
rén ɡōnɡ méi
  • artificial enzyme
  1. 普鲁士蓝(PB)可以作为许多生物化学物质的人工酶来修饰惰性电极,用来催化它们的氧化还原。

    Prussian Blue ( PB ) can be modified on inert electrodes acting as artificial enzyme of many biological or chemical substances to catalyse their redox reactions .

  2. 研究结果对了解酶的催化作用的机理以及设计高效的人工酶模型提供了一定的理论依据和有用的信息。

    The results obtained may provide theoretical basis and significative information for finding out the hydrolytic mechanism of enzymes and for designing highly efficient artificial enzyme model systems .

  3. 利用元素分析、红外光谱、13cNMR和X-ray光电子能谱等分析手段对合成的GPX人工酶进行了结构表征。

    Elemental analysis , IR , 13C NMR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were used to characterize the mimic .

  4. 设计高效人工酶

    Design of High Efficient Artificial Enzymes

  5. 基于环番构建谷胱甘肽过氧化物人工酶

    Construction of Cyclophane-based Glutathione Peroxidase Mimic

  6. 大环多胺类金属配合物作为人工酶模型广泛应用于核酸结构及功能研究、基因表达与调控、抗癌药物的研制等生物、化学和医学领域。

    Macrocyclic polyamines metal complexes as enzyme models are widely used in chemical biology , medicine and gene therapy .

  7. 本文简要综述了树状多肽的合成方法,及其在诱导免疫反应、生物分子模拟、免疫诊断试剂、人工酶、药物及基因载体等方面的应用。

    Synthetic approaches , as well as the applications in immunoreactions , biological mimetics , artificial enzyme , immuno diagnosis and gene delivery systems are discussed in this review .

  8. 人工核酸酶是一类具有限制性内切酶的功能、能高效高选择性地催化水解DNA或RNA的断裂工具。

    Artificial nucleases are compounds that cleave nucleic acids and function as natural restriction enzymes with high activity and selectivity .

  9. 能够对DNA或RNA进行序列特异性切割的化学试剂,是一类非酶裂解新工具,被称为化学核酸酶或人工核酸酶。

    Chemical nuclease or artificial nuclease is a novel cleavage tool , which can cleave the DNA or RNA sequence specifically .

  10. 化学合成的DNA、RNA定位切割试剂是国际上80年代开始发展起来的一类新型的非酶断裂工具,被称为人工核酸酶或化学核酸酶。

    Chemical reagents used as tools of DNA or RNA cleavage in a sequence-specific way is a new kind of non-enzyme cleavage tool , which is called chemical nuclease or artificial nuclease .

  11. 人工核酸酶具有限制性核酸内切酶的高度专一性,能在人们预先设计的任何位点切割DNA,可应用于基因分离、DNA定位诱变、新的化学治疗等分子生物学领域。

    Artificial nucleases have high selectivity just as endonucleases , they can cleave DNA at any locations that the chemists have designed , and they can be used in molecular biological areas such as isolation genes , DNA location inducers and new chemical therapy etc.

  12. DNA与其靶向分子相互作用的研究不仅对阐述一些抗肿瘤、抗病毒药物及致癌物的作用机理,而且对进一步指导人工核酸酶的合成及DNA高级结构研究等方面的工作都具有重要意义。

    Studies on interactions between DNA and DNA targeting molecules are of great importance not only to elucidating the action mechanisms of some anti tumor and anti viral drugs and some carcinogens , but also to the design of artificial nucleases and probes for DNA structures .

  13. 由于其具有DNA或RNA序列识别的专一性和催化水解磷酯键的高效性,人工核酸酶已经快速发展成为生物学、生物有机化学和分子生物学的一种重要的研究手段。

    Because of the specifical recognition of DNA or RNA sequence and efficient catalytic hydrolytic phosphodiester bond of DNA , artificial nuclease has rapidly developed into one of the important study means in the fields of biology , biology organic chemistry and molecular biology .

