
  • 网络Fresh weight
  1. 以小麦为试验材料,测定了2,4-D对小麦种子芽长、根长和鲜重的抑制作用。

    The inhibition effect of 2,4-D-ethylhexyl on wheat bud , root and fresh weight .

  2. 初始细胞密度和pH分别为2.0%(鲜重)及5.5左右。最后获得正常子叶期体细胞胚数为130个/mL。

    With the optimum flask shake rate of about 100 ~ 150 r / min , initial cell density of 2.0 % ( fresh weight ) and the initial pH value of 5.5 , the authors have obtained 130 normal cotyledon embryos in each mL of cultures .

  3. 以每胚珠鲜重计,DNA含量随胚珠的发育而逐渐增加。

    DNA content per ovule would be gradually increased with the development of ovule .

  4. 鲜重预测值和实际值间相关系数R为0.93。

    For weight prediction , the correlation coefficient between predicted and real weight was 0.93 .

  5. 提取蚯蚓SOD的最适提取液体积应为蚯蚓鲜重的4倍(v/w)。

    The conformable distilling volume is 4 times of its fresh weight .

  6. GA3抑制植株鲜重,促进茎的伸长;

    GA_3 reduces the plant fresh weight , but promotes the stem elongation ;

  7. 结果表明,大气CO2浓度升高,促进了大豆根系生长,大豆根体积、主根长、根鲜重均呈增长趋势,根冠比增加。

    The results showed that growth of root system was promoted under high CO_2 levels .

  8. 籽粒干重、鲜重的累积过程用Logistic方程定量的表达。

    The accumulation process of fresh and dry weight of seed is simulated well by the logistic equation .

  9. 低浓度IAA显著提高了地下部鲜重。

    Low concentrations of IAA significantly increased the root fresh weight .

  10. 结肠的鲜重显著低于对照组(P0.05),其余各段鲜重与对照组无显著差异(P0.05)。

    The fresh weight of colon was lower than control group ( P0.05 ), others no significant difference ( P0.05 ) .

  11. 高浓度CO2下增加了切花月季花枝鲜重,增大了花朵开放直径,延缓了切花月季的衰老进程,延长了瓶插寿命。

    Elevated CO2 increased fresh weight and flower diameter of cut rose , retarded its senescence , and extended its vase life .

  12. 在开始的几天中,悬浮培养中的细胞呈对数生长,即细胞鲜重、干重和DNA含量(表明细胞分裂)快速增加。

    Cells in suspension culture show logarithmic growth , with rapid increase in fresh weight , dry weight and DNA content ( indicating ceil division ) over the first few days .

  13. 从冬梢中获得了高质量和高得率的基因组DNA,A260/A280平均为1.71,平均得率为331μg/g鲜重。

    High quality and yield sample DNAs were isolated from winter shoots , the average A260 / 280 was 1.71 and the average yield was 331 μ g / g fresh base .

  14. 缺钾对粗柠檬幼苗鲜重和干重均较正常供钾植株减少了4倍(P<0.001)。

    Fresh and dry weight of whole K-deficient ( - K ) rough lemon ( Citrus limonL ) seedlings . were reduced 4-fold ( P0.001 ) as compared to the K-sufficient ( + K ) seedlings .

  15. 1%的NaCl明显抑制根系的形成,根的鲜重和数目明显低于对照;

    0.1 % NaCl greatly inhibited formation of root system , root weight and root number per plantlets were significantly lower than control .

  16. 分析了茄子果实生长发育过程中鲜重变化及可溶性固形物、蛋白质、氨基酸、茄红素、Vc的含量变化,并对门茄和对茄商品成熟果实的营养成分进行了分析比较。

    The fresh weights and soluble solids , protein and amino acid and lycopene , vitamin C contents of eggplant fruits at different developmental stages were measured .

  17. 以每克胚珠鲜重计,蛋白质含量变化与核酸的变化基本相似;以每胚珠鲜重计,蛋白质的积累基本上与RNA的积累同步进行。

    Changes of protein content per gram of ovule resembled that of nucleic acid , and accumulation of protein per ovule was basically parallel to that of RNA .

