
  • Portuguese;Portuguese Language;Rio;Português;pt-BR
  1. 如果你想学葡萄牙语,没有比这儿更好的地方了。

    If you are intent on learning to speak Portuguese , there is no better place .

  2. 她清单上的其他事情还包括上电视,在音乐会上看到她最喜欢的乐队,学习如何说葡萄牙语,以及在外国生活。

    Other things on her list include being on TV , seeing her favorite band in concert , learning how to speak Portuguese , and living in a foreign country .

  3. “of”就是一个很好的例子,在葡萄牙语里,它应该被翻译为“de”。

    A good example is of , which is supposed to translate as de in Portuguese .

  4. 我丈夫最近注册了语言教学公司RosettaStone的巴西葡萄牙语课程。

    My husband recently signed up for Rosetta Stone to learn Brazilian Portuguese .

  5. PayDay:如果你在葡萄牙,不要听到PayDay(发薪水的日子)就开心得不得了,别人不会对你有好印象的,在葡萄牙语中,PayDay的意思是我放屁了。

    Pay Day : If youre in Portugal , refrain from singing with happiness that its pay day . No one will be impressed . In Portuguese it means I farted .

  6. 在西班牙语里放在字母n上表示鼻腭音或者在葡萄牙语里放在元音上表示鼻音化的发音符号(~)。

    A diacritical mark ( ~ ) placed over the letter n in Spanish to indicate a palatal nasal sound or over a vowel in Portuguese to indicate nasalization .

  7. 葡萄牙语说“你好”,即“Bomdia”

    To say " hello " in Portuguese , say " Bom dia "

  8. 他为难他那位会说一点葡萄牙语的巴西裔保姆,请她把西班牙语版的“爱探险的朵拉”(DoratheExplorer)翻译成英文。

    He shakes down a Brazilian babysitter for bits of Portuguese , and asks for Dora the Explorer 's Spanish to be translated to English .

  9. 德语中工作“arbeit”在日语中是“arubaito”,葡萄牙语表示面包的“pao”日语为“pan”。

    The German " arbeit " becomes " arubaito " to mean work , and the Portuguese " pao " is used as " pan " for bread .

  10. 特别感谢RicardoBalduino帮助将本文从原来的葡萄牙语翻译过来,并且感谢Ricardo和ScottAmbler仔细的技术检查。

    Special thanks to Ricardo Balduino for help in translating this article from the original Portuguese , and to both Ricardo and Scott Ambler for their careful technical review .

  11. 其中一件T恤衫上的标语用葡萄牙语写道“Eujogopelada”,这个标语一语双关,既可理解为“裸奔”,也可表示“踢足球”。

    " Eu jogo pelada " read one of the Portuguese-language slogans , playing on a phrase that means both " I play naked " and " I play football ".

  12. 澳门持有牌照的赌场运营商有6家,其中包括美国上市的永利度假村(WynnResorts)和拉斯韦加斯金沙集团。在一份葡萄牙语报纸报道了上述传言之后,两家公司股价分别下跌4.3%和11%。

    Shares in US-listed Wynn Resorts and Las Vegas Sands , two of the six licensed casino operators in Macao , fell 4.3 and 11 per cent , respectively , the day after a Portuguese newspaper reported the rumour .

  13. 馆内庭院由巴西乐队接管,其中包括随着披头士经典歌曲跳桑巴舞的嘉年华流行乐团SargentoPimenta乐队(葡萄牙语,意为麻辣长官)。

    The courtyard has been taken over by Brazilian bands , including Sargento Pimenta ( Portuguese for Sgt. Pepper ) a popular Carnival ensemble that takes a samba approach to Beatles classics .

  14. BuzzFeed目前的出版语言有法语、葡萄牙语和西班牙语,而且其俄罗斯和中东等地区的记者和自由作者在稳步增长,此外还在伦敦和悉尼新开设了区域办事处。

    Buzzfeed now publishes in French , Portuguese , and Spanish , and has a growing stable of correspondents and freelancers in countries like Russia and the Middle East , as well as newly opened regional offices in London and Sydney .

  15. 在一些印度方言里使用piru或者peru这个词,后者是葡萄牙语对美国火鸡的叫法,火鸡的原产地不是秘鲁,但是在西班牙和葡萄牙征服新大陆时在葡萄牙很受欢迎。

    Some Indian dialects , however , use the word piru or peru , the latter being how the Portuguese refer to the American fowl , which is not native to Peru but may have become popular in Portugal as Spanish and Portuguese explorers conquered the New World .

  16. 邓加(Dunga),以队长身份率领巴西夺得1994年世界杯冠军。而Dunga在葡萄牙语中意为Dopey,Dopey是迪士尼动画片白雪公主与七个小矮人中的迷糊鬼,邓加小时候很瘦小,因而有了这个绰号。

    Dunga , captain of Brazil 's 1994 World Cup title team , got his nickname from the Brazilian name for Dopey , from Disney 's " Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs " film - because of his short stature as a kid .

  17. 有几个国家的官方语言是葡萄牙语。

    There are several world nations whose official language is Portuguese .

  18. 法语,意大利语,西班牙语和葡萄牙语是拉丁系语言。

    French , Italian , Spanish and Portuguese are Romance languages .

  19. 葡萄牙语和汉语是澳门的两种官方语言。

    Portuguese and Chinese are the two official languages in Macao .

  20. 这么来看真的只有一个理性选择:巴西葡萄牙语。

    There really is only one rational choice : Brazilian Portuguese .

  21. 葡萄牙语词贫民窟可以追溯到1940年代。

    Favela is a Portuguese word dating back to the 1940s .

  22. 她发现要学会葡萄牙语的语音很困难。

    She found it difficult to acquire the speech sounds of portuguese .

  23. 那里绝大多数的人讲西班牙语、葡萄牙语或法语。

    Most of the people there speak Spanish , Portuguese or French .

  24. 在法院以外,葡萄牙语则继续丢失阵地。

    Outside the courts , the Portuguese language continues to lose ground .

  25. 为什么我感觉你说的葡萄牙语把人家惹恼了?

    Why do I get the feeling you really suck at Portuguese ?

  26. 巴西人的杂货店开在以葡萄牙语教学的驾校旁边。

    Brazilian grocery stores stand alongside driving schools that teach in Portuguese .

  27. 你可能认为葡萄牙语是小语言。

    Think of Portuguese as the little language that could .

  28. 英语、德语、法语、葡萄牙语、意大利语和现代西班牙语

    English , German , French , Portuguese , Italian , and Modern Spanish

  29. 她在去巴西前学了3个月的葡萄牙语。

    Before she went to Brazil , she studied Portuguese for three months .

  30. 有时候我难以辨别西班牙语和葡萄牙语。

    I sometimes have difficulty distinguishing Spanish and Portuguese .