  14. 核酸切割试剂与寡聚核苷酸(ODN)偶联制得的人工核酸酶能在特定位点断裂DNA或RNA,为人工核酸酶的分子设计提供了一种新方法。

    The artificial enzymes , which are prepared by cleavage reagents of nucleic acid conjugated to a synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotide , can selectively cleave DNA or RNA . It provides a new method of the molecular design of artificial nuclease .

  15. 高液相色谱在研究人工核酸酶中的应用

    Application of HPLC in Study of Synthetic Nucleases

  16. 人工模拟酶对紫外线造成眼前段损伤的保护作用

    The protection of artificial enzyme to ocular anterior segment against UV damages in mice models

  17. 人工核酸酶是用化学方法合成的一类能模拟天然核酸酶断裂核酸骨架的功能分子。

    Artificial nuclease can mimic the function of natural nuclease by breaking the backbone of DNA site-specifically .

  18. 同时,人工核酸酶的设计、合成,无论从化学、生物学或者药学的角度,都具有非常重要的理论及现实意义。

    Also , artificial nucleases are of great interests from the standpoint of chemistry , biology and medicine .

  19. 人工模拟酶保护晶状体免受紫外线损伤的研究

    Ultra structure observation of protection of artificial enzyme to anterior ocular segment against UV damages in rat models

  20. 环糊精因其结构和性质的特殊性在人工模拟酶方面发挥着重要的作用。

    Cyclodextrins have been playing important roles in the artifical enzymes because of their special structures and characters .

  21. 无论从生物学、化学和医学的角度,人工核酸酶的研究都具有非常重要的理论及应用价值。

    The research of artificial nucleases is of importance from the standpoint of biology , chemistry and medicine .

  22. 因此分子印迹技术是设计新型人工模拟酶材料的最有效手段之一。

    So , molecularly imprinted technique is one of the most effective methods designed by new artificially mimic enzyme materials .

  23. 目的探讨人工模拟酶对紫外线造成大鼠晶状体损伤的保护作用。

    Objective To observe ultra structure of artificial enzyme _PZ 51 in protecting lens of the rat eyes from UV damage .

  24. 人工核酸酶的设计合成与性能研究是化学领域富有挑战性的热门研究方向之一。

    Design , synthesis , and catalytic performance of artificial nucleases is full of challenging and has received intensive study in chemistry .

  25. 人工核酸酶主要由识别试剂和切割试剂通过某种连接物缀合而成。

    DNA or RNA cleavage reagents consist of two main parts : the one is cleavage system , the other is recognition system .

  26. 作为超分子化学领域中的一个重要组成部分,大环化学被广泛应用于分子识别、人工模拟酶、药物化学和催化等方面。

    As an important component of supramolecular chemistry , macrocyclic chemistry has been widely used in molecular recognition , artificial simulation enzyme , medicinal chemistry and catalytic .

  27. 第四部分是报导我们设计和合成了作为人工核酸酶的一系列新的配体以及许多不同金属的功能配合物;

    The fourth section reports a series of new ligands and their many different metal functional coordination compounds as artificial nucleases were designed and synthesized by author .

  28. 人工核酸酶是分子生物学及基因工程的重要工具,它可以作为研究核酸结构和功能方面的探针。

    Artificial nuclease is an important tool in molecular biology and genetic engineering , it is also used as a kind of nucleic acid structure and function probe .

  29. 作为人工模拟酶,通过改变氮杂环蕃化合物的形状以及引入活性基团,形成不同包结性能的主体化合物。

    As an artificial enzyme , it can be optimized by changing the diphenylmethane units or bridging chains or by chemical modification of hydrophobic cavities to form new host compounds .

  30. 作为人工模拟酶,利用它本身所具有疏水性空腔,根据环的形状、大小以及静电作用等的不同俘获不同种类的有机分子,形成主-客体包结络合物。

    As artificial enzymes , using hydrophobic cavities , they can capture different organic molecule to form the host-guest system , based the difference of the ring site , size and interaction .