
  1. 结论:葡萄糖酸亚铁溶液可以作为MRI的口服胃肠道造影剂。

    Conclusion : Ferrous gluconate solution could be used as oral contrast agent of the upper abdomen in MRI .

  2. 结果:50%W/V硫酸钡溶液、12%V/V葡萄糖酸亚铁糖浆溶液在各组中对胃肠道液体信号的抑制效果理想。

    Results : Fifty percent ( W / V ) barium sulfate suspension and 12 % ( V / V ) ferrous gluconate syrup were the best for inhibiting the high signals from the weter in the gastrointestinal tract in each group .

  3. 结果:随着TE时间的延长,葡萄糖酸亚铁糖浆对胃肠道液体信号的抑制作用增强,使MRCP时胆胰管显影更加清晰,尤其在单次激发成像时;

    With longer TE , it accentuated the suppression of signals from the liquid in the gastrointestinal tract , and improved the contrast of the bile and the pancreatic ducts on MRCP , especially in the single shot MRCP .

  4. 药用葡萄糖酸亚铁的制备酸量越大活性越高;

    PREPARATION OF MEDICINAL FERROUS GLUCONATE The higher the acid amounts , the higher the activity .

  5. 结论:建立了复方补血胶囊中葡萄糖酸亚铁的含量测定方法。

    Conclusion : The method for determination of ferrous gluconate in compound gelatin capsule for enriching the blood was established .

  6. 本文介绍了橄榄菜的制作方法,研究了葡萄糖酸亚铁和硫酸亚铁对橄榄菜质量的影响。

    In this paper olive vegetable was introduced and the effect of Ferrous Gluconate and Ferrous Sulfate on the quality of olive vegetable was studied .

  7. 检查前,15例口服硫酸钡溶液,15例口服葡萄糖酸亚铁糖浆溶液,15例未口服造影剂作为对照。

    Before the procedures patients drank barium sulfate suspension ( 15 cases ) or ferrous gluconate syrup ( 15 cases ), and other 15 cases did not drink contrast media ( used as control ) .

  8. 方法缺铁性贫血患者随机双盲分为生血宁治疗组和葡萄糖酸亚铁对照组各50例,剂量0.1tid,连续服用30天。

    Methods Patients with iron deficiency anemia were randomly and double - blindly divided into Sheng xue ning treatment group and ferrous gluconate control group ( 50 cases each ), each taking Sheng xue ning or ferrous gluconate 0.1 three times a day respectively for 30 days .