  18. 维生素C在未发芽对照中未检测到,发芽的第4天,黄豆芽和绿豆芽的维生素C含量达到最大值,分别达到了29mg/100g鲜重和27.7mg/100g鲜重。

    Vitamin C was not detected in raw seeds , and its content increased sharply in soybean and mungbean sprouts and reached a maximum at the fourth day of germination ( 29and27.7mg/100g fresh weight , respectively ) .

  19. 对61个苋菜品种进行取样测定,结果显示,苋菜维生素C的含量范围是34~81mg/100g鲜重,其中最高达81.37mg/100g鲜重。

    Vitamin C in 61 varieties of three colored Amaranth were determined . The range of vitamin C content was 34 ~ 81mg / 100g fresh weight . The highest was 81 . 37mg / 100g fresh weight .

  20. 研究了镉对玉米(3个品种)根长、根鲜重等形态指标和叶绿素含量,POD,SOD活性等生理指标的影响;

    The effects of cadmium on the length and fresh weight of root , chlorophyll content , the activities of POD and SOD of three maize varieties are studied .

  21. 随着连作大豆根系分泌物浓度增大,对供试植物小麦根活力、SOD总活性表现显著增强。对茎长、茎鲜重、初生根长、根鲜重表现抑制作用。

    With the concentration of continuous soybean increased , it showed inhibition both for root vigor , SOD activity and stem length , stem weight , root length , root weight .

  22. 结果表明:影响知母叶片数、须根数、根茎鲜重和叶片鲜重的主要因子是N肥,其次是K肥和P肥;

    The results are as follows : N fertilizer was the major factor on the number of leaf , fibrous root , and the fresh weight of root and leaf , K fertilizer and P fertilizer then followed .

  23. 在晒烟幼苗期,使用VA菌根其菌接种剂,促进了晒烟的生长,叶面积增加;结果表明,接种处理苗高、茎叶和根系鲜重均显著高于不接种处理;

    The results show that the plant height and the fresh weight of roots and shoots were increased significantly by VA mycorrhizal inoculation .

  24. 5℃低温处理可使试管苗100%结鳞茎,处理30d对结鳞茎的效果最好,鳞茎的直径、鲜重平均分别为1.50cm,2.06g。

    ℃ treatment can make 100 % plantlet form bulblet , and 30 days of treatment was best .

  25. 运用生物测定方法测定了安全剂AD-67对绿磺隆的解毒效应,指示作物玉米的主根长、根鲜重、芽长和芽鲜重与AD-67浓度呈线性关系。

    A bioassay was developed for determining the influence of the chlorsulfuron and safener AD-67 in corn seeds . Safener concentration was correlated with root length , root fresh weight , shoot length and shoot fresh weight .

  26. SOD,APX,POD的比活力与鲜重之间有很强的相关性,相关系数分别为0.663,0.798和0.918。

    The relative activities of SOD , APX and POD were closely related to fresh weight , with the correlation coefficient of 0.663 ,( 0.798 ) and 0.918 respectively .

  27. 结果表明,5μMCd显著降低株高和地上部干重和鲜重。

    The results showed that 5 μ M Cd significantly reduced plant height and shoot dry weight and fresh weight .

  28. 青菜的鲜重、干重和生物量较CK增加15.8%~41.6%,和CK比较差异显著;

    The fresh weight , dry weight and biomass of Chinese cabbage were increased to 15.8 % ~ 41.6 % by phosphate liberation bacteria with chemical fertilizer compared with those of control .

  29. NaCl胁迫下,黄瓜种子的发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数和活力指数以及胚根长和鲜重均显著下降,且随NaCl浓度的增加下降的幅度增大。

    Germination vigor , germination rate , germination index , vigor index , radicle length and radicle fresh weight of cucumber seeds decreased significantly under NaCl stress with the decreasing of salt concentration .

  30. 研究得出,采用2%的CTAB提取液和双蒸水预洗一遍并且添加样品鲜重4%的活性碳于提取液中的提取方法最佳。

    The results showed that the method ( 2 % CTAB solution , pre-wash once and 4 % of weight of fresh samples for charcoal ) was optimal .