
  • 网络Tangjiashan Lake;Tangjiashan Barrier Lake;landslide dam
  1. 部队的目标,是位于北川县城上游的唐家山堰塞湖。

    The aim of the army is the Tangjiashan quake lake located at the upper reaches of the Beichuan County .

  2. 数以千计的军人连续多日奋战,争取逐步疏导唐家山堰塞湖的湖水。这次地震形成了30多个这样的堰塞湖,唐家山堰塞湖是最大的。

    Thousands of soldiers have worked for days to gradually drain the lake , the largest of more than 30 formed by the quake .

  3. 昨日,唐家山堰塞湖抢险指挥部说,2亿5千多万立方水已于导流渠流出。此渠是自周六早警察、官兵开挖出来的。

    More than half of the lake's250 million cum of water has flown out since soldiers and policemen dug open the channel on Saturday morning , the lake emergency rescue headquarters said yesterday .

  4. 遵循水文应急监测站网布设原则,进行了站点断面现场查勘、论证,制定出唐家山堰塞湖的水文应急监测方案,并获取了大量第一手实时雨、水情资料,为成功处置堰塞湖奠定了基础。

    Under the principle of emergency hydrologic gauge net building , we investigate local sites of every station and to argue about it . We finish the scheme about emergency hydrologic monitoring and to attain the first-hand rainfall and hydrologic data . It made the base for barrier lake treatment .