
Dá dá rén
  • Tartar;Tatar
  1. 你被任命为皇家海军舰艇“鞑靼人”号的皇家海军志愿后备队中尉。

    You are hereby appointed Sub-Lieutenant RNVR of HMS Tartar

  2. 鞑靼人的游牧部落散布在这片平原上。

    Tartar hordes scattered on the plain .

  3. 在以色列人出埃及前很久,一个鞑靼人便朝他的血液里哗过唾沫。

    Long before the Exodus a Tatar spat in his blood .

  4. 12世纪前中央亚细亚草原的鞑靼人及其国家

    Tartars and Their States in Central Asia Grassland Before 12th Century

  5. 15000名鞑靼人在莫斯科接管后离开克里米亚。

    Up to 15000 Tatars left Crimea after Moscow took over .

  6. 鞑靼人使用了另一种武器,所谓中国龙喷火器。

    The Tartars employed another weapon , the so-called Chinese dragon belching fire .

  7. 这次袭击从战场上清除了鞑靼人,并继续追击。

    The attack cleared the Tatars from the field , and continued the chase .

  8. 克里米亚鞑靼人在莫斯科举行的画展引来了俄罗斯的各界精英。

    A Moscow show of paintings by Crimean Tatars brings out Russia 's elite .

  9. 上个月,阿克肖诺夫禁止鞑靼人在驱逐周年纪念的集会。

    Last month , Aksyonov banned Tatar gatherings on the anniversary of the deportation .

  10. 他欢迎250000名克里米亚鞑靼人加入到俄罗斯2000万穆斯林的大家庭中。

    He welcomes Crimea 's 250000 Tatars into the family of Russia 's 20 million Muslims .

  11. 阿塞拜疆也有大量的小的族群,像库尔德人,克鲁吉亚人,鞑靼人以及乌克兰人。

    Azerbaijan also contains numerous smaller groups , such as Kurds , Georgians , Tatars and Ukrainians .

  12. 从伏尔加到乌拉尔山脉的鞑靼人所说的突厥语。

    The Turkic language spoken by the Tatar people living from the Volga to the Ural Mountains .

  13. 自苏联时期一直任鞑靼人领袖的穆斯塔法·德兹米列夫呼吁俄罗斯结束对于克里米亚的控制权。

    Mustafa Dzhemilev , the Tatars ' leader from Soviet days , called for an end to Russian control of Crimea .

  14. 后来鞑靼人在伐木业、制陶业、皮革布料制造及金属加工等方面的技能得到发展,成为名声远扬的商人。

    They developed craftsmanship in wood , ceramics , leather , cloth , and metal and have been well known as traders .

  15. 但远离官方新闻发布会,艺术家玛姆特·查鲁表示许多克里米亚鞑靼人担心莫斯科对于回归所制订的法律。

    But away from the official press conference , artist Mamut Churlu says many Crimean Tatars worry about the return of rule by Moscow .

  16. 你会感叹四处漂泊的鞑靼人的节俭,还是后悔生于文明人士的奢侈矫饰中?

    Do you sigh for the frugality of the wandering Tartar , or regret being born amidst the luxury and dissimulation of the polite ?

  17. 最近的台子上坐着一个鞑靼人,从扔在旁边的制服看来,大概是一个哥萨克。

    On the table nearest sat a Tatar , probably of a Cossack regiment , judging from the uniform that had been thrown down close by .

  18. 戴眼镜的医生做完了鞑靼人的手术,给他盖上军大衣,擦着手,走到安德烈公爵跟前。

    Having finished with the Tatar , over whom a cloak was thrown , the doctor in spectacles came up to Prince Andrey , wiping his hands .

  19. 在他九岁时,鞑靼人就毒死了他的父亲,他的部族后来流放了他的家族,只剩他的母亲独自抚养她的七个孩子。

    Rival Tatars poisoned his father when he was only nine , and his own tribe later expelled his family and left his mother to raise her seven children alone .

  20. 马可在扬州市当了三年长官,在中国居民的印象中,也许他这个外国人与其他鞑靼人根本没什么两样。

    For three years Marco ruled the city of Yangchow as governor , and he probably impressed the Chinese inhabitants as being very little more of a foreigner than any Tartar would have been .

  21. 顿涅茨克还居住着鞑靼人、亚美尼亚人、阿塞拜疆人、希腊人和犹太人。其中许多人表示自从苏联解体后,他们在身份认同和宗教方面享受到了更大的自由。

    Donetsk is also home to Tatars , Armenians , Azerbaijanis , Greeks and Jews , many of whom say they have enjoyed increased freedom of identity and religion since the fall of the Soviet Union .

  22. 克里米亚鞑靼族领导人宣称公投不合法,但他们的人数不足以扭转整个局面。鞑靼人是克里米亚的一个少数民族,人口约占克里米亚半岛总人口的12%。

    The leader of the Crimean Tatars , an ethnic minority that accounts for about 12 % of the peninsula 's population , has called the referendum unlawful , but they don 't have the numbers to reverse the separatist push .

  23. 伊瓦依洛(Ivaylo),这个由于太过贫穷而被人们被称作“卷心菜”的贫民,是13世纪末期保加利亚的一个猪倌。在他所处的时代和环境里,有许多凶恶的鞑靼人经常“光顾”保加利亚。

    Ivaylo , who was so poor people actually referred to him as cabbage , was a late 13th century swineherd in Bulgaria , which just so happened to be a time and place frequented by the rampaging hordes of the Tartars .

  24. 仅在15世纪中期,明朝军队就遭遇到由蒙古人、瓦剌人和鞑靼人的联合军队的阻击。在中国东北地区,明朝军队占领了满族人的居住地和朝鲜王国,当时朝鲜被迫接受了明朝名义上的统治。

    Only in the 15th century , the Ming armies suffered a throwback by the joined troops of Mongols , Oirats , and uTartarsIn the Northeast the Ming troops occupied Manchuria , and the Korean kingdom ( Choson ) of the Li Dynasty could be forced to accept the nominal supremacy of the Ming Dynasty .