
  • 网络arctic expedition
  1. Sivan记得看到过一本精装书,描述了学生的北极探险。

    Sivan remembered seeing one hardcover book that charted a student 's arctic expedition .

  2. 他们再次装备好了北极探险的船只。

    They have prepared the ship for another arctic expedition .

  3. 她问了我许多有关我在北极探险的问题。

    She asked me many questions about my adventure in the arctic .

  4. 他设计建造了一个船要去北极探险。

    He designed and built a ship called the fram to explore the arctic .

  5. 北极探险非常成功。

    The Arctic expedition was a remarkable success .

  6. 我不知道你们对北极探险感觉怎样,

    Sheldon : I don 't know what Arctic expedition you guys were on ,

  7. 他作了一次引人入胜的演讲,随后是关于他最近一次北极探险的幻灯片放映。

    He gave a fas-cinating lecture which was followed by a slide show of his latest Arctic expedition .

  8. 这一罕见的自然现象叫做雾虹,是由山姆-杜布森在最近的一次北极探险中拍摄到的。

    The rare phenomena , named a fog bow , was spotted by Sam Dobson during a recent expedition to the North Pole .

  9. 他是一个著名的探险家,事实上他是第一批到北极探险的人之一,这是很了不起的。

    Very famous explorer , in fact he was one of the first to explore * the arctic circle , which is a big deal .

  10. 尽管北极探险和野生动植物的确大受欢迎,但不能否认主要的吸引力还在于这个大人物自己。

    And while the Arctic safaris and the wildlife are certainly very popular , there 's no denying that the main attraction is the big man himself .

  11. 格雷戈里和他的学生在北极探险时采集的蜘蛛和甲壳类动物的速冻标本存放在米色金属液氮罐里;

    Flash-frozen spiders and crustaceans - collected by Gregory , an evolutionary biologist , and his students on expeditions to the Arctic - lie piled in beige metal tanks of liquid nitrogen .

  12. 作为一名化石搜寻者,舒宾的杰出成就是在2004年带领了一次北极探险。在这次探险中,他们发现了一种半鳍半肢的动物&一条有腕的鱼化石。

    As a fossil hunter , Shubin distinguished himself by leading an expedition to the Arctic in2004 which uncovered the remains of a fish with a wrist , a creature with part fin , part limb .

  13. 一方面,这显然是荒唐的:在没有任何哲学训练的情况下读这本书简直就像穿着牛崽裤、提恤衫、和拖鞋到北极探险。

    On the one had this is obviously absurd : trying to read a book like this without a good deal of philosophical training is like going on an Arctic expedition in jeans , t-shirt and flip-flops .

  14. 新航路开辟后,随着大发现时代北极探险的发展,北极在地图上逐渐摆脱了地理盲区的地位,人们逐渐转向对北极更为全面深入的研究与预测。

    After the new sailing routes opened up , with the development of the arctic exploration in the big discovery age , the arctic had gradually got rid of the position of geographical " dead zone ", people turned to comprehensive research and prediction on arctic little by little .

  15. 那位考察者组织了一个去北极的探险队。

    The explorer organized an expedition to the North Pole .

  16. 那位考察者组织了一个去北极的探险队。对1984年以前社队企业发展的历史考察与反思

    A Historical Investigation and Reflections on the Development of Commune and Brigade Enterprise before 1984

  17. 三位经历过冻伤和粮食短缺的英国探测者在北极调查探险的末期有喜忧参半的情绪。

    Three UK explorers who endured frostbite and food shortages had mixed feelings at the end of their pioneering Arctic research expedition .