than in other parts of Spain 's north , and it has a number of great museums and picturesque plazas .

  14. 国内北部和东部地方持续不断的冲突矛盾使得旅行无法保证安全,就算不去危险的冲突地区,刚果国内的主要城市犯罪猖獗全局不稳,同样非常危险。

    Ongoing conflicts in the northern and eastern parts of the nation make safe travel impossible , and rampant crime and general instability make traveling to major cities outside of the conflict zones dangerous as well .

  15. 我们以为它会袭击北部较远的地方。

    We thought it was gonna hit further north .

  16. 炎炎夏日,美国人总是会前往北部地区寻找凉爽地方躲避酷暑。

    New YORK-In the heat of summer , all sorts of tourists head north to cooler climes .

  17. 威尔士地区、英格兰西部、北部、中部等地方政府也已收到几十份申请。

    Dozens of requests have also been sent to local authorities in Wales , western , northern and central England .

  18. 它还表明迫切需要调查伊拉克北部以及可能其它地方禽类疫情的程度。

    It also points to an urgent need to investigate the extent of bird outbreaks in northern Iraq and possibly elsewhere .

  19. 目的查清宁夏北部是否存在有地方性砷中毒,其危害程度以及主要临床表现。

    Objective To find out weathes endemic arsenic poisoning exist in the north of Ninxia and its manifestation as well as the harmfulness .

  20. 在阿拉斯加,其北部靠近北极的地方,在过去大概三十年间,气温以大概每十年一摄氏度的水平上涨。

    in Alaska , in the northern Arctic part of Alaska , over the last thirty years or so , temperature has increased about half a degree Celsius per decade ,

  21. 统治者除了采取政治的、军事的各种手段进行边疆管理之外,还运用了市场管理的经济措施&控制食盐贸易的办法来加强北部边疆和沿海地方的军事建设。

    The dominators adopted all political and martial means manage border areas and they also used economical measures of marketing management-way of controlling common salt trade to strengthen the construction of northern frontiers and native coastal military affairs .

  22. 这个天气模型是在冰岛北部,最高的地方是在30000英尺,而这正是火山灰弥漫的高度,也是飞机飞行的高度。

    The way the weather pattern is set up right now , and Iceland , obviously , to the north , but we 've got this funky upper air pattern about 30000 feet , which is where that ash went to and where . the jets fly .