
  1. 自唐山以来,人类的灾难太多数不胜数,古今中外的一次次天灾为什么就不能唤醒人们反思一下这其实就是TMD人祸呢?

    Since tangshan , human disaster , many of the prodect again why couldn 't scourge awakening people actually reflect the TMD disasters is ?

  2. 艾滋病活动家也批评了Jammeh的主张,他们说这妨碍了唤醒人们认识艾滋病和结核病的运动。

    AIDS activists have also criticised Jammeh 's claims , and say it could set back campaigns to raise awareness about HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis .

  3. 旅行唤醒人们对生活的忧虑,让我们从麻木和冷漠中醒来。

    Tavelling awakes our anxiety for life from our numbness and disregard .

  4. 他们试图唤醒人们的国家主义的热情来反对外国人。

    They attempted to arouse nationalistic passions against the foreigners .

  5. 野心可以成为唤醒人们潜力的催化剂。

    Ambition may well serve as a catalyst activating one 's dormant potentials .

  6. 我们必须唤醒人们的危机意识。

    We must awaken people to the danger .

  7. 这则广告的目的在唤醒人们环保的重要性。

    The purpose of this ad is to raise awareness about the importance of environmental protection .

  8. 但是,如果出发点就是要唤醒人们的意识,那么,互联网堪称当今最强大的实用工具。

    But if the idea is to inform people , the Internet is the most powerful tool available .

  9. 试图从更广泛的角度研究竞技体育异化问题,再次唤醒人们对体育异化的关注。

    From a broad angle it studies sport alienation , awakening people 's attentions to sport alienation again .

  10. 四商理论的提出唤醒人们对于体育功能的新思考。

    The theory of four quotients can make people pay more attention to the function of physical education .

  11. 我们必须唤醒人们认识到环境保护的重要性。否则,就为时太晚了。

    We must awaken people to the importance of environmental protection , or it will be too late .

  12. 这种疗法能够温和地唤醒人们,使他们感觉更加神清气爽、不那么疲劳。

    The therapy can be used to rouse people gently so that they feel more refreshed and less tired .

  13. 诗人用暮鼓晨钟般的诗句唤醒人们的生命意识,以“立言”和“立功”来战胜死亡的威胁和对死亡的恐惧。

    He uses alarming verses to waken people 's consciousness to life and defeats Death by writing and winningglory .

  14. 博物馆是为了纪念唤醒人们20世纪50年代当拉面开始在东京广泛流行的记忆。

    The museum is designed to call up the images of Tokyo in the 1950s when Ramen became widespread .

  15. 他关注野史,是为了唤醒人们的改革意识,以收取启蒙的效果。

    He paid more attention to unofficial history to waken people 's reform consciousness and received an enlightenment effect .

  16. 传统手工艺品以其充满人情味或曰人性的内涵,唤醒人们心中最真挚的情感。

    Traditional handicrafts awakened the most sincere feelings of people ' sminds with its connotation full of humane humanity .

  17. 在这革命中,我们必须唤醒人们心中的魔鬼,以激起他们最卑鄙的激情。

    In this revolution we will have to awaken the Devil in the people , to stir up the basest passions .

  18. 他还说,我摄影的唯一愿望就是唤醒人们好好生活。

    He added : ' My only aspiration in a photography is to wake up in everybody the realisation of life . '

  19. 我们设计了一个校园,可以唤醒人们作为一个整体而交流,以语言或非语言的方式。

    We designed a campus that would awaken the ways in which we as humans all communicate , both verbally and nonverbally .

  20. 基于这一原因,只要美元下跌不会唤醒人们对于通胀迅速上升的担心,那么决策者对于美元下跌会感到相当轻松。

    For this reason , policymakers are relaxed about the dollar 's fall , provided it does not awaken fears of rapidly rising inflation .

  21. 它唤醒人们意识到石油的泄漏是多么容易发生,也是另外一个为什么安全的科技必须被引进的原因。

    It has awakened people to how easily an oil spill can occur , and is another reason why safe technology must be introduced .

  22. 唤醒人们感性的意识,重拾人类的自信,让人们自由自在的建设、保护、珍惜自己的家园。

    To awaken people to emotional awareness , to regain the confidence of mankind , the construction of free people to protect , cherish their homes .

  23. 植入物使我大脑得到的信息越多,越高级的植入物总有一天就能唤醒人们的视觉、触觉,甚至是感觉。

    Much as my implants make my brain " hear " sound , more advanced implants could one day evoke sensations of sight , touch and even feelings .

  24. 绿色思想是近几十年来整个人类生态觉醒的结果,它唤醒人们重新审视自己的行为、思想和生存条件。

    Green thinking is the result of the awakening of Human Ecology recent decades , which awakened people to re-examine their own behavior , thinking and living conditions .

  25. 如果余秀华的诗歌中所代表的真与美的结合可以唤醒人们对于诗歌的热情,那么这到底是不是媒体炒作,又有什么关系呢!

    If the combination of truth and beauty which Yu seems to represent rekindles people ` s passion for poetry , media hype or not , so be it .

  26. 该活动是“成都熊猫守护使”项目的一部分,“成都熊猫守护使”项目是由四川省成都熊猫基地发起的一项慈善活动,旨在唤醒人们保护野生动物的意识。

    They 're all part of the " Chengdu Pambassador " project , a charity event to raise awareness of wild animal protection by Sichuan Province 's Chengdu Panda Base .

  27. 死亡哲学试图唤醒人们对于死亡的感知,从而激活人的生命意识,更好地求证生命的本义。

    Thus , for the sake of stimulating survival awareness , and furthermore , proving the essence of survival , death philosophy attempts to waken man 's feelings about death .

  28. 李大钊通过对时间重要性的强调,来唤醒人们的自由意志,打破旧中国,创造一个新中国。

    His purpose in emphasizing " time " was to arouse the will for freedom among the Chinese people so that they would break the old China and create a new China .

  29. 在生态危机日益严重的现实背景下,建构并传递着一种生态批评的思维方式和阅读方式以唤醒人们的生态意识。

    At the age of the aggravating ecological crisis , this paper tries to construct and teach a new eco-critical way to appreciate canons in order to awaken people 's ecological consciousness .

  30. 孔子把天看成是道德客观性、普遍性的基础,力图通过对天的敬畏情感来唤醒人们的道德自觉意识;

    Confucius regarded Heaven as the basis of moral objectivity and universality and attempted to awaken a conscious moral awareness in people 's hearts with feelings of awe and veneration towards Heaven .
