
xiàn huàn lǜ
  • prevalence rate
  1. 以各因子98百分位数和YSR总分90百分位数为界值,研究组现患率高于对照组。

    The prevalence rate was higher in the study group than in the controls on 98 percent point for the various factors and 90 percent point for total YSR .

  2. 2008年医院感染现患率调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Prevalence Rate in Our Hospital in 2008

  3. Excel软件在医院感染现患率调查统计中的应用

    The application of Excel software in the nosocomial point prevalence survey

  4. 危重医学科(外科ICU)现患率最高为60%;

    The highest prevalence rate appeared in surgical ICU at 60 % .

  5. 结论该院医院感染现患率较高的科室为儿科新生儿组与综合ICU,需重点监控;

    Conclusion Departments with higher prevalence rate in the hospital are neonate group of pediatric department and general ICU , these departments should be given stress surveillance .

  6. 女性每周饮用牛奶≥5次、家庭年人均可支配收入≥3000元组的高血压现患率分别显著低于<5次和<3000元的组(P均<0·05)。

    The prevalence rates of hypertension in the group of frequency of drinking milk per week (≥ 5 times ) and the mean income of family per year ( INCOME )≥ 3 000 RMB in female were significantly lower ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 目的了解周围动脉硬化闭塞症(PAOD)在老年血脂异常人群中的现患率。

    Objective To investigate the prevalence of peripheral arteriosclerotic occlusive disease ( PAOD ) in elderly population with hyperlipemia .

  8. 结果合肥市0~14a儿童哮喘累计患病率为6.06%,现患率为3.90%,其中男、女儿童的现患率分别为4.76%和2.99%。

    Results The current incidence rate of asthma disease was 3.9 % , the accumulative incidence rate was 6.06 % .

  9. DALE是一种衡量人们相当于在完全健康状况下生活年数的指标,计算时通常使用沙利文(Sullivan)法,人群伤残现患率和伤残严重性权重是关键数据,其来源有多种。

    DALE is a general term for health expectancy that estimates equivalent years of good health status . Sullivan method is applied to compute DALE value using data from country life table and severity-weighted disability prevalence .

  10. 结论青年军人中BHR较低,SB和OSB现患率均较高。这不仅与青年军人训练强度高有关,而且与其训练持续的时间有关。

    Conclusions The military youths with low BHR level may have high prevalence rate of SB and OSB . This fact may be related to both the training intensity and the length of training course .

  11. 本文对安徽省35县高血压(≥160/≥95mmHg)和临界高血压(140~160/90~95mmHg)现患率同食盐销售量/人、年进行了相关分析。

    An analyses was carried out on the relationship of the prevalence rate of hypertension (≥ 160 / ≥ 95mmHg ) and critical hypertension ( 140-160 / 90-95mmHg ) with the sales of table salt for each person / year from 35 counties in Anhui province .

  12. 超重和肥胖现患率随年龄增长呈增长趋势。

    The prevalence rates of overweight and obesity increased with ages .

  13. 医院感染现患率调查报告

    A Report of the Investigation of Prevalence Rate of Nosocomial Infection

  14. 肿瘤专科医院医院感染现患率调查与分析

    Incidence of Nosocomial Infection in Tumor Hospital : Investigation and Analysis

  15. 结果:海训官兵焦虑、抑郁症状现患率较高;

    Results : The incidence of anxiety and depression was considerably high .

  16. 2007年福建省63所医院医院感染现患率调查分析

    Prevalence Survey on Nosocomial Infection in 63 Hospitals of Fujian Province 2007

  17. 在该人群中,肾功能损害的现患率为7.3%。

    The prevalence rate of renal dysfunction was 7.3 % in this population .

  18. 综合性医院医院感染现患率调查研究

    Prevalence rate of nosocomial infection in a general hospital

  19. 甘肃省0~14岁儿童智力低下的现患率及分布特点

    Prevalence and distribution characteristics of mental retarded children aged 0-14 in Gansu Province

  20. 芜湖市第二人民医院医院感染现患率调查报告

    Investigation of Infection Prevalence Rate in the Second Peoples Hospital of Wuhu City

  21. 医院感染现患率调查及相关因素分析

    Investigation of Nosocomial Infection Rate and Related Factor Analysis

  22. 连续3年医院感染现患率调查报告

    Nosocomial infection point-prevalence survey in three consecutive years

  23. 结果:所有调查对象整体腰痛现患率为31.5%;

    Results The prevalence rate of LBP was 31.5 % in the whole sample .

  24. 结论:1.内蒙古农牧区蒙古族人群中高血压前期和高血压的现患率均较高。

    The prevalence rates of pre-hypertension and hypertension are relatively high in Mongolia population .

  25. 精神专科医院感染现患率调查分析浅谈医院精神的培养

    An investigation and analysis on the hospital infection and present infection rate in psychiatry hospital

  26. 990名护理人员中,中度及重度抑郁现患率为22.5%。

    The incidence of moderate and above depression was 22.5 % in 990 nursing workers .

  27. 目的了解老年不寐的现患率并揭示其病机特点。

    Objective To investigate the prevalence rate of senile insomnia and revealing the characteristics of its pathogenesis .

  28. 影响控制中老年人高血压的因素周围动脉硬化闭塞症在老年血脂异常人群中的现患率调查

    The investigation on the related factors of the hypertension control among the middle aged and elderly population

  29. 结果北京市2004年听力残疾现患率为1.04‰,假阴性率为0.14‰。

    Results The prevalence of hearing disability was 1.04 ‰ with the false negative rate 0.14 ‰ .

  30. 目的:调查监狱内警察焦虑症状的现患率及其影响因素。

    AIM : To explore the prevalence rate of anxiety symptom and influencing factors in prison policemen .