
jī tuǐ
  • drumstick
  1. 她给了莫莉一些吃的:一根鸡腿下段和一些奶酪。

    She offered Molly tidbits : a chicken drumstick , some cheese .

  2. 然后,我继续吃女孩新奥尔良鸡腿。

    Then I continued to eat New Orleans drumstick with girl .

  3. 剔鸡腿骨时切勿戳破外面的皮。

    Make sure that you do not pierce the skin when boning the chicken thighs

  4. 花店送来的手花会是一个满天星花环和一张价值5美元的肯德基代金券,这样你就可以自己选择用哪种口味的炸鸡腿来搭配你的手花,有原味吮指鸡、劲脆鸡腿以及肯塔基烤鸡腿三种选择。

    The florist sends a corsage with baby 's breath and a $ 5 KFC gift check so you can choose a piece of Original Recipe , Extra Crispy or Kentucky Grilled Chicken for the corsage centerpiece . ( Source : latimes )

  5. 多聚磷酸盐在鸡腿肉中水解的~(31)P核磁共振研究

    ~ ( 31 ) P NMR Study on the Hydrolysis of Polyphosphate in Chicken Leg Meat

  6. 用~(31)P核磁共振研究鸡腿肉中4种多聚磷酸钠的水解

    Study on hydrolysis of polyphosphates added in chicken thigh meat by ~ ( 31 ) P NMR

  7. 此外,TI还被作为抗化剂用于鸡腿油炸试验。

    In addition , TI was experimented in fried chicken .

  8. 不同种源鸡腿蘑Cc1菌株的生产性能评价

    Production performance evaluation of different source Cc_1 strains in Coprinus comatus

  9. AA鸡腿肌肉的糖原酵解速率比林甸鸡快。

    Glycogen glycolysis rate of the leg muscle in AA was faster than that in CLNC .

  10. 同工酶分析结果表明,鸡腿蘑菌丝体酯酶(EST)同工酶在不同培养条件间存在差异。

    Its esterase ( EST ) isozyme showed different patterns with different culture medium formulations .

  11. 鸡腿蘑Coprinuscomatus菌丝生长的营养研究

    Study on the nutrition in the growth of Coprinus comatus hypha

  12. 平菇废料高产栽培鸡腿蘑(Coprinuscomatus)技术研究

    Research on the high-production technique of Coprinus comatus cultivation with waste materials cultivated Pleurotus ostreatus

  13. 应用小鼠骨髓细胞姐妹染色单体交换(SCE)及微核试验对鸡腿蘑进行遗传毒理检测。

    By means of sister chromatid exchange method ( SCE ), micronucleus test of bone marrow cells , genetic toxicity of Coprinus comatus was evaluated in mice .

  14. 40岁的上海家庭主妇MacyLu说,自己近来买的是泰森鸡肉,因为这些鸡大腿无骨无皮,相较其它地方的鸡腿更为方便。

    Macy Lu , a 40-year-old homemaker in Shanghai , says she bought Tyson chicken recently because the deboned and skinned thighs were more convenient than what she would have bought elsewhere .

  15. 采用深层发酵的方法获得富铬鸡腿蘑发酵液(FCRC)。

    To make fermented mash of coprinus comatus rich in chromium ( FCRC ) by liquid ferment .

  16. 这里是美国肯塔基州的路易斯维尔(Louisville),午饭时分,百胜(YumBrands)首席执行官大卫•诺瓦克(DavidNovak)溜达到公司餐厅的肯德基(KFC),要了一份烤鸡腿三明治,与几名员工一起吃起来。

    It is lunchtime in Louisville , Kentucky and David Novak , chief executive of Yum Brands , strolls up to the KFC in his company 's cafeteria , orders a grilled chicken sandwich and joins a couple of employees for a bite to eat .

  17. 根据TheNangfang网站的介绍,这次的限量版汉堡是黑钻培根辣鸡腿堡和玫瑰芝士烤鸡腿堡。

    According to The Nangfang the limited edition treats consist of the Black diamond bacon spicy chicken leg burger and the Rose cheese roasted chicken leg burger 。

  18. 一只乌鸦看到地面上有一只小鸡腿。烤鸡腿是小家伙们最爱吃的。

    A black bird sees a chicken leg on the ground .

  19. 请给我深色肉。我喜欢鸡腿。

    Tina : Dark , please . I like the drumsticks .

  20. 物美更便宜&就像那堆鸡腿一样。

    Wumart is cheaper & hence that heap of raw chickens .

  21. 他喜欢吃白肉(鸡脯),而我喜欢吃黑肉(鸡腿)。

    He likes white meat , but I prefer dark meat .

  22. 鸡腿蘑过氧化物酶同工酶电泳及营养成分分析

    Analysis of Nutrition Composition in Coprinus comatus and Peroxidase Isozyme Electrophoresis

  23. 它把鸡腿捡起来飞到了树上。

    It takes the chicken leg and flies to a tree .

  24. 贮藏温度和湿度对鸡腿蘑保鲜效果的影响

    The Effects of Storage Temperature and Relative Humidity on Coprinus Comatus

  25. 我吃一个汉堡包,一个炸鸡腿。

    I had a hamburger and a fried chicken leg ?

  26. 我喜欢鸡腿,薯条和冰淇淋。

    I like chicken legs , fries and ice cream .

  27. 鸡腿蘑液体菌种培养及应用研究

    Studies on the Submerged Culture of Coprinus comatus Spawn and Its Application

  28. 利用草菇棉籽壳废料栽培鸡腿蘑技术研究

    Study on Coprinus Comatus in Straw Mushroom 's Waste Cotton Shell Material

  29. 他右手里紧握着一只吃了一半的鸡腿睡着了。

    He fell asleep clutching a half-eaten drumstick in his right fist .

  30. 在任何情况下都不要吃火鸡腿

    Under no circumstances should you EVER eat the turkey